Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 46 Little Peeves

Chapter 46 Little Peeves
"The spirit fainted!"

A ray of blue light hit Peeves very fast. When Peeves reacted, he had already fainted and floated down like a weightless feather.

Bree reached out to test, but could not touch Peeves' body.

"What if we use the soul-detaining spell that comes from making a soul portrait?"

Bree was a little moved. He didn't like Peeves, but he didn't have a deep hatred for Peeves. What's more, everyone in Hogwarts knew about Peeves' accident. This guy doesn't cause trouble all day. It's just abnormal.

"Just use weak magic." Hopefully this won't cause Peeves to dissipate.

"Soul detention!"

As a blue light emerged from the tip of Bree's spell, the Soul-Confining Curse took effect on Peeves. Bree could feel that if he wanted to, he could detain part of Peeves' soul power.

"If you lose some soul power, you shouldn't die again, right?"

With Bree's gentle smile like a breeze, a small ball of Peeves' soul power was wrapped in his magic power, left Peeves' body, and was collected into his wand.

Mithril has the effect of suppressing the soul and is the nemesis of the soul.

Looking at Peeves who had become more transparent, Bree chanted a spell: "The spirit wakes up!"

"Oh, what did you do to me!" Peeves suddenly opened his eyes, jumped into the air, and kept touching his body.

Bree smiled.

"You're fine, but if you don't obey me, I'll let you sleep forever, your soul will be lost, and you will leave this world without knowing it."

After Bree finished speaking, he ignored Peeves' fear and walked toward the turret. He wanted to study this soul power quickly.

In the turret, Ver was sitting blankly on the bronze lamp holder. He didn't talk happily until Bree came in.

"Oh, you don't know I'm bored to death."

Ver is very anxious today because it is Christmas soon, which is a festival where gifts need to be given to each other every year.

Brie smiled and said: "You should keep the sense of expectation."

After saying that, Bree released part of Peeves' soul power in the wand. It looked like a smaller version of Peeves, and it was quite cute. It was only as big as a thumb, but it looked like it was very reluctant to leave. He is very dependent on Bree's magic power and is constantly devouring it and growing stronger.

This strong fluctuation was so weak that Bridu didn't notice it.

"Is this a soul?" Ver stared at Peeves, as if remembering something, and suddenly said with a shocked look on his face: "You can't study soul alchemy!"

Verne only knew about the existence of soul alchemy. The original owner of the turret used this alchemy to make its soul and body into a thinking alchemy product.

"It's terrible, it's terrible." Ver hid under the lamp base in fear, trembling constantly. Whenever it thought of the process of being made, it felt like it was wrapped in darkness, deprived of light and freedom.

Bree grabbed Ver's cold bronze snake body and put it in her arms.


"The fire never ends..."

After casting the spell, warmth slowly appeared on Ver's body, and he finally calmed down.

Ver's snake face said sadly: "Be safe, Bree. Whether it's magic or alchemy related to the soul, it's very dangerous. I know you will eventually study it, but before that, you have to calm down..."

Brie took back what she was going to say to comfort Ver, saying that she was not studying soul alchemy.

"I will promise, I will not set foot without enough confidence."

Bree's assurance made Vale relieved. Vere understood that Brie was a guy who loved to tell the "truth". Although his promise was full of loopholes, he would also abide by the most superficial part.

Turning his gaze to Peeves, Val returned to his usual liveliness. He tried to touch it gently, but was unable to touch it.

"How are you going to deal with it? It seems that it has no consciousness. The soul without consciousness will dissipate quickly."

Ver was still held in Bree's hand, and it didn't have much interest in this funny-looking little Peeves. If it wasn't staring at Bree, it would just want to hide now.

"You should know Ver, I didn't find soul alchemy books here." Brie teased Ver's nervous look. He didn't say clearly that he made a temporary decision, he just wanted to try the magic that detained the soul. What does a curse look like.

"It seems a little strange, it doesn't look like a normal soul." Vale stared at Peeves carefully, and Bree nodded.

"Peeves is the ghost of Hogwarts. I heard that it appeared at the beginning of Hogwarts' birth. Maybe it has something to do with Hogwarts, but it's not particularly close."

Bree guessed that if Peeves was the conscious incarnation of Hogwarts, it would be impossible to play tricks on the little wizard.

"The real Peeves is still in the castle. Without this little soul power, nothing will happen." Peeves looked a little weaker at that time, but at this time, little Peeves had no tendency of his soul dissipating. On the contrary, as Brie's natural magic became more solid, her dull pupils also gained a glimmer of light.

"Brie, it's awake!"

"W-where is this?" Peeves woke up in a trance and spoke in a soft and weak voice.

Bree and Vale looked at each other. Vale was a little embarrassed and put aside the snake head. He didn't know that natural magic could be used in this way.

"Can you give me more?"

Peeves looked at Bree pitifully and begged.

"What?" Brie realized something, and he said, "Is it this kind of magic?"

Little Peeves nodded hurriedly, making his transparent body flicker.
"Sorry." Bree immediately disconnected the few magical connections, making little Peeves look horrified.

"No, I don't want to disappear..." Peeves looked like he was about to cry, which made Bree unbearable, but mana is not mana, it can be recovered after use, it is more like the amount of power used, the threshold will change with time As the will increases and decreases, Bree doesn't want to consume the total amount of magic power.


Vern was upset when he heard this, but he was also moved. When it needed Bree's magic power, Bree prepared to transmit it to it without even thinking about it. But what Verl didn't know was that Bree didn't want this natural magic power at that time. Later, because he was able to use magic to cast spells to help Ver, Bree was relieved of the burden of helping him.

"Don't worry, I will help you, as long as I can."

Bree couldn't help little Peeves with the natural magic in his body. He thought of the unicorn soul he saw while meditating in the Forbidden Forest. The natural magic in the environment at that time was attracted by the unicorn's soul. , if those magic powers were not controlled by Bree, but left with the soul of the unicorn, Bree would really want to study it slowly.

This time is an opportunity.

Bree closed his eyes, and as he meditated, his consciousness rose into the air. He looked indifferently at Little Peeves, who was still pleading in panic. There was indeed natural magic around Little Peeves, but those were in the environment. There was no rush to Peeves' soul.

Bree tried to use his consciousness to mobilize the magic power in the environment, but although the magic power was close to him, he couldn't understand his orders, and just rushed randomly, but this also allowed Little Peeves to absorb part of the natural magic power in the environment.

It wasn't until the surrounding natural magic was attracted by Bree, forming a whirlpool of magic visible to the naked eye, that Little Peeves became as solid as normal Peeves. Even if it was still losing soul power, it was guaranteed that it would not disappear for the time being.

Bree's consciousness stopped being intimate with the natural forces in the environment, and they quickly dissipated away. Bree wanted to try to absorb these magic powers, but not much of them could be integrated into Bree's body, and Bree couldn't accept much. These magic powers will continue to dissipate, just like little Peeves, the little guys can't completely gain these freedoms.

Bree, whose consciousness returned to her body, looked at Peeves, curious about its state at this time.

"Are you Peeves?"

"Peeves?" Little Peeves heard Bree's words and said with excitement and his eyes shining: "Is this the name you chose for me?"

"You'll be called Little Peeves from now on, this sounds better."

Although he didn't know what the addition of the word "little" meant, Little Peeves accepted it happily. Obviously, it had no memory, as if it had just been born.

Maybe little Peeves is a special case, Bree thought. Who allowed Peeves to be a spiritual body and be able to touch physical objects at will? This is simply not in line with wizards' general understanding of the soul.

After the experiment, Bree was thinking about what to do with this little Peeves.

"Ver, do you need a playmate?"

When Faner heard this, he nodded reservedly.

"Well, I will reluctantly accept a little brother and help you look after it."

It was obvious that Xiao Faner was satisfied.

The next time was fulfilling. Bree had prepared a list of gifts to be sent on Christmas Day, and received the gifts in the mail from Diagon Alley in the evening.

To this end, Bree specially rented three strong owls. There were not many people staying at the school on Christmas, and there were plenty of public owls.

"This is Cedric's, this is Hermione's..."

Bree gave a gift to the friends he recognized, some one-sided friends, every professor except Quirrell, and Wood, who had helped Bree twice. If Bree hadn't been poor, He even wanted to give Wood a new broom, but unfortunately he was short of money, so he only gave him a broom maintenance kit worth eighteen gold galleons.

"I have to find a time and a way to sell the unicorn hair." Brie has a whole head of magical unicorn hair waiting to be cashed in, but because this year's unicorn incident has not passed yet, Brie has He is not a fool, and he will not take action at this time and let Dumbledore find out about him.

After sorting the gifts into categories, Brie asked the owls to take the gifts and deliver them according to the date.

Bree spent the next two days looking for opportunities to enter the restricted area on the fourth floor. It was not until Christmas Eve that Snape, who had been keeping an eye on the restricted area on the fourth floor, left Hogwarts. It seemed that Snape was heading to Dumbledore. After entering the office, he received an invitation from the owner of the potion shop. It can be said that potions were one of Snape's few obsessions. Even the Malfoy family's banquet invitation, Snape was not prepared to go.

And Bree was finally able to take action. While Snape and Quirrell were both out of the academy, they headed to the restricted area. There would be no accidents this time, right?
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  Love your big flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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