Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 47 The Eve of Christmas Chapter

Chapter 47 Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, Bree returns to the Corner Tower after enjoying a not-so-palatable turkey in the hall.

Now that Bree is strong enough to use magic to temporarily open a channel to receive owls in the corner tower with a powerful ignore spell, so all his gifts are sent here. Compared with Bree's gifts, they are only a lot more, and they are all Very carefully.

And there are some unexpected gains.

"Why did Hermione send me a new pair of dragonhide gloves? It's not cheap."

Could it be that Hermione discovered that Bree had put her good intentions in letting her join the Quidditch house team, and now she was beginning to repay her, Bree couldn't help but think with a smile.

This girl is obviously enjoying it, and it is absolutely impossible to read boringly.

Bree, who guessed Hermione's mind, felt that he had better not do useless work. Who can guess a girl's mind, even if she is Hermione; while the one sent by Cedric is much more normal, and it is also very magical. A plant that bears transparent fruit, which is said to taste like green apple pie.

"Ah, Brie, you really gave me a brand-new cleaning tool box and a bronze tray!" Ver excitedly opened his gift box, scurrying around in the box, constantly looking from all directions. The cleaning tools were taken out of the gift box of the Temporary Traceless Stretch Spell, and the bronze lamp panel had been placed under the bronze lamp.

"I originally wanted to buy you a dress, but you are a male snake." Bree shrugged and threw aside the gift from Malfoy in her hand, which was a Quidditch 200 gold card. Long’s exchange coupons can be used to purchase any model of broom.

The wizarding world actually has promotional coupons!

After opening all the gifts, Brie quite enjoyed the ceremony.

But why did most Slytherins send him gifts?

"I'm going out for a while, you help me put these presents away, Val."

"Go on, go on, I'll take care of it."

Bree cast an Ignore Charm and a Disillusionment Charm on himself, and began to walk towards the fourth floor. He walked through the armor corridor, and soon passed the trophy display room and came to the forbidden area.

The surrounding torches flickered on and off. It was obvious that Filch didn't pay much attention to cleaning this place. The walls were covered with dust, but the wooden door was conspicuous. Bree could not forget the panic when facing Snape.

"Sometimes necessary adventures can bring some answers. Are you sure there is a magic stone here?"

Bree thought uncertainly, the Philosopher's Stone is a very important treasure after all.

"Open the Alajo Cave!" The door was locked. It seemed that there would still be some protection here, but for Bree, who knew magic spells, it was like paper, and an unlocking spell solved it.

"If he really wanted to protect the Sorcerer's Stone, why didn't Dumbledore carry it himself? Is he afraid of sleeping on his buttocks, haha?"

Bree opened the door warily and saw a three-headed giant dog sleeping soundly.

As if smelling a strange yet familiar smell, the three-headed dog opened its eyes one by one, then looked at Bree in surprise, and stuck out its tongue.

They are so attached to Bree!

Last time, they were petrified by Bree without being friendly immediately. This time, they learned a little smarter, and immediately showed a well-behaved expression when they saw Bree.

Bree was pleased and understood that this was because of the power of natural affinity. He has been loved by animals and plants since he was a child. The breeze and drizzle of nature will be particularly gentle to him, but he did not expect that magical creatures would also get close to him, just like Like magic plants.


When Brie looked at the three-headed dog's huge heads and was about to lick him with its angry tongue, Brie's face turned cold. Fortunately, this three-headed dog was not unable to communicate, otherwise Brie would have cast a spell to petrify it again. .

Feeling the magic power of riot around Bree, the three-headed dog seemed to be threatened, and slowly backed away to make way for Bree, and then lay down on the ground aggrieved.

Looking at the three stupid faces of the three-headed dog, Brie couldn't help but sigh that the three brains of this dog were not very good, so it was not unreasonable to use it to guard the door.

He used a floating spell to open the trap door, and Bree looked at the straight, dark tunnel underneath. He used fluorescent flashes, and some vines could be vaguely seen under the light. When exposed to light, those vines were shaking uneasily. .

"It's devil's ivy. It has formed a net now. Is it convenient to catch people who want to go down?"

Bree wondered, then he jumped up carefully and used a growth spell to control a devil's vine to grow up quickly and catch him. Because of their affinity, these devil's vines did not harm Bree at all, saving him a lot of trouble.

"Isn't this the giant devil's ivy that Sprout transplanted at that time?" Bree still remembers that that day Professor Sprout gave him a small flower garden box, and the devil's ivy was contained in the alchemy flower given by Dumbledore. The basin shrunk and was taken away.

"Dumbledore brought it?"

Bree continued walking with a weird look on her face. Could it be that Dumbledore was worried that Quirrell would fall and die?

Immediately afterwards, Bree's expression became even weirder, because when he carefully opened the door in front of him, in the room behind was a large group of keys with wings, spinning and jumping in the air, dancing and making shadows?

Pardon Bree's adjective, because he couldn't have asked for a stupider one.

These shining silver keys dazzled Bree. Next to the door through here were a few old flying broomsticks, which were exactly the same as those used in flying lessons!
"I hope Dumbledore wants to use these falling apart broomsticks to make Quirrell relax his vigilance, instead of flying up to the sky to find the keys."

Bree thanked her very much, and then cast the unlocking spell with all her strength. The lock on this door was cast with a magic-anti-locking spell. If an ordinary little wizard would definitely not be able to open it through the magic spell, it seemed that it was not prepared for Quirrell.

After walking through the key room, the next room is a huge wizard chess game. The chess pieces are majestic, exquisite and elegant, and the patterns are delicate...Brie can find many beautiful words to describe it, because this is the handiwork of Professor McGonagall. , she likes to carve details and textures the most. I heard that the senior grade exam relies on this score. Of course, this refers to a passing score or above. It would be good if some idiots can make things change.

"I really didn't know that Professor McGonagall had such a bad taste, but I have to say that this is a powerful magic and it is in order."

This gave Bree a better understanding of Professor McGonagall's strength, which Bree cannot do now.

Bree walked casually as he spoke, but the magic spell in his hand was unambiguous. The upside-down golden bells that he cast with all his strength hung up the huge chess pieces and crossed directly across the chessboard.

Although Bree wanted to follow the rules, this wasn't a game, and there was no rule that other powers could not be used.

"It's just a game."

Bree felt insulted. He was ready to accept dangerous mechanisms and evil monsters, and bravely brave the secret realm to obtain treasures, but now he was shown this!

"Ugh!" The smell of the troll...

Bree looked at the giant monster staring blankly at him and felt that it looked very familiar...

Silently cast a few scent freshening spells, Bree directly cast a petrification spell to immobilize the giant monster who was still in a daze, a flying spell took away the mallet in its hand, and then used the floating spell to control the mallet to hit the giant monster's head hard .


The magic power invoked by Bree's petrification spell was not strong, and it became ineffective with the beating of the mallet. However, a large lump swelled up on the troll's head, and he fell to the ground without knowing whether he was alive or dead. The troll should be grateful to Merlin. Because of its kindness, Brie has no idea of ​​killing it for the time being.

Bypassing the troll, Bree came to a place that looked like a potion display room. There were seven weird-shaped bottles on the table. When he walked into the room, a purple flame suddenly appeared behind him and in front of him. Black flames also emerged from the passage.

"Snape also plays mind-destroying games?" Bree picked up the parchment on the table. It said how to pass the method here, which only requires a small logical idea and a brain different from the troll.

"I guess the final treasure won't be Dumbledore's floral dress!"

This is simply fishing for law enforcement. If you don't want to die miserably, don't go near this place. I'm afraid the three-headed dog looking at the gate on the outside is the real BOOS.

Brie shouted angrily: "Protect everyone!"

A blue light gushed out from Brie's body. This was a protective spell. When cast, a protective shield was deployed, which could effectively defend a certain range to resist danger.

The powerful magic support made Bree directly cross the black flame and came to the final room.

However, there is nothing here.

Bree's head hurts.

"Damn it Dumbledore, I should have poked a few holes in the wool flower socks I gave you!"

Bree looked and looked carefully, in disbelief, but still found nothing.

"I'm stupid. Who would really put the magic stone outside? Or maybe it's not the right time?"

"What is Dumbledore waiting for!"

Bree walked out of the room, looked at the potions on the table and became very angry. Then she tore up the parchment unceremoniously. Based on this logic, she arranged a complex high school math function problem for the newcomer, and then changed the magic potion according to the answer. The location of the medicine was what Brie had seen from An Qing's memory in his mind. It seemed to be his original college entrance examination question.

Because of An Qing's resentment towards the college entrance examination question, Bri also still remembers the question clearly.

Angrily heading to the room below, Bree viciously placed a powerful sleeping spell on the troll, moved it to the entrance of the next level, and designed a mechanism that would wake up the troll as long as someone stepped near it. Later, Bree also put the club into the troll's hand, and used the transformation spell to change the properties of the material and the shape of the surface. I believe that people who see the troll wake up will be surprised by the combination of steel and spikes.

With the powerful supply of magic power, I believe this transformation technique will not fail this semester.

Brie then carefully put down the chess pieces, and then without hesitation broke a few of our chess pieces into pieces, so that it would be more challenging. At the same time, he installed a few permanent adhesion spells on the feet of several chess pieces. I believe these The chess pieces will not be able to move, but the opponent's chess pieces may have older weapons, which is not fair at all...

Walking to the room full of flying keys, Bree pulled out a lot of branches from the broom!
Only in this way can you have the excitement of flying, and among those flying keys...

(End of this chapter)

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