The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 101 Dragon Tiger Pill (2 more updates please collect!!)

Chapter 101 Dragon and Tiger Pill (Second watch for collection!!)
"You? Refining alchemy?? Stop joking, okay???" Ye Feng looked at the young boy in front of him with disdain.

Alchemy is just a game, and the furnace might explode. Do you know who invented gunpowder?Alchemist!
Ye Zong had a straight face and said in an unquestionable tone: "Ye Feng, this city lord is not discussing with you, but giving orders. Do you understand? Get out of the way quickly and stop talking nonsense!"

On weekdays, I am quite fond of Ye Feng, an intermediate alchemy master, and buy him whatever alchemy materials I want.

However, today, Ye Feng actually refused to give himself, the city lord, face in front of outsiders and pushed back. It was really abominable.

"Okay, now that the city lord has spoken, if I try to stop him, it will seem a little ignorant of current affairs." Ye Feng stepped out of the way, "The ugly words are ahead, alchemy can be made, but don't blow up my precious alchemy furnace, the alchemy room will be burned down. .”

I have been using the alchemy furnace in the alchemy room for a long time, and I have used it emotionally.

If that kid dares to make the alchemy furnace explode, I will never spare him!

"Why are you looking down on others? A real alchemy master can make elixir even without an alchemy furnace!" "

I didn't look down on him, a sloppy old man, but the old man looked down on me.

"You are not old, but your tone is not young. If you can refine elixirs without a pill furnace, I will accept you as my teacher." Ye Feng took out a small porcelain bottle from the space ring and threw it lightly.

If you don't use the alchemy furnace to make elixirs, why don't you go to heaven!Give your old cow her period - that's awesome.

Xian Wu took the porcelain bottle, took off the stopper and took a look. There was a blue pill in the porcelain bottle.

Putting the cork on the bottle, Xian Wu walked towards the alchemy room.

Ye Feng followed up worriedly.

"Wait a minute! I'm not used to people watching me when I'm refining alchemy." Xian Wu turned around and shouted at Ye Feng.

First of all, he didn't want to be in the same room with an old slob who looked down on others.

Secondly, he didn't want to accept a disciple who looked down upon others.

Finally, the devil's left hand must not be discovered by anyone who looks down on others.

"I'm afraid you'll blow up my precious pill furnace." Ye Feng rolled his eyes.

No one wants to watch you make elixirs from raw melons and eggs. If you can make elixirs, I will stand on my head and eat three kilograms of rice fields.

"City Lord!" Xian Wu shouted, "Get this old guy away. I don't want anyone to disturb me while I'm refining the elixir."

This old guy is like a piece of brown sugar, he keeps pestering people and won't let go. It's really annoying.

Ye Zong said coldly: "Ye Feng, before Xian Wu finishes refining alchemy, you are not allowed to take a step closer to the alchemy room, otherwise you will be kicked out of the city lord's mansion!"

His bet with Xian Wu was originally a simple matter, but when Ye Feng got involved, it immediately became complicated and troublesome.

He still has a lot of things to deal with, so he doesn't have time to waste time with them.

Hearing the scolding from the city lord, Ye Feng immediately calmed down and obediently sat with Ye Zong in the pavilion outside the alchemy room to drink tea and wait.

Alchemy room.

Xian Wu bolted the door and put his ear to the door. After making sure no one was eavesdropping, he felt relieved.

"What on earth is the Dragon Tiger Pill?" Xian Wu took out the porcelain bottle from the space ring and decomposed the Dragon Tiger Pill and the porcelain bottle together.

After the decomposition was completed, Xian Wu found that many light gray atoms appeared in the demon domain.

"Zinc atoms?" Xian Wu raised his eyebrows, "Why does Longhu Pill contain such a large amount of zinc atoms?"

In my impression, the only thing I have ever come into contact with that contains a lot of zinc is oysters.

Remember... oysters have aphrodisiac properties...

"No wonder the Dragon Tiger Pill is blue. It turns out to be some kind of aphrodisiac pill." .”

It seemed that I had discovered something extraordinary.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, Xian Wu decomposed all the medicinal materials in the alchemy room, and then injected soul power into the phantom ball.

It is worth mentioning that after being promoted to a gold-level demon spiritist, the phantom ball in the center of the phantom can be dragged.

If you don't drag it, the porcelain bottle and pills will be synthesized together by default.If there are insufficient materials, it cannot be synthesized.

And if you push the phantom ball onto the pill, it will only synthesize the pill, not the porcelain bottle.



"Ye Feng, do you feel that the light around you has become much darker?" Ye Zong asked with a frown.

Ye Feng shook his head: "No, maybe the city lord is tired of having to deal with all kinds of things."


Alchemy room.

While Xian Wu injects soul power into the phantom phantom ball, he will use the Chaos Soul Devourer to absorb solar energy to replenish soul power.

After refining the Dragon Tiger Pill, Xian Wu used the remaining materials to refine a large number of Soul Tempering Pills, Red Flame Body Tempering Pills and Nine Turns Pills.

From the alchemy room, he found a box containing old ginseng, and Wu Xian filled it up one by one with the refined dragon and tiger pills.

Eight horizontally and fourteen vertically, total?pellets.

Holding the ginseng box in one hand, Xian Wu opened the door and walked out.

Counting the time it took Xian Wu to classify and charge the medicine, it took less than a quarter of an hour.


Seeing Xian Wuzhi walking out proudly, Ye Feng and Ye Zong stood up one after another.

"It's ready!" Xian Wu placed the ginseng box on the stone platform of the pavilion, and opened the lid under the expectant eyes of Ye Feng and Ye Zong.

Then, Xian Wu took out the Dragon Tiger Pill sample in a porcelain bottle from the space ring and threw it to Ye Feng.

"Really?" Ye Feng picked up a dragon and tiger pill in the ginseng box, and swallowed it in one gulp without fear of dying from the medicine.

Even if he was afraid of dying from the medicine, Ye Zong would let him test the medicine first. The city lord has a noble status and would not do anything like testing the medicine.

A Dragon Tiger Pill took effect immediately.

Ye Feng's sallow little face suddenly turned rosy.

While staring at Ye Zong and Xian Wu with burning eyes, he kept blowing out white air from his nostrils.

"Father, I succeeded." Xian Wu hid behind Ye Zong, fearing that Ye Feng would become more animalistic.

Even a fool can see the effect of the newly refined Dragon Tiger Pill.

Ye Zong protected Xian Wu and exited the pavilion while warning: "Ye Feng, calm down!"

Unexpectedly, I actually let this boy Xian Wu train him well. Forget it, I'll just accept him as my godson by borrowing Po Xia's donkey.

"Ah!!!" Ye Feng howled like crazy, jumped into the pond.

Not long after, Xian Wu and Ye Zong discovered that bubbles were rising in the water, and then the fish raised in the pond floated up one by one, revealing their white bellies.

Ye Zong glanced at Xian Wu.

No, he has taken Dragon Tiger Pill before, but the effect is not that powerful.

In fact, the problem lies with the shadow ball.

Xian Wu needs to inject 1 soul power into the phantom ball every time he synthesizes it. After each synthesis, some soul power will remain in the synthesized thing.

The smaller the synthesized thing, the more soul power remains.

Something as big as a pill has a lot of residual soul power, which is equivalent to a soul-quenching pill.

(End of this chapter)

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