The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 102 has been fruitful (please pay attention to 3 more chapters!!!)

Chapter 102 has been fruitful (please pay attention to the third update!!!)
The city lord's treasury.

As Ye Zong's newly adopted son, Xian Wu is qualified to come here to select... a treasure.

"Why don't you take my last name and call it Ye Wu? Think about it. If you agree, I can let you pick two items from the treasure house." Ye Zong said in a very seductive voice.

He has no children and only one daughter. If Xian Wu is not named Ye and does not marry Ziyun, then the ruling family of Glory City in the future will most likely be named Xian.

He himself doesn't mind who will be the ruler of Glory City, but those elders in the family will definitely mind, because it will be related to their power and status.

The matter of Xian Wu's surname may very well create hidden dangers for the future of Glory City, and may even trigger a civil war.


My surname is Xian, Nie Li’s surname is Nie, Ye Shuo and Ye Zong’s surname is Ye. If one surname is removed, wouldn’t it mean that we become a slave with two surnames?

Not nice.

Uh... although the three surnames of domestic slaves don't sound good either.

It sounds strange!That was originally Zhang Fei's curse word for Lu Bu.Sounds good?Your brain is fucked!

No matter what, it is impossible for Xian Wu to change his surname.Ye was born as a member of the old Xian's family, and died as a ghost of the old Xian's family, so he should not be ashamed of his ancestors.

"Okay, okay, if you don't take my surname, don't take my surname." Seeing that Xian Wu had the secret recipe for refining the Dragon Tiger Pill, Ye Zong decided to compromise.

It's impossible not to compromise, my wife is urging to pay the public rations every day, and he can't do it without the Dragon and Tiger Pill.

Xian Wu clasped his hands behind his back and wandered around the city lord's treasure house, looking for something he liked.

The treasure house of the city lord is hundreds of meters wide, and there are a variety of treasures everywhere, roughly estimated to be as many as one million pieces.

Ye Zong followed behind and introduced: "This is one of the eighteen treasure houses of the city lords, and the most precious things that have been passed down from the ancient times are placed here."

Although they were treasures, he didn't know the use of most of them, so he didn't feel bad if they were given to Xian Wu for free.

And it doesn't hurt to only give him one piece.

"What should I get..." Xian Wu muttered as he walked, and all he could see were things he didn't know what to use.

arms?He already has a soul weapon painting halberd that can be upgraded as his level increases.

armor?There is nothing in the treasure house.

"How about this?" Ye Zong picked up an inscribed scroll from the shelf and handed it over.

It's been almost a quarter of an hour, and the kid hasn't decided what he wants, and his patience is almost exhausted.

Xian Wu opened the scroll and took a look. It looked like a ghostly talisman and was completely incomprehensible.

Returning the scroll to Ye Zong, Xian Wu shook his head: "It's not that good."

By the way, is there anything in the treasure house that makes my eyes shine?

The word "well" appeared on Ye Zong's forehead, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you a stick of incense. If you can't pick it out, I won't give it to you."

She really felt like an old lady going to the vegetable market, picking as much as she wanted.

He is the city lord of the Glory City. He has many things to do and is very busy every day. How can he find time to hang out with him here.

I guess the documents on his desk are almost piled up into a mountain. Thinking about it gives me a headache.

"Why are you so anxious~Father~~I am your biological...godson~~~" Xian Wu said in a deliberately cooing tone.

Ye Zong pushed Xian Wu's dirty hands away from his sleeves and reprimanded him coldly: "Be more serious! What a whimpering bitch! If you don't know, you'd think I took in a goddaughter! How dare you behave like this? If you are a virtuous person, I will beat your butt to pieces." "Oh, I got it." Xian Wu covered his buttocks, summoned his wind and thunder wings, and quickly searched for the treasure he wanted among the treasure mountains within a hundred meters.

Ye Zong squinted his eyes, watching Xian Wu flying between the treasure mountains, and was secretly amazed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually fused with a flying demon spirit. I guess it was given by Yang Xin, that little rich woman.

Ye Zong suddenly felt a little envious of Xian Wu.

Except that Yang Xin is a little older, her figure, appearance, power, and wealth are all good.

Especially the Yang family behind her.

The Yang family is the only family in Glory City that advocates martial arts. It has recruited many talented martial artists from civilian families and is a backbone force that cannot be underestimated in Glory City.

However, it is said that she does not have a very good relationship with her family. It is unclear why, and Yang Xin almost never goes home.

how do i know
Uh... As the lord of Glory City, it's reasonable to know some things.

Moreover, Yang Xin is a director of the Alchemist Association. Due to the introduction of new types of elixirs, she is in the limelight. If she wants to win over her, why don't we investigate.

The most bizarre thing is that he didn't know that Yang Xin and Xian Wu were having an affair.

It seems that Ye Shuo's intelligence work needs to be strengthened.

"It's time for a stick of incense!" Ye Zong roared, "Okay, stop looking, it's time to go."

Xian Wu flew over in a hurry, holding a golden egg the size of a basketball in his hand, with a "Y" pattern carved on the eggshell.

"Is this what you chose?" Ye Zong raised his eyebrows and took a long time to choose an egg.

Ye Zong stared at Xian Wu's ring suspiciously and asked, "Did you kid steal other things?"

"Father, please don't look at people through cracks in the door - you are looking down on them." One piece.”

He only ate one bowl of noodles, why should he say he ate two bowls? This is slander. This is naked slander.

He strongly demanded that Comrade Ye Zong compensate for his mental losses and let him choose one more item, oh no, two items.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. As a father, I have business to do." Ye Zong hooked Xian Wu's neck and led him away from the city lord's treasure house.

Before leaving, Ye Zong called Xian Wu to stop.

"Are you living in the Alchemist Association, or in the Yang family? When your territory is coordinated, I will send someone to send you the land deed for my father." Ye Zong said with a serious face.

Xian Wu had never seen Ye Zong smile since he met him. He didn't know if it was because of his facial paralysis.

"I live in the Alchemist Association now. My adoptive father can just send someone to hand over the land deed to Yang Xin." Xian Wu replied.

Although Ye Zong was somewhat similar to Xiong Ba in appearance, after actually getting along with him, he found that Ye Zong was actually quite nice.

"Yes." Ye Zong nodded, clasped his hands behind his back, and walked away with his head held high.

After saying hello to Ye Shuo's mansion, Xian Wu left the city lord's mansion.

This time I visited the City Lord's Mansion. In addition to receiving a title and territory, I also made the most powerful man in the Glory City my adoptive father. I also got an egg from an unknown creature. It was a great harvest.

In addition, his space ring also contains thousands of pills of Dragon and Tiger Pills. If these things are to be sold on the market, they have to be snapped up.

(End of this chapter)

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