The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 104 Pill Cannonball (5 more thanks for the support!!!!!)

Chapter 104 Pill Cannonball (Fifth update, thank you for your support!!!!)

"What? You want to marry two women at the same time, Yang Xin Lanruo?? Ridiculous! That's ridiculous!!" Hu Yanxiong was almost knocked off the table. In the history of Glory City, there has never been a man who married two women at the same time. .

If he really did this, how would other aristocratic families view him, and how would his sworn brother Ye Zong view him.

He will never raise his head in the Glory City again.

Another large gourd of soul-quenching pills was placed on the table. Xian Wu asked: "Father-in-law, is it still ridiculous?"

"A bit..." Hu Yanxiong swallowed and nodded.

God, how rich is Xian Wu's adoptive father? He actually gave him so many soul-tempering pills.

"This is the Red Flame Body Tempering Pill, used to improve a warrior's qualifications and cultivation." Xian Wu added another large gourd.

I really don't believe it, so many pills can't pry Hu Yanxiong's mouth open.

"It's not ridiculous, it's not ridiculous anymore, it's not ridiculous at all. I applaud it with both hands." Hu Yanxiong smiled with a smile on his face and quickly put the two gourd pills into his space ring.

The son-in-law is too rich. If Lan Ruo marries him, she will not be able to enjoy the hot and spicy food every day.

Xian Wu took a sip of wine and said, "Don't worry, father-in-law, as long as Lanruo follows me, I won't let her suffer any injustice. And you also know, with your daughter's tigress character, it's strange that she can suffer any injustice." .”

Recalling every moment he spent with Huyan Lanruo, Xian Wu couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine.

However, as long as she is suppressed in terms of realm, Huyan Lanruo can't do anything to herself.

The days of casually charming him are gone forever, now is the time of using force to dominate the harem.

"Xianxiong said, come on, let's go." Hu Yanxiong picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Xian Wu's wine glass, and then drank it all.

In fact, the reason why Huyan Lanruo has such a character is not only her own pampering, but also related to her grandfather Hu Yanba.

Every time she wanted to educate Huyan Lanruo, her grandfather stood up to stop her.

If her own education method is called pampering, then her grandfather's education method is doting.

When her grandfather came back from exploring the Shengzu Mountain Range and learned that her granddaughter was going to marry, he probably had to trouble Xian Wu.

My father's stubborn character cannot be dismissed with just one or two gourd pills.

Before Hu Yanxiong could talk about Hu Yanba's matter, Xian Wu spoke first: "By the way, father-in-law, I want to ask you for a favor."

"What are you busy with? If you have anything to say, please tell me directly." Hu Yanxiong sat upright.

Xian Wu replied: "It's not a big deal. I just want to ask my father-in-law to help me collect [-] kilograms of purple grass. It will be of great use to me."

It's not that he doesn't want to buy it himself, it's just that he is an idiot with little social experience and can be easily deceived.

And there are so many purple orchid grasses that he can't collect them all by himself in a short time.

Why not ask Yang Xin to help with the collection?

If the people from the Alchemist Association were allowed to collect it, smart people would definitely guess that Purple Orchid Grass was used for alchemy, and they would probably hoard it and deliberately raise the price of Purple Orb Grass.In that case, it will greatly increase the cost of one's alchemy.

The elixirs given to Hu Yanxiong were all refined by Xian Wu using materials from the alchemy room of the city lord's mansion at zero cost.

"Purple mist grass? The one that smokes mosquitoes?" Hu Yanxiong blinked his eyes, "What's the use of that stuff?"

One kilogram of purple mist grass can smoke three large tile-roofed houses, and one hundred thousand kilograms of purple mist grass... darling, that's enough to smoke half of the Glorious City.

Xian Wu did not tell Hu Yanxiong his true purpose.

"I don't know if Lan Ruo has told you, but I am already a gold peak demon spiritual master. In the morning, I just went to the city lord's mansion to receive the title and territory. The territory will be approved tomorrow, and I will definitely use it less when building houses. I can’t get Zilan grass.” “Golden peak?” Hu Yanxiong’s eyes widened, “How old are you, and you are already at the golden peak? I don’t believe it, unless you prove it to me.”

Wow, it's brilliant.

Hu Yanxiong rubbed his eyes and believed it now.

Genius, Xian Wu is a genius, no wonder Lan Ruo likes this kid, he will definitely become a legendary demon spirit master in the future!

"Son-in-law, don't worry. Leave the matter of Zilan Grass to your father-in-law. I will definitely handle it for you." Hu Yanxiong promised, patting his chest, he would not even think about becoming the father-in-law of a legendary demon spiritual master. Dare to think.

Xian Wu nodded: "I can rest assured that my father-in-law is doing things."

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Xian Wu stood up and left.

"Don't wait for Lan Ruo?" Hu Yanxiong walked outside the door.

Xian Wu replied: "Don't wait, I have to go back and prepare. I will take over the territory tomorrow. By the way, father-in-law, you should hurry up about Zilancao. It's best to give it to me within two or three days. Money is not a problem."

Once the construction of the territory begins, a lot of money will be invested in it, and he must prepare enough money to deal with it.

"Don't mention money, and don't talk about two different families in the family." Hu Yanxiong patted Xian Wu on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I will deliver the purple lanica grass to you in two days at most."

Xian Wu said at the banquet just now that he is currently staying with Yang Xin of the Alchemist Association.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

The western sky is getting darker, and dusk is coming quietly with light steps.

I don’t know what happened, but a group of vicious people gathered in front of the gate of the Alchemist Association.

"Brother, what are you doing around the gate of the Alchemist Association? Buying medicine?" Xian Wu pulled someone's sleeve and asked.

The man had a pockmarked face and said dirty words: "What the hell do you care about, get out of here! The crotch of your pants is not clamped, exposing you."

Xian Wu gave the man a slap in the face.

"A dog can't spit out ivory. Your mother didn't teach you to be civilized and polite." Xian Wu grabbed Pockmarked Face's neck, picked him up with one hand, and threw him far to the street.

Then, Xian Wu doubled his right hand and slapped one by one, flying away all the little Karami who were blocking the way.

Xian Wu walked up the steps, and little Karami behind him wanted to pursue him.

But when they stepped onto the steps, Xiaolan led a group of security guards with sticks and beat those people down.

"Master Xian Wu." Xiaolan called out respectfully, then pulled up Xian Wu's sleeves and hurried towards the hall.

"What happened? What do those people outside do?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully.

The Alchemist Association is second only to the three peak families. How dare someone come to find trouble?I don’t want to live anymore.

Xiaolan looked at Xian Wu resentfully and replied, "It's not because of you, Master Xian Wu."

"Me?" Xian Wu pointed to the tip of his nose and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with me?"

Xiaolan continued: "You killed people from the Chu family, and now they are here to investigate."

"People from the Chu family? You mean Chu Yuan?" Xian Wu frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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