Chapter 105 The Chu Family
Although he had long expected that people from the Chu family would come to his door, Xian Wu did not expect that they would come so quickly.

By the way, shouldn't they go to the person in charge, Chen Linjian, first?

If they had looked for Chen Linjian, they should have seen the life and death certificate signed by Chu Yuan?Why are you still making trouble unreasonably?

Can't figure it out!Xian Wu really couldn't figure it out.

Follow Xiaolan all the way to the director's hall, where Director Yang Xin and President Gu Yan are both there.

There are also five old men, who are all elders of the Alchemist Association. One of them, Hu Shuo, has no dealings with Gu Yan.

"President Gu Yan, Xian Wu is back." Xiaolan announced to remind everyone, and then slowly backed away.

Hearing Xiao Lan's voice, everyone turned their eyes to the door one after another, staring at Xian Wu's heart with fear.

"Ah Wu, you're back. They didn't hurt you, right?" Yang Xin ran over, hugged Xian Wu, and raised and lowered his hands.

With his own skills as a man, those losers from the Chu family shouldn't be able to do anything to him.

Xian Wu blushed and pinched Yang Xin's buttocks, reminding her that so many old men were watching and it would have a bad influence.

President Gu Yan stroked his beard and asked: "Xian Wu, the Chu family said that you killed Chu Yuan of their family, is this true?"

Even if Xian Wu kills Chu Yuan, he will step in to protect him.

Behind Xian Wu and Nie Li stood a big shot. That big shot could provide the Alchemists Association with various elixir recipes, which would not only strengthen the Alchemists Association's power, but also help the Glory City resist the attacks of monsters.

It is worth sacrificing a dandy from a noble family in exchange for the revival of the entire Glory City and even its characters.

The reason why the Chu family came to the door was simply because they wanted some compensation, so just give it to them.

The reason why I asked Xian Wu was just a matter of routine.

"Guild Master Hui Guyan." Xian Wu cupped his fists and said, "On the way to the ruins of Gulan City, Chu Yuan and I had an argument, which turned into a life-and-death duel."

"We all owe life and death. It is reasonable for Chu Yuan to be beaten to death by my mistake. The Chu family came to come to settle accounts with me. It is purely unreasonable." Xian Wu told the truth in detail.

Everyone nodded after hearing this. Since he owed life and death, he deserved to be beaten to death in the duel.

"Where is the symbol of life and death? Have you brought it with you?" the elder named Hu Shuo asked.

He did not choose to believe Xian Wu at the first time, but questioned his words.

The Hu family and the Chu family are relatively close, so he will naturally help the Chu family as soon as possible.

Because there is no benefit in helping Xian Wu, that boy has already boarded the old man Gu Yan's ship to help the old man sit firmly on the throne of the president.

After hearing what Elder Hu Shuo said, Xian Wu frowned, feeling slightly unhappy, and replied: "Life and death are not in my hands, but in the hands of Chen Linjian from the Shengming family. Chen Linjian is the notary of our duel. , so I handed him the certificate of life and death."

I had heard a little bit about the feud between Elder Hu Shuo and President Gu Yan.

However, if you two are at odds and take your anger out on me, I won’t be willing to do it.

Hu Shuo, right? OK, let’s ride on the donkey and read the songbook—we’ll see.

"Chen Linjian?" Hu Shuo sneered, "Chen Linjian was attacked by a mysterious man and fell into a coma. Now the Shengming Family is searching for the murderer throughout the city. Now you are saying that life and death depend on him, and there is no proof of death."

At this time, Guild Master Gu Yan interrupted: "Elder Hu Shuo, don't talk nonsense, I have visited Chen Linjian, but he was poisoned and comatose, and he didn't die. However, the poison he was poisoned by is very strange, even the Jiuzhuan Pill can't cure it." ." Gu Yan looked at Xian Wu and asked, "If I let Master Ling take action, I might be able to revive him and restore your innocence."

He was looking forward to meeting Xian Wu and Nie Li's master, and was curious about what the master looked like.

"There's no need for my master and his old man to take action. I don't care about mere poison." Xian Wu looked proud, "However, even if Chen Linjian is unconscious, he should be able to find the status of life and death by looking through his interspatial ring. ?”

Don't tell him that Chen Linjian's space ring was also taken away by that mysterious man.

"What a coincidence. Chen Linjian's space ring was also taken away in this morning's attack." Elder Hu Shuo gloated a little.

A "well" sign appeared on the forehead of Xian Wu, and he asked in a choked voice, "I'm curious, how did Elder Hu Shuo know such details. Could it be that the mysterious person who snatched Chen Linjian's space ring is related to Elder Hu Shuo?"

"You are such a mouthy person!" After hearing Xian Wu's words, Elder Hu Shuo suddenly became anxious, "You yourself killed members of the Chu family and showed no repentance, and you even blamed me unjustly..."

Yang Xin's eyes widened, and she stood in front of Xian Wu, and asked, "I'm also curious, how did Elder Hu Shuo know so clearly. President Gu Yan, are you curious?"

Except for herself, there is no man who dares to murder Yang Xin.

"Yes, Elder Hu Shuo, how did you know?" President Gu Yan nodded in agreement.

Originally, I wanted to turn the big thing into a small thing, but I didn't expect that Hu Shuo would have to stir up shit in the middle, which is really hateful.

It seems that this old boy still covets his position as president.

Hu Shuo's face turned red when he was asked.

Okay, a group of people teamed up to bully an old man, right?
"The patriarch of the Chu family has an old relationship with me. These things were told to me after he visited the head of the Shengming family."

"Where did he tell you this?" Xian Wu said aggressively.

Hu Shuo explained: "We met at Zhaixing Restaurant at noon, and he told me about it."

"The Alchemist Association has a canteen. Why don't you eat in the canteen instead of going to the Zhaixing Restaurant?" Xian Wu continued to ask.

Hu Shuo looked at Xian Wu angrily, wanting to strangle him to death.

"I like to eat the braised lion's head from Zhaixing Restaurant, isn't that okay? Do you care?"

An elder stood up and smoothed things over: "I can prove this. Elder Hu Shuo never eats in the cafeteria."

No matter how you say it, Hu Shuo is also a member of the Alchemy Association. It is outrageous to be bullied like this by an outsider.

"Since Elder Hu Shuo has an old relationship with the patriarch of the Chu family, why don't you go and invite him over, and he and I will go to the city lord's mansion to reason." Xian Wugong handed over his hand.

"Elder Hu Shuo is not willing to help, is he? I have always told Master and him that everyone in the Alchemist Association is talented, speaks well, and is very willing to help others. I really like staying here."

Xian Wu's implication was that if Hu Shuo didn't help, he would ask his master to suspend cooperation with the Alchemist Association.

Everyone here is a smart person, how could you not hear the implication of Xian Wu's words?

President Gu Yan stood up and said: "Elder Hu Shuo, please help to invite the patriarch of the Chu family out, otherwise it would be no problem for his group of family members to block the door of the Alchemist Association all the time."

"Since Xian Wu is back, the matter should be settled."

(End of this chapter)

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