The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 106 Ye Zong resolves the case

Chapter 106 Ye Zong resolves the case
The subtle dark purple of dusk spreads from the sky and flows into the glorious sunset in the west.

City Lord's Mansion.

Ye Zong was sitting upright, while Xian Wu and Chu Sheng, the patriarch of the Chu family, stood under the hall.

Chu Sheng stood on Ye Zong's left hand side and was the plaintiff; Xian Wu stood on Ye Zong's right hand and was the defendant.


The gavel sounded.


The servants on both sides knocked on the stone slabs with sticks and shouted in unison. The sound spread to every corner of the government office lobby, making people feel nervous.

After the call, a needle could be heard falling quietly in the lobby.

Ye Zong picked up the paper, glanced at it roughly, then put it down and asked expressionlessly: "Chu Sheng, you are suing Xian Wu for murdering a member of your family, what evidence do you have?"

Just after recognizing Xian Wudang's godson in the morning, the Chu family filed a complaint in the afternoon.

Ye Zong couldn't help but suspect that Xian Wu knew that he had killed someone and violated the law, so he came to worship him as his adoptive father, hoping to escape punishment.

snort!As the lord of the Glory City, he must enforce the law impartially and with an unselfish face.

If Xian Wu broke the law, his adopted father would not engage in malpractice for personal gain.

"Reporting to the Lord of the City, I have a witness." Chu Sheng cupped his fists and cupped his hands.

After saying that, a person came forward from the crowd of onlookers at the door. It was none other than Shen Yue, who was captured by the Dark Guild.

"Lord City Lord, I am Shen Yue from the Holy Family. I witnessed Xian Wu kill Chu Yuan with my own eyes." Shen Yue said confidently while looking at Xian Wu provocatively.

He finally got a chance, and he wouldn't give up until Xian Wu was put to death today.

In addition, four other women followed him into the lobby. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at Xian Wu.

Shen Yue pointed at the woman next to him and said, "Not only did I see it, but they also saw it. Do you think so?" Shen Yue looked at the few people with threats and warnings in his eyes.

If these women dare to be disobedient, the Sacred Family can guarantee that their lives in Glory City will not be easy in the future.

"Yes!... We also saw..."

The four women nodded like chickens pecking at rice, completely forgetting Xian Wu's kindness in saving their lives.

The situation is stronger than the people. The Holy Family covers the sky in the west of the Glory City with one hand. It is not something that they, the common people, can disobey.

Ye Zong looked at the witnesses in the hall, narrowed his eyes, and continued to ask: "Chu Sheng, what evidence do you have?"

He believed that the testimony of Shen Yue and several women was not very credible.

Everyone in Glory City knows that Xian Wu and Nie Li cooperated to expose the plagiarism of the Sacred Family.

It is not impossible for the Holy Family to give false testimony in order to avenge Xian Wu.

"Reporting to the city lord, we have found Chu Yuan's body, and the man in the city lord's mansion has probably finished examining the body!" Chu Sheng frowned slightly, bowed and replied.

As long as the palm prints on the corpse are exactly the same as Xian Wu's, it can be concluded that he killed Chu Yuan.

"Chuan, Wu Zuo!" Ye Zong shouted, secretly sweating for Xian Wu.

The skinny and hunched Wu Zuo came out from the crowd, knelt on the ground, and reported: "Return to the city lord, the palm prints on the corpse are consistent with Xian Wu's palm prints."

"What's the cause of the deceased's death?" Ye Zong asked in a trembling voice. Was he going to kill his relatives out of justice?

Wu Zuo glanced sideways at Shen Yue next to him, and then reported: "The deceased died from the flame palm of the Holy Family, and he was killed with one blow. Not only did the deceased's chest have burnt palm prints, but after anatomy, it was also found that his heart was All the pulses are broken and all the internal organs are burned.”

"Fire Palm?" Ye Zong's brows jumped, feeling that something was fishy.

Could it be that the Holy Family killed someone and put the blame on Xian Wu?Ye Zong glanced at the witnesses in the hall, then looked at his godson, and asked sternly: "Xian Wu, what do you have to say? Let me tell you the truth about the cause of the matter."

"Report to the city lord." Xian Wu said respectfully, "I did kill Chu Yuan, but that was only after Chu Yuan and I signed a life and death certificate."

"Life and death status? Where is it now? Bring it up." Ye Zong did not expect that Xian Wu really killed someone.

But how could he kill people with the Holy Family's flaming palm?Who taught him that?
Xian Wu glared at Shen Yue who sneered, and secretly guessed in his heart that Chen Linjian must have been harmed by the Holy Family.He took out a page of paper from the space ring, asked the servant to hand it to Ye Zong, and then said: "Here is the status of life and death."


Shen Yue looked confused. The status of life and death was clearly in Chen Linjian's space ring, and it had been burned by him. Where did Xian Wu's status of life and death come from?
Impossible. There was only one life and death certificate signed at that time, and he couldn't get it wrong.

what happened?what happened?

"It's fake, it must be fake!" Shen Yue insisted.

Xian Wu sneered and asked, "How do you know it's fake? Is it true that you were burned?"

After Shen Yue was captured, on the way back to Glory City, he could borrow the life and death certificate from Chen Linjian, and synthesized several copies, in order to prevent Chen Linjian from having an accident.

"Nonsense, you are slandering, naked slander." Shen Yue roared hysterically.

"You are so bold, how dare you roar in court, pull him out, and hit him twenty times!" Ye Zong slammed the gavel.

So what about Shen Hong's son? He beat him without fail.

"Chu Sheng, what do you have to say?" Ye Zong asked coldly, holding the certificate of life and death.

Chu Sheng shrank his neck: "I have nothing to say."

Ye Zong snorted coldly: "Then let's close the case! Retreat!"



Seeing that Xian Wu was safe and sound, Xiao Ning'er in the crowd held her bulging chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was about to step forward to say hello to Xian Wu, but unexpectedly Xian Wu passed her by indifferently and fell into the arms of Yang Xin and Hu Yan Lanruo.

Looking at the backs of the three people chatting and laughing as they gradually receded, Xiao Ning'er's heart felt like a knife.

"Xian Wu, wait a moment!" Xiao Ning'er mustered up the courage to catch up.

Ye Ziyun felt sour in her heart as she looked at Xiao Ning'er who ran over in a hurry.

"What's so good about that flamboyant carrot." Ye Ziyun said indignantly.

She turned her head and glared at Nie Li, who was smiling playfully next to her, then turned around and walked away holding her little skirt.

Nie Li blinked and then shrugged.

The two of them originally authenticated Xian Wu, but now it seemed that it was completely superfluous, as Xian Wu could handle it by himself.

Xian Wu stopped and said in a cold and unfamiliar voice: "Classmate Xiao Ning'er, I want to apologize to you for what happened at noon that day. I hope you don't mind. By the way, in a few days it will be my wedding with the two of them. On that day, I hope you can come to participate.”

After saying that, Xian Wu held Huyan Lanruo with his left arm, put his right hand around Yang Xin's waist, and walked away without looking back.

"The wedding day?" Xiao Ning'er murmured and repeated, Xian Wu's words made her feel like she was struck by lightning.

Xiao Ning'er was like a piece of wood, standing there blankly, unable to say a word for a long time.

Xiao Ning'er didn't come back to her senses until Nie Li called her.

(End of this chapter)

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