The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 107 Save Chen Linjian

Chapter 107 Save Chen Linjian
The next day, noon.

With sunken eyes and a haggard face, Xian Wu is hiding in the gazebo drinking wolfberry ginseng tea.

There is a space ring on the stone table.

There were hundreds of thousands of kilograms of Zilan grass stored in the ring, which his father-in-law Hu Yanxiong sent in the morning.

With these purple mist grass, he can refine a large number of soul-quenching pills.

But there is a problem. Now he can't concentrate on refining alchemy at all. Yang Xin is too annoying.

Instead of doing his job as a director, he often skipped work and came back to his house to communicate with him.

It's like seeing each other again, like three autumns apart.

"Grandma, I kind of regret naming my family 'Hao Zhen'." Xian Wu said with a bitter look on his face.

If he continues to be squeezed endlessly like this, he will die suddenly on Yang Xin's bed sooner or later.

"No, we have to build a territory as soon as possible and escape from the devil's cave of the Alchemist Association." Xian Wu swore secretly.

Think what comes.

The city lord sent someone to deliver the land deed.

After taking the land deed, I saw that the territory was located in the south of the city, within the jurisdiction of the Shengming Family.

Among the three top aristocratic families, the Fengxue Family's territory is located in the north of the city, the Shengming Family's territory is located in the south of the city, and the Holy Family's territory is located in the west of the city.As for the east of the city, it is the territory of the Alchemist Association.

Other aristocratic families, whether they are wealthy or aristocratic families, must look up to the above four major forces.

"The Holy Ming Family..." Xian Wu smacked his lips, "I just happened to go see that boy Chen Linjian, but he was poisoned and fell into a coma by the Holy Family. It's really shameful."

I heard that the Shengming Family is the richest of the three peak families, so maybe they can take this opportunity to make a fortune.

There should be quite a few black gold demon spirits in Chen Linjian's family.

Probing into the room, Xian Wu called out to Yang Xin, who was coiled on the bed like a snake, and then left as if running for his life.

"Yang Xin just relies on the fact that he is a black gold demon spiritual master. When I become a black gold demon spiritual master, hehe, it's not necessarily sure who will run away when he sees him." Xian Wu thought to himself.

If the doubling technique is used, then Yang Xin may be called Elephant Xin in the future.

How could he do that to someone who cares so much about his wife?


After walking around his own territory, Xian Wu discovered the four boundary monuments marking the territory. They looked very new and should have been newly erected.

Xian Wu stretched out his left hand and added a line of reminder on the boundary monument - Haozhen family territory, the holy family and dogs are not allowed to enter.

The territory of the Haozhen family is as big as a medium-sized village, and there is no problem in housing four to five hundred households.

The question is, can he and his wives give birth to a family of four to five hundred children?
Then you have to find four or five hundred wives to have children with, haha...

Summoning the wind and thunder wings, Xian Wu wrote conspicuous reminders on the four boundary monuments in turn.

"Shen Yue, you bastard dares to trick me. I will show you some color next time we meet." Xian Wu swore secretly.


In front of the gate of Shengming Family, Xian Wu slowly folded his wind and thunder wings.

"Who is it?" the guards stepped forward and asked.

Xian Wu clasped his fists and replied: "I am a friend of Mr. Chen. I learned that he was killed by an adulterer, so I came here to visit him."

"Young master's friend?" Guards, look at me and I look at you.

"Which family are you from?" the guard asked.Xian Wu stood with his hands behind his back, and said proudly: "I am the Patriarch of the Haokuo family——Xian Wu."

"Haozhen family?" The guards stared at each other, wondering how they had never heard of it.

However, the name of this aristocratic family is so arrogant. Every day, every day, how can this be tolerated?

Xian Wu waved his hand impatiently: "Go and tell your family master that I can cure his son's disease. If I can't cure it, there will be no charge."

After learning that someone could cure his son, Chen Zhenglong immediately rushed to the front door of the mansion.

After seeing Xian Wu's appearance, Chen Zhenglong's heart dropped.

Those old doctors who are over fifty years old are at a loss what to do. How can a child with no hair on his head treat his son?

What a joke!
Chen Zhenglong asked with a smile: "Son, are you the one who said you can cure our Lin Jian? Don't make fun of your uncle, because he will break your legs."

Hearing Chen Zhenglong's words, Xian Wu felt cold all over.

The head of the Shengming Family is perverted enough to say such terrifying words with a smile.

"I'm not sure if it can be cured, but I can give it a try." Xian Wu said somewhat unconfidently, "If I can't be cured, don't do anything to me, Lord Ye Zong is my adoptive father. If you don’t believe it, ask him.”

Chen Zhenglong sneered: "Stop talking nonsense, okay? Ye Zong's adopted son is clearly named Ye Han."

"I'm his new adopted son yesterday. Really, I'm not going to lie to you." Xian Wu said seriously.

Chen Zhenglong waved his hand: "Forget it, I won't tease you anymore. Ye Zong has already informed the heads of our major families. However, your treatment is not good. When Ye Zong accepted Ye Han, you were very happy. There’s a big banquet.”

"Banquet? I don't care about it." Xian Wu pouted and said.

He said he was not surprised, but he felt sour in his heart.

On the day of his wedding, Ye Zong must be made to bleed profusely.

"Let's go into the house. Let me see how Chen Linjian's injury is." Xian Wu raised his legs and stepped up the steps.

With the owner's approval, the guard at the door naturally did not dare to stop him.

Entering the gate of Shengming Family, Xian Wu discovered that Chen Linjian and his family only had one word - Hao.

What came into view was a huge white jade statue, carved by Chen Zhenglong himself, which was more majestic than the green dragon and white tiger at the entrance of the city lord's palace.

He doesn't know how many demon spirit coins it would take to carve such a thing. When his mansion is completed, he must get a more impressive one to display in the yard.

After beating around the bush, Xian Wu followed Chen Zhenglong to Chen Linjian's room.

Chen Linjian was lying on the bed, his eyes were closed, his face was livid, his lips were black, and he looked like he was poisoned.

"What did the doctors say happened?" Xian Wu looked at Chen Zhenglong.

Chen Zhenglong was stunned when he was asked, thinking that you are a doctor, you are the one asking me?
"The situation is very pessimistic. Although I used my soul power to temporarily seal Lin Jian's major meridians, I won't be able to hold on for long before the poisonous gas will spread again. Once it spreads to his heart meridians, there will be no way to save him."

Hearing Chen Zhenglong's explanation, Xian Wu frowned, and said: "If the toxin in Chen Linjian's body can be forced out, the situation should be better, look at me."

Xian Wu stretched out his sharp tiger claws and pierced the five fingertips of Chen Linjian, then placed a copper basin underneath.

His treatment method is very simple, which is to use the art of guidance to draw out the toxins flowing in Chen Linjian's blood vessels.

A few days ago, on the way back to the Glory City from the ruins of Gulan City, Ye Ziyun was accidentally stung by a poisonous plant. Nie Li used this method to remove the poison.

Xian Wu circulated his soul power, penetrated his body, and threw it into Chen Linjian's body from his acupuncture points.

Since Chen Linjian's meridians had been sealed and the blood flow was very slow, Xian Wu's induction was very smooth.

(End of this chapter)

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