Chapter 108
In the evening, dusk falls.

Half of the setting sun has disappeared into the horizon, and dusk is coming with a cool breeze.

In the south of Glory City, the mansion of the Shengming Family.

In an exquisite and luxurious room, Chen Linjian slowly opened his eyes.

His face was haggard, his cheekbones were high, his complexion was as pale as paper, and his breathing was intermittent. He looked like he was recovering from a serious illness.

"Dad...Xian Wu..." Chen Linjian spoke weakly, as if he would die in the next second.

Xian Wu scratched his head. Since Chen Linjian called him dad, he couldn't take advantage of it in vain.

Immediately, he took out a pure white jade bottle from the space ring, pulled out the stopper, and stuffed a Nine-turn Pill into Chen Linjian's mouth.

"This is...Nine Transformations Pill?" Chen Zhenglong looked at the golden round pill with nine cloud patterns in Xian Wu's hand in surprise.

The Nine Turns Pill is the latest pill developed by the Alchemist Association. It has the miraculous effect of living and dead people + flesh and bones.

Nine-turn pills can only be refined by senior alchemy masters. The Alchemist Association only has two senior alchemy masters, Hu Shuo and Gu Yan. The number of pills refined every day is extremely limited, so it is very precious.

The market price of a Nine-Revolution Pill is 100 million demon spirit coins, and it can be fetched 1000 million demon spirit coins on the black market.

Xian Wu was able to contribute such a precious Nine Turns Pill without hesitation, and Chen Zhenglong was grateful to him beyond words.

The golden elixir enters the abdomen, is digested slowly, and absorbed slowly. The medicinal power nourishes the internal organs, relaxes the muscles and activates blood circulation. Chen Linjian's complexion improves at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally, the Shengming Family bought a lot of Nine-Revolution Pills, but all of them were consumed in order to save Chen Linjian's life.

The new elixirs from the Alchemy and Association have not yet been released, so Chen Zhenglong can only buy them at high prices on the black market.

Even though the Shengming family has amazing wealth, they can't help spending such money.

It can be said that in order to save Chen Linjian, the Shengming family has already been injured.

"Thanks to Xian Wu..." Chen Zhenglong thought to himself that he would have to thank him properly later.

"It's my first time here, so I don't have much as a greeting gift. I'll give this bottle of Nine-Revolution Pill to Uncle Chen." Xian Wu capped the bottle and handed the jade bottle to Chen Zhenglong. There were still nine Nine-Revolution Pills left in it.

Pills are rare to other people, but to Xian Wu they are as common as rice and flour, and he doesn't feel any distress when giving them away.

"This..." Chen Zhenglong took the elixir, hesitated for a moment, and then said with great gratitude: "Xian Wu, you not only saved Lin Jian, but also gave us such a precious elixir. Uncle... I don't even know what to say. ”

Ye Zong didn't know what kind of blessing he had received in his life. He was so envious of receiving such a good child as his adopted son.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "If Uncle Chen is really sorry, then give me some Holy Hell Grass and Black Gold Level Demon Spirits."

Shengming grass is a unique herb from the Shengming family. It has the effect of enhancing soul power. The older it is, the stronger the effect.

A five-year-old Holy Herb is worth 50 demon spirit coins, a ten-year-old plant is worth 20 demon spirit coins, and a 500-year-old plant is worth [-] million demon spirit coins.

"Black gold level demon spirit?" After hearing Xian Wu's words, Chen Zhenglong was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is my nephew already a silver demon spirit master?" Ye Zong only informed them that they had a new adopted son named Xian Wu, and There are no specific details.

Chen Zhenglong looked at Xian Wu carefully. Although he was tall, there was a childishness in his movements. He was probably not as old as his own Chen Linjian.

Chen Linjian is extremely talented. Although he has reached the peak bronze level, he has not yet been promoted to the silver level and has not merged with demon spirits.Xian Wu is younger than Chen Linjian, but he has already reached the silver level in cultivation. Darling, this kid is simply a genius.

Not only can he cure diseases, he also has excellent cultivation talent. No wonder the arrogant Ye Zong accepted him as his adopted son.

"Almost." Xian Wu said with his hands behind his back, "I am already a peak gold demon spiritual master."

After that, Xian Wu took out the special soul crystal and showed Chen Zhenglong what it means to be radiant.

The bright light of soul power almost blinded the unsuspecting Chen Zhenglong's eyes, while Chen Linjian was knocked unconscious.

"Okay, very good!" Chen Zhenglong burst into tears and applauded: "I happen to have a black gold level demon spirit here. It was originally prepared for Lin Jian to be promoted to the silver level. Now he is like this, and he won't be needed for a while. Now, give it to your nephew."

After saying that, Chen Zhenglong took out a pure golden demon spirit stone from the space ring and handed it over.

"How can you be so embarrassed~" Xian Wu took the Demon Spirit Stone very embarrassedly, for fear that Chen Zhenglong would regret it.

In other words, the Shengming family is rich, and even the demon spirits are gold-colored.

Chen Zhenglong handed over a small cloth bag and said: "Here is a pound of 20-year-old holy grass. I also ask my nephew to accept it."

Since Xian Wu mentioned the Holy Underworld Grass, he naturally couldn't just send the black gold level demon spirit.

He saved his son, such a great favor, but a pound of holy grass is nothing.

"Thank you, Uncle Chen. You are so kind~" Xian Wu took the small bag with a smile and put it into the space ring. "By the way, Uncle Chen, this is just some kind of demon spirit. Please introduce it to me."

Xian Wu's knowledge was so lacking that he couldn't tell what kind of demon spirit it was just from the surface of the demon spirit stone.

After penetrating the soul power into the Demon Spirit Stone, I can only find that it is a golden lion. I have no idea what abilities and attributes it has.

"This demon spirit is the demon spirit of the black gold level demon beast Golden Sword Lion." Chen Zhenglong introduced with a smile.

"The Golden Sword Lion is a metallic monster. It not only has amazing attack and defense power in close combat, but can also launch golden flying swords for long-range attacks. It is the most difficult to deal with among all the black gold-level monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains."

Three black gold demon spiritual masters and six black gold warriors fought hard for three days and nights to kill this golden sword lion. If it had been another type of black gold level demon beast, it would have been over in half a day at most, which shows that the golden sword lion The difficulty of the lion.

"Understood!" Xian Wu nodded, regardless of whether it was difficult to deal with, in short, it was over.

"Uncle Chen, please feel free to take care of Chen Linjian. I won't stay for dinner." Xian Wu wanted to leave, "If Chen Linjian has any special situation, you can send someone to find me at the Alchemist Association. I will stay there temporarily. "

"By the way, the city lord, my adoptive father Ye Zong, assigned me a territory near your family's territory. Please take care of it, Uncle Chen."

"No problem, I'll take care of it, uncle." Chen Zhenglong assured him, patting his chest.

Accompanied by Chen Zhenglong, Xian Wu walked out of the Shengming Family.

Walking out of the gate, Xian Wu suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Uncle Chen, I don't know if there are any construction craftsmen in your family. I would like to second dozens of them tomorrow to help build my territory. Don't worry, food and accommodation will be included, and the wages will be paid." enough."

Chen Zhenglong waved his hand: "Well, I don't have money, so I'm having a good time."

(End of this chapter)

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