The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 109 Golden Lion Armor

Chapter 109 Golden Lion Armor
"Awu, where are you going? Aren't you going to accompany your sister tonight?" Yang Xin held on to the waistband of Xian Wu's pants and refused to let go. Her voice was sad and sad, making people feel pity for her.

"Let go! Your elbow is open!" Xian Wu's expression looked like this.


Xian Wu waved his hand to cut off the vines of the Holy Ancestor Dryad, rushed out of the door, and fled into the courtyard without looking back.

Summoning the wings of wind and thunder, Xian Wu bent his legs and kicked off the ground to take off.

Unexpectedly, thousands of green vines and roots poured out of Yang Xin's room and wrapped around Xian Wu, trying to keep him here.

"The Wrath of the God of Thunder!!!" Xian Wu shouted loudly, disappearing into the vast darkness in a flash of lightning.

Yang Xin stood at the door holding the door frame, watching Xian Wu's retreating back, sticking out her pink tongue and licking her lips.

"Hmph! Don't come back if you can. I'll wait until you come back and see how my sister handles you."

Yang Xin flicked the cane whip, and the crisp sound was particularly obvious in the silent night.

President Gu Yan, who was staying up late refining the Nine Turns Pill, heard the sound, shook his head and sighed.

The night is vast, the stars are arrayed, and everything is silent.

Xian Wu flew over the Glory City and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear.

"No, we have to be promoted to the black gold level quickly. Baby Yang Xin is too annoying." Xian Wu said to himself.

"Grandma, you're so bullying! Yang Xin, just wait for me. When I get promoted to the black gold level, you won't even be able to rest for a minute."

The sky was clear and bright, and the stars were all in one place, and the earth lay silent in the night of peace.

Xian Wu put away his wind and thunder wings, and landed on the boundary marker at the northeast corner of the Haokuo family, looking around in all directions, there was no one there.

"Alas -" Xian Wu sat down on the cold boundary monument and let out a sigh of relief.

"Take people as animals instead of people!" Xian Wu complained while taking out the golden demon spirit stone from the interspatial ring.

According to this situation, as long as he stays in the Alchemist Association, he won't be able to stop for even a minute.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Technique!!!" Xian Wu placed the Demon Spirit Stone in the palm of his right hand and used his technique to devour it.

Wisps of golden demon beast soul power emerged from the demon spirit stone like blue smoke and submerged into Xian Wu's mouth and nose.

The color of the Demon Spirit Stone fades at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Since the speed at which the Chaos Devouring Soul Devours all energy follows the form of an exponential explosion, it starts slowly and then becomes faster.

The higher the level of demon spirit devoured, the longer it takes to complete the devouring, but it is not too long.


Because the demon spirit swallowed is not necessarily a one-star level, it may be a peak level one.

After reaching the gold level, Xian Wu has already looked inside his soul sea.

His soul sea was like a whirlpool, spinning and flowing all the time.

There is nothingness in the center of the soul sea, showing a perfect spherical shape.

Above the black ball, something similar to an inverted pyramid is constantly rotating.

There is a bronze demon spirit on the top of the tower, a silver demon spirit is rotating at two corners on the second floor, and a gold demon spirit is rotating at three corners on the third floor.

There is only one black gold-level demon spirit spinning alone on the fourth floor, and the other three corner points are vacant.Only after he swallows three more black gold-level demon spirits will the next level of the inverted pyramid appear.

"Golden Saint Clothes???" Xian Wu muttered to himself, as if he had acquired an incredible martial skill.

Consuming soul power and using martial arts, a set of golden full-body plate armor instantly possessed him.

Apart from the golden color, the armor is not gorgeous in appearance. It can be called "silly, big, black and thick".

However, there is a golden disk that shines like the sun on the back of the armor.

There are a total of 12 golden daggers inserted into the disc, and numbers are engraved on the spine of each sword.

It is worth mentioning that each golden dagger is composed of sixty golden swords, and each golden sword is composed of sixty golden needle swords.

Xian Wu can manipulate these swords at will. Although it is not as good as the nameless Wanjian Guizong who "plays the erhu with full blood and wanders with residual blood", it is not much different.

The power of each dagger is equal to Xian Wu's current level. The power of each small sword is one level lower than Xian Wu's current level. The power of each needle sword is two levels lower than Xian Wu's current level. realm.

Xian Wu's current realm is at the peak of gold, so the power of the short sword is at the peak of gold, the power of the small sword is at the peak of silver, and the power of the needle sword is at the peak of bronze.

In other words, a dagger can kill a person in the gold realm instantly, a small sword can kill a person in the silver realm instantly, and a needle sword can kill a person in the bronze realm instantly.

"Sword Control!!!" Xian Wu used his soul power to mobilize a flying sword and attack a tall pine tree near the boundary monument.

With just one blow, the three of them were able to pierce through the thick tree.

However, the consumption of soul power was also huge. It lasted less than 10 seconds before the flying sword and golden lion armor disappeared.

From this point of view, when controlling the flying sword, 1 soul power will be consumed every second.

Absorb moonlight and restore soul power.

Xian Wu decomposed the flying sword into sixty small swords, and then controlled the small swords to attack the big pine tree just now.

"For everything!"

"Give me action!!"

Xian Wu instantly transformed into Ying Zheng, the hero in "Glory of the King", and fired dense flying swords "di di di diu diu diu ji".

In less than two seconds, the flying sword and armor disappeared.

From this point of view, when manipulating each small sword, one thousand soul power will be consumed every second.

There is no need to test the control of the flying needle. It should consume one hundred souls per second.

Three thousand six hundred flying needles consume 36 soul power in one second. His soul power is only [-], which can last for a quarter of a second at most. The sword disappears before it is unsheathed.

Absorbing the moonlight again and recovering the soul force, Xian Wu didn't want to experiment any more.

"Tomorrow the Shengming Family will send a construction team. Today I will build it myself." Muttered, Xian Wu jumped off the stone monument.

According to his own plan, Xian Wu put his left hand on the ground and instantly dug a 50-meter, ten-meter wide, and ten-meter deep ditch.

Originally, his Demonic Domain could only affect a seven-meter range, but later he accidentally discovered that consuming soul power could increase the scope of the Demonic Domain's influence.

He now has nearly 90 soul power, and the radius of his influence reaches an astonishing [-] meters.

Due to obsessive-compulsive disorder, Xian Wu only dug a 50-meter trench.

(End of this chapter)

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