Chapter 110 Yang Family
The mountains are dark and majestic, the wilderness is gloomy, and the night is like a monster, with its dark mouth wide open.

Xian Wu was digging a pit, or moat. Before digging a pit, he had one more thing to do.

"We have to draw a line!" Xian Wu stretched out his wind and thunder wings and flew at low altitude over the territory of the Haozhen family, holding a rope in his hand.

If he didn't draw a line, he might dig into the neighboring aristocratic family's territory next door.

The land is the most important thing in Glory City, and everyone regards it as more important than life.

If he really dug the moat into someone else's house, the family would have to fight him to the death.

"I won't offend others unless they offend me. We men don't do things like bullying men and dominating women." Xian Wu muttered.

The territory of the Haozhen family is quite large, and a rope prepared in advance is not enough.

"But it doesn't matter. I have the devil's left hand, which can be synthesized infinitely. The essence of hemp rope is cellulose. Cellulose is composed of three elements: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Therefore, it can be synthesized by decomposing the air to obtain atoms." Xian Wu said to himself, giving Be brave yourself.

It was dark and quiet around him, with dark clouds covering the moon. He couldn't help but feel a little scared, just like walking at night when he was a child.

Stretching the rope straight, Xian Wu took Si Nanyi and stuck a wooden peg on the ground every 50 meters.

After wrapping ropes around the territory and throwing in wooden pegs, he officially began to dig the moat channel.

"Huh? Is there any unexpected gain?" When Xian Wu was breaking down the soil in the west, he accidentally discovered a simple treasure box.

Unreasonably, he pried open the box with the devil's left hand, and Xian Wu found some blueprints inside.

There are nine drawings in total, one is A0 size, and eight are A1 size. When spread out, it seems to be some kind of formation.

However, he doesn't know anything about formations, so he can only store the blueprints in the interspatial ring temporarily, and ask Nie Li for advice tomorrow.

The next day.

After three roosters sing, the star has fallen and the morning sun is rising in the east. The silvery white dawn gradually shows crimson, and the morning glow is reflected on the window lattice of thousands of houses.

The construction team of the Shengming Family had assembled early, and Xian Wu hurried over to take the construction team to the territory of the Haoxi Family.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry about anything else first. Let's build the four east-west, north-south bridges first." Xian Wu told the foreman.

In fact, he should have built the mansion first and dug the moat later.

I had nothing to do last night and didn't want to be fucked by Yang Xin, so I simply dug the moat first.

It is the same whether you dig first or later, so as to prevent some irrelevant people from wandering around in your territory.

Chubby Chen Gong asked with a flattering look on his face: "Do you want a wooden bridge or a stone bridge? The former can be completed in four or five days, while the latter will take ten and a half months."

Before setting off, the head of the family had given instructions to serve the young man in front of him well. He was a great benefactor of the Shengming family.

"Why does it take so long? Can it be faster? I'm anxious." Xian Wu asked with a frown.

Chen Gong shrugged: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so I work slowly and carefully..."

Before Chen Gong finished speaking, Xian Wu took out a demon crystal card from the space ring and said, "It will be completed in one day, and these ten thousand demon spirit coins will be yours."

"I will do my best." Chen Gong promised, patting his chest.

Xian Wu nodded, summoned the wings of wind and thunder, and flew away from the territory of the Haoyu family.

He came to the Fengxue Family and the Huyan Family in turn, and seconded a construction team to his adoptive father and father-in-law to support the construction of the family territory.

Then, he stopped in front of the Yang family's mansion.

The Yang family is different from other families. There are two majestic terracotta warriors and horses in front of the door.

The terracotta warriors held their spears and stood guard conscientiously.

The terracotta warriors and horses on the left are holding guns in their right hands, and the terracotta warriors and horses on the right are holding guns in their left hands.Along with him was Yang Xin's big baby, if it wasn't for the guards watching over her, she would have liked to ride on Xian Wu's body.

"Miss." Seeing Yang Xin return, the guards immediately greeted her politely.

Yang Xin is not only the young lady of the Yang family, but also the most powerful woman in Glory City, they dare not make mistakes.

"Go in~" Yang Xin put her arm around Xian Wu's shoulders and led him into the Yang family's mansion.

The sound of "hum" and "ha" echoed from time to time in the mansion, as if they were practicing martial arts.

Arriving at the living room, Yang Xin called over the head of the Yang family, her biological father.

In addition, there are many elders of the Yang family, uncles and uncles of Yang Xin.

"Hello, uncle." Xian Wu bowed in greeting politely.

Although Yang Xin's father had gray temples, he was hale and hearty and heroic.

His temples were bulging, and his tense muscles were filled with explosive power. He sat down on the chair like a bell.

Especially his pair of piercing tiger eyes, which exuded a beast-like light, made Xian Wu's heart tremble.

"Do you want to marry my daughter?" Yang Weiye asked straight to the point, his voice like a cannon, making people's eardrums hurt.

Having practiced martial arts for many years, he could see through Xian Wu's reality at a glance. Although he was not a practicing martial artist, his physique had reached the gold level.

He has strong muscles and muscles at a young age. Could he be a martial arts genius that is rare to see in a century?

Such a man is indeed worthy of his precious daughter.

"Yes! I want to marry Yang Xin." Xian Wu said it bluntly without any hesitation.

Although Yang Xin is very tormenting, Xian Wu has always been true to his word. Since he promised to marry Yang Xin, he can't get her back even if she has eight horses.

However, the eyes of the people around him seemed a little strange, as if they were full of sympathy and pity.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Yang Weiye slammed the table and stood up from his chair, "Okay, since you want to marry my daughter, Yang Weiye, you must follow the rules of our Yang family."

"Rules? What rules?" Xian Wu was stunned, why hadn't he heard Yang Xin mention it before?

Yang Weiye patted his chest, like a drumstick beating a drum, and the sound continued, "The rules are... challenge me to a duel! Defeat me, and my daughter will go with you; if you can't beat me, then... die!"

"What?" Xian Wu almost thought there was something wrong with his ears. Even if it was a competition to recruit a bride, it wouldn't be like this, right?

If you can't beat you, you will die. Who dares to marry Yang Xin!


Xian Wu seems to understand why Yang Xin is not married yet when she reaches 25.

It turns out that in this world, there are not only daughters who cheat on their fathers, but also fathers who cheat on their daughters.

"Dad, how dare you! If you dare to hurt him even a hair, I will cut off the Yang family's supply of elixirs." Yang Xin raised his eyebrows, pinched Liu's waist, and threatened.

Yang Weiye snorted coldly: "You can break it off if you want. The rules of the Yang family have been passed down for hundreds of years and must not be changed."

Upon hearing that Yang Xin wanted to break the elixir, other elders stepped forward to plead for mercy.

"Patriarch, think twice."

"Master, it's hard for Xin'er to find someone she likes. Just go with her wishes."

"Rules are dead, people are alive, Patriarch."

(End of this chapter)

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