The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 111 Competition and Marriage

Chapter 111 Competition and Marriage
Yang Weiye has a very stubborn temper. No matter how others persuade him or how Yang Xin threatens him, he will never waver.

There was only one thought in his mind: If you want to marry my daughter, you can defeat me.

With no choice but to do so, Xian Wu could only agree: "Since my father-in-law wants to fight one another, Xian Wu has no choice but to sacrifice his life to accompany this gentleman."

The strength of the soul weapon is one level higher than that of its master. In other words, although Xian Wu is at the peak of gold, the strength of Hao Zhen's halberd has reached the peak of black gold.

Although he cannot use the "Eight Stabs of Chivalrous Halberd" halberd technique, he is not weak in a head-to-head confrontation. In addition, he also has a black-gold level golden lion armor.

With both attack and defense maxed out, how could he lose?
"Okay, happy, I like you like this." Yang Weiye strode towards the door and hooked his hand towards Xian Wu, "Come, follow me to the martial arts field."

Dare to accept a fight with himself, a peak black gold level warrior, this boy named Xian Wu is very brave.

However, he will not be merciful. Kindness to his son-in-law is cruelty to his daughter.

Xian Wu stepped forward to follow.

Yang Xin quickly grabbed Xian Wu's arm and said coquettishly: "You are not allowed to go! The greetings are over, we can leave."

Her father was a peak black-gold warrior and could kill a gold-level warrior with one punch. She didn't want to die by killing him.

He must die on her bed.

"If you say it out loud, do you want me to break my promise?" Xian Wu swatted away Yang Xin's restless little hand and walked away.

He will definitely do what he promises. This is his principle in life.

Besides, a real man was born between heaven and earth, so how can he be dishonest?
martial arts arena.

Yang Weiye is holding a big gun, his body is straight, standing like a strong pine.

"Beat me, and you can marry my daughter in any way you like." Yang Weiye's voice was like thunder, making people's eardrums hurt.

Under the ring, the melon-eating crowd was talking a lot.

"Is this the tenth man who dares to compete with the head of the family in the ring in order to marry Miss Yang Xin?"

"Brother, I'm new here. I'd like to ask, how are the first nine men doing?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully that the first nine men, without exception, all had their heads blown off. One time, they even splashed red and white on my face."

"Oh my god, then I have to stay away. That picture is too cruel and will cause critical damage to my young mind."

"Perhaps the head of the family will be merciful this time. After all, Miss Yang Xin is very powerful in the Glory City. Things are different now."

"Yes, she can control the Red Flame Body Tempering Pill of the Alchemist Association, which is a god-level pill that can improve a warrior's talent."

"Without Miss Yang Xin's relationship, it would be impossible for our Yang family to buy the Chiyan Body Tempering Pill."

"That's right, all the shares of those elixirs have been divided up by the three peak families, and other families can hardly buy them."

"I don't know which family this thin-skinned boy is from..."

At this time, Yang Xin suddenly jumped onto the ring with a vertical leap, and stood between the two people who were at war with each other.

Yang Xin opened his arms, facing his father Yang Weiye, and said, "You can't kill him, he is the adopted son of the city lord Ye Zong, if you kill him, it will bring disaster to the Yang family."

Although the possibility is extremely small, Yang Xin still hopes that the name of the city lord can suppress Yang Weiye.

"I almost forgot if you didn't tell me." Yang Weiye yelled at the servant standing behind him, "Come here, take the form of life and death!"

It had been a long time since anyone came to compete and get married, and he almost forgot about life and death.

Once you sign a life or death certificate, you are responsible for the consequences and have nothing to do with others.

"No need to go to father-in-law, I have it here!" Xian Wu took the certificate of life and death and the ink pad, walked around Yang Xin, and ran towards Yang Weiye.

The servant was stunned.

Albert Yang was stunned.

Yang Xin was also stunned.The people in the audience were also stunned.

"What's going on? Am I hallucinating? Come and pinch me."

" hurts. I'm not daydreaming. Is that kid thinking about going to a bar? He actually sent me here looking for death."

"Damn, you are actually an idiot. Miss Yang Xin is too hungry, isn't she?"

Yang Xin stamped her jade feet and angrily ran over to stop him: "Xian Wu, you have a high fever. Put away the life and death form quickly."

I had tried my best to protect Xian Wu, but I didn't expect that he would be so ignorant.

Yang Xin couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness deep in her heart.

"It's too late!" Yang Weiye quickly put the life and death sign signed with Xian Wu's name and Xian Wu's fingerprint into the space ring.

As long as the other party signs, it doesn't matter when you sign.

"Give it back to me!" Yang Xinjiao scolded, extending her green and jade hands towards Yang Weiye.

She was almost crying. Why was Xian Wu so stupid that he had to die by himself?

He deceived her innocent body and wanted to die. How could anything be so cheap?

Yang Xin suddenly felt a little regretful, if he had known that he would not have squeezed him hard every day, Xian Wu probably had the idea of ​​committing suicide because of this.

"What the hell!" Yang Weiye suddenly took action and pointed at Yang Xin's acupuncture point.

Yang Xin was immediately stunned and unable to move.

Yang Weiye roared behind him: "Get two maids to carry the young lady down!"

Yang Xin's little hooves have been causing trouble here, and she can't even do anything.

"No, I'll do it!" Xian Wu suddenly said, then picked up Yang Xin and placed her on the edge of the martial arts arena.

"Xian Wu, you are confused!" Yang Xin was about to cry but had no tears.

Xian Wu patted Yang Xin's buttocks and raised his eyebrows, expressing that he had no problem.

Xian Wu turned around and said, "Just put it here, father-in-law. I want baby Yang Xin to see my victory."

"Good boy, you still want to show off your rhetoric even when you are about to die. Let's see how you win." Yang Weiye got angry inexplicably.

He heard the contempt in Xian Wu's words.

I originally wanted to be merciful and spare his life, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

"Wait a minute, father-in-law, I'll do some preparatory activities first." Xian Wu stood back to his original position, making three circles to the left and three to the right, twisting his neck and twisting his butt.

The audience in the audience were stunned.

"Is this kid really stupid or pretending to be stupid to make such an indecent provocation?"

"I bet that the head of the family will blow that kid's head off with one shot."

"No, I think the head of the family will use his strength to split Huashan, splitting the kid in half from head to butt."

"Is there a possibility that it could be from the butt to the head?"

"Go away, you think everyone is as disgusting as you."

Xian Wu's sultry movements made the flesh on Yang Weiye's cheeks twitch.

This kid is dancing on the grave - looking for death!
"Hey, kid, are you okay?" Yang Weiye asked through gritted teeth.

Xian Wu did some chest expansion exercises and then said: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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