Chapter 112
"Die!" After hearing Xian Wu's words, Yang Weiye shouted loudly, jumped up high, and hit him hard with the "Strength Split Huashan" move.

Seeing Yang Weiye directly enlarging his moves, the audience all covered their eyes.

"It's over, that kid is dead!"

"The last time I saw the head of the family use this trick was when he was assisting the city defense army in resisting the tide of monsters."

"A warrior at the peak of black gold can have a force of millions of kilograms with a casual blow, let alone a blow with all his strength."

"That kid will definitely be beaten to pieces."

Yang Xin's eyes were cracked and she screamed at the top of her lungs: "Xian Wu, run away!"

As long as you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood. Xian Wu, don't do anything stupid.

Facing the iron spears that came like a mountain falling apart, Xian Wu didn't hurry and murmured:
"Absolute Zero!!!"

Just when Yang Weiye jumped into the air with nowhere to rely on, Xian Wu suddenly raised his hand and sprayed out extremely cold air from his palm.

Yang Weiye didn't notice for a moment and was frozen into a popsicle.

In order to prevent Yang Weiye from being thrown into pieces, Xian Wu used the doubling technique to hold Yang Weiye in his hand and put it on the ground.

For a while, the martial arts field was completely silent.

"Yeah! I won! Oh yeah! Yang Xin will be my wife from now on!!" Xian Wu took off his shirt, shirtless, and ran wildly around the circular ring.

"What~" During this period, Xian Wu also kissed Yang Xin on the face.

The audience in the audience stared with big eyes.

"The development of the plot seems a little different from what I thought?"

"The head of the family... actually lost..."

"What kind of martial skill is that move? It can freeze people into ice blocks instantly. Isn't it so powerful?"

"I hope the owner of the family is okay, otherwise we will have to replace the owner with a new one."

Since he had learned the art of guidance, Xian Wu knew the acupuncture points very well and easily helped Yang Xin solve the acupoints.

"When did you become so powerful? How come you never knew about it?" Yang Xin put her arms around Xian Wu's neck and asked affectionately.

She only knew that Xian Wu was a gold-level demon spirit master, but she didn't know what demon spirit he fused with.

The move just now was definitely not a martial skill, it must be a combat skill of the demon spirit, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to freeze the old man.

By the way... the old man won't be frozen to death, right?Xian Wu shouldn't be so cruel, right?
Xian Wu zoomed in and out of his right index finger and said jokingly: "There are still many things you don't know. Don't bully me again tonight, otherwise I will let you taste the power of the doubling technique."

Just magnify it ten times and reach your stomach in one step to see if you can bear it.

"You dare?" Yang Xin gritted her silver teeth and looked at Xian Wu's fingers, a little scared.

The fingers will become thicker than winter melons. This joke is not funny, it will kill people!Bastard guy!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Xian Wu patted Yang Xin's beautiful back and said, "Inject soul power into your father's body, and then he can recover."

Absolute Zero can defeat warriors. Warriors only train their muscles but not their brains, and their soul power is pitifully low.

Even if Yang Weiye is a warrior at the peak of black gold, his soul power is only at the silver level, or even lower.

As long as your own soul power is higher than that of the enemy, you will consume your own soul power to offset the enemy's soul power, and then consume 1 soul power to freeze it.

I originally thought that I would use the Soul Weapon Painted Halberd and the Golden Lion Armor, but it seems I thought too much.

This father-in-law is so arrogant. "Old man, are you okay?" Yang Xin lifted Yang Weiye's ice and asked with concern.

One moment, he was screaming to beat the shit out of someone, and the next moment, he was beaten until he couldn't even recognize his daughter. Why bother?

Since all the soul power in Yang Weiye's body has been offset, he is now in a state of Alzheimer's disease.

"Ah -" Yang Weiye looked around blankly, not sure why he appeared in the ring to mourn, not sure why Yang Xin hugged him, looking gloating.

It wasn't until Xian Wu appeared in front of him that Yang Weiye recalled that he had just been competing with his future son-in-law.

The result was obvious. He lost, completely and utterly.

"Alas -" Yang Weiye sighed and stood up with the support of Yang Xin and Xian Wu.

He patted Xian Wu's strong shoulder and said: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the young are better than the blue. You, Xian Wu, are very good. I agree to your marriage to Yang Xin!"

It doesn't matter if he doesn't agree. If he loses in front of so many people, he can't be shameless. Then why does he have the face to be the head of the family?
"Father-in-law, that...the dowry..." Xian Wu rubbed his hands to remind with a look of embarrassment.

His father-in-law Hu Yanxiong promised to give him a black gold-level demon spirit. Lao Yang's place shouldn't be too bad, right?

Yang Weiye snorted, took out a book from the space ring and threw it away.

"This is..." Xian Wu took it and looked at it. There were four big characters written on the book: "Yang Family Marksmanship".

Just give me a broken book?Isn't Old Yang's father-in-law a little too stingy?
Seemingly seeing the disgust in Xian Wu's eyes, Yang Weiye said angrily: "You kid, you don't have a special eye for gold and jade. This is our ancestral Yang family's marksmanship, a legendary level of martial arts. It also contains records of my many years of practice." The understanding and experience of cultivation are very precious. If you were not my uncle, I would not be willing to give it to you."

A ignorant boy, not everyone is qualified to learn the Yang family's marksmanship.

"Legendary martial arts? Thank you, father-in-law." Xian Wu smiled decisively. This Yang family's marksmanship is much better than that bullshit Flame Palm.

Putting the secret book into the space ring, Xian Wu took out three big gourds from it.

Passing the gourd to Yang Wei, Xian Wu explained: "Two gourds of Red Flame Body Tempering Pills and one gourd of Nine Transformations Pills. Please accept it from my father-in-law. This is my betrothal gift to your family."

Before Yang Weiye could speak, the crowd of onlookers under the ring exploded.

"Red Flame Body Tempering Pill...two big rich our uncle is!"

"Each of such a large wine gourd contains at least a hundred Red Flame Body Tempering Pills, which is equivalent to 2000 million demon spirit coins. Isn't it too generous?"

"Not only that, but the Nine Transformations Pill is even more precious. One pill can be worth a million, and a gourd is equivalent to [-] million."

"Oh my God, I got more than 1 million demon spirit coins in one move. He is worthy of being the adopted son of the city lord. He is so inhumane. I like it. Please give me more."

Yang Weiye blushed and didn't answer: "I...I can't accept it."

He treated his son-in-law so badly just now, and his son-in-law even gave him such an expensive elixir, making embarrassing!

"It's nothing if you don't take it. It was your daughter who gave it to me anyway." Xian Wu lied and then gave Yang Xin a "you know" look.

Since the elixir was refined by himself, Yang Xin would probably think that it was given by the master behind him.

However, due to the previous confidentiality regulations, Yang Xin would not disclose the existence of his master.

"Dad, keep it." Yang Xin also advised.

Seeing that Yang Weiye was still hesitant, Xian Wu said directly: "Well, my construction site is extremely short of manpower. How about using these elixir rights as wages for hiring your family's construction team?"

"Okay." After hearing what Xian Wu said, Yang Weiye finally nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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