The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 114, 5 lines and 8 hexagrams (Please read it! Please read it! Please read it!!!)

Chapter 114 Five Elements Bagua (Please read it! Please read it! Please read it!!!)

Picking up Lu Piao's cushion, Xian Wu sat in front of the long table, took out the A0 drawing from the space ring, and spread it out on the table.

"When I was digging a trench in the territory yesterday, I dug up a treasure chest. There were some drawings in it. I don't know what they were used for. You are well-informed and knowledgeable. I thought you would recognize it, so I came here specifically to let you know. Let’s take a look.”

Xian Wu turned his head to look at Nie Li, then turned the drawing to face him.

"Territory? Whose territory did you dig in?" Lu Piao asked curiously.

Glory City has a relatively complete set of laws on land management. Any illegal mining and excavation in non-own territory is illegal. In serious cases, you may be arrested and imprisoned.

Xian Wu raised his head and glanced at Lu Piao. He could dig wherever he wanted. It didn't matter. "I dug it in my own territory." Xian Wu replied.

"Your family's territory?" Zhang Ming blinked Kazilan's big eyes, scratched his head in confusion and asked: "If I remember correctly, you should be an orphan without a father and mother. You don't even have a house, how can you get a territory? "

Could it be that... he has cultivated to the gold level?

In the City of Glory, if a commoner's child can cultivate to the gold level before the age of 16, he will be able to obtain the title and a piece of territory bestowed by the city lord.The family of the commoner will also be promoted to a noble family.

Don't be kidding, I'm not even a silver demon spiritualist, Xian Wu has trained to be a gold demon spiritualist, and he's not going to let anyone live.

Xian Wu turned his head and glanced at Zhang Ming, and said calmly: "I am already a gold-level demon spiritual master. I just received the title and territory from the city lord's mansion the day before yesterday. The title deed for the territory came down at noon yesterday."

Xian Wu patted Lu Piao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Lu Piao, from now on I will be on an equal footing with your father. If he spanks you again, I will stop him for you."

What Lu Piao fears most is that he makes a mistake and gets spanked by his father if he finds out about it. Lu Piao is usually a very arrogant person, so he often gets beaten.

"Thank you... thank you..." Lu Piao smiled awkwardly.

On an equal footing with his father?Then when we meet in the future, wouldn’t we have to call him Uncle Xian?
Why!They are all the same age, how old is Xian Wu usually?
No, you have to work hard on your cultivation and can't be lazy.When you reach the gold level in cultivation, you will be able to be on an equal footing with Xian Wu. You won't have to call him uncle, and you won't have to get spanked by your father.

"You guys get busy, I want to continue practicing." Lu Piao stood up, sat back in the corner, and started practicing cross-legged.

Everyone tacitly followed Lu Piao's example and sat back on the mat, working hard to practice.

Xian Wu had already relied on the skills given by Nie Li to fly up the branches and turned into a phoenix, and they could not fall back.

The five young men were full of energy and focused on practicing. Only Xian Wu and Nie Li were still idle in the room.

"Hiss—" Nie Li looked at the drawing carefully and then took a breath.

"What's wrong?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully, could these drawings be some kind of extraordinary treasure?
Nie Li replied: "If I read it correctly, this picture should be a general diagram of the formation. Do you have other drawings there?"

Xian Wu took out eight more A1 drawings from the space ring.

Nie Li took the drawings and flipped through them one by one. He touched his chin and thought for a while, then frowned and said: "The formation recorded on the drawings should be the Five Elements and Bagua Spirit Gathering Formation. After the formation is arranged, it can automatically absorb the energy from the heaven and the earth." Reiki.”

"If you practice in a formation, your cultivation speed will be greatly increased. Every time a formation is deployed, your cultivation speed will double. There are a total of thirteen formations on the blueprint, so your cultivation speed can be increased thirteen times."

"Good stuff? I gave it to you!" Xian Wu curled his lips.

What is a good thing to other practitioners is equivalent to garbage to him.

His soul sea is extremely special, and the techniques he practices are also very special. He cannot rely on active cultivation to improve his soul power. He can only improve himself by absorbing the soul power of demon spirits and other demon spiritual masters. "You seem a little unhappy?" Nie Li asked while rolling up the drawings, "Although you can't practice with this formation, we can practice in the formation. When we are successful in practice, you can absorb us Isn’t it enough to have soul power?”

"Wait until you succeed in cultivation?"

However, my wives should be able to use this formation.

"I can arrange the Five Elements and Bagua array, but it requires a lot of space to arrange the array." Nie Li said to himself, "Let's go and have a look at your Haozhen family territory. If there is enough space, arrange the array there." It’s law.”

Before Xian Wu could refuse, Nie Li stood up and prepared to set off.

"Let's go." Xian Wu shrugged. After all, after building the big house, there was still a lot of room for wealth in the territory.

Watching Nie Li and Xian Wu leave the room, Du Ze muttered: "The Haozhen family...why does it feel a little weird..."


Soon, Nie Li rode on Xian Wu's back and flew over the territory of the Haozhen family.

"Yes, the space is just enough." Nie Li shouted at the top of his lungs.

The wind was so strong today that people could not open their eyes or open their mouths. Nie Li was filled with a cool breeze.

Xian Wu carried Nie Li and landed on the construction site. The foundation of the Haozhen family mansion had been laid, and it was just a matter of construction.

"Mr. Chen, you are very efficient." Xian Wu exchanged greetings with the foreman.

The foreman replied: "Thanks to the strong young men of the Yang family, they not only built the four bridges, but also repaired the embankment of the moat. They also helped complete the foundation of this mansion."

Xian Wu nodded. The labor force supported by his father-in-law's family was reliable.

"Gong Chen, do you know how to build a tower?" Nie Li suddenly asked.

Chen Gong looked at Nie Li doubtfully and asked Xian Wu, "Who is this..."

"This is my assistant Nie Li. He speaks as well as I do." Xian Wu explained that although he didn't know why Nie Li built the tower, he felt it had something to do with the Five Elements Spirit Gathering Array.

"Hello, Assistant Nie Li." Chen Gong smiled and extended his hand.

Nie Li reached out and shook hands with Chen Gong, and then said, "Can you build a nine-story tower?"

He wanted to build a tower at the eye positions of all thirteen formations to better collect the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

"We can build many types of two-story buildings, but if you want a nine-story building, there is only one kind." Chen Gong briefly described the nine-story tower to Nie Li.

Hearing Chen Gong's description, Xian Wu raised his eyebrows. Isn't that the pyramid of ancient Egypt?

Build thirteen pyramids on his territory?Use this place as a graveyard!

(End of this chapter)

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