The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 115: 1 month (please follow up!)

Chapter 115 One Month (please follow up!)
The Haozhen family's territory construction is proceeding in an orderly manner.

With the support of materials from the Shengming family, technology from the Huyan family, and labor from the Yang family, it took less than a month to complete the construction of the Haokuo family mansion and the thirteen formation pyramids.

After the construction of the territory is completed, Xian Wu will start preparing for the wedding.

But before that, Xian Wu still had one thing to do.

In the middle of the night, the moon is westward, the sky is full of stars, dew is floating on the ground, and it is cool.


A black shadow passed under the bright moon and landed steadily on the southeast corner of the Haozhen family.

"The ditch for the moat has been dug, now we just have to divert water into the river." The black shadow stood on the boundary monument and said to himself.

That dark shadow was none other than Xian Wu.

The territory of the Haozhen family was originally a barren wasteland with barren land and far away from water sources.

If you want to fill the moat with water, you can only dig a ditch from the Holy Styx River dozens of miles away.

However, Xian Wu is not an ordinary person and does not need to be so troublesome.

Now he has two solutions:

The first is to use absolute zero to freeze the water of the Holy Styx River into ice cubes, then transport the ice cubes to the moat and then melt them away.

The second method is to use the devil's left hand to decompose the air, use the soul power to synthesize water, and pour it into the moat ditch.

The first method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the second method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, but you don’t need to run around, you can do it right where you are.

Therefore, Xian Wu decided to adopt the second method.

In order to synthesize water more efficiently, Xian Wu flew to an altitude of 200 meters to maximize the demonic realm.

It is worth mentioning that after the demonic realm passes seven meters, each additional cubic meter will consume one more soul power.

Xian Wu's current soul power is close to 90, and he can open the radius of the demon field to more than [-] meters.

"Secret Technique: Complete disintegration of air!"

"Secret Technique: Liquid Water Synthesis!!"

"Secret Technique: Azure Dragon Spits Water!!!"

The stream flows straight down 200 meters, and it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen into the sky.


There was smoke floating on the river, a pale white dawn moon that had lost its light hung in the sky, and the east was already a silvery white.

After a busy night, General Xian filled three-quarters of the moat of the Haozhen family.

Along the river bank, Xian Wu installed a warning sign every 50 meters - the water depth is dangerous and swimming is prohibited. Violators will be punished.

"Let's leave it like this for now. We can improve it later if we think of anything." Xian Wu clapped his hands, summoned his wind and thunder wings and left.

Time is like water, years are like shuttle, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Xian Wu took the time to participate in the year-end test of Shenglan College.

However, he is not as a tester, but as a guest.

His current identity is not only the head of the Haozhen family, but also the adopted son of the lord of Glory City, with an extraordinary status.

In addition, after dumping a batch of soul-tempering pills on the black market, he became the richest man in the Glory City, with a net worth of billions.

After obtaining a huge amount of wealth, Xian Wu waved his hand and donated [-] million yuan to Shenglan College as a bursary for civilian students from poor families.

In addition, Xian Wu also gave Vice Dean Ye Sheng two large gourd soul-quenching pills to repay the old man for saving his life that day.Therefore, Xian Wu’s status as a guest of observation is well deserved.

Du Ze and Lu Piao's test results were very good. They both became silver-level demon spiritual masters and successfully entered the genius class.

Nie Li's test result was that he was a one-star bronze demon spiritual master with a soul power of [-], which was neither more nor less. He almost made Shen Xiu, who made a bet with him, angry.

What surprised Xian Wu was that Xiao Ning'er also practiced silver.

It was not surprising that Ye Ziyun had reached the level of Baiyin Xianwu, but he did not expect that Xiao Ning'er's cultivation would also advance by such a rapid pace.

When Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er looked at each other, he found that her eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

And when she saw herself observing her, the girl deliberately puffed out her small breasts proudly.

Although Xiao Ning'er has tried her best to express herself, Xian Wu is currently not interested in her, and even a little afraid.

The year-end test of Shenglan College has ended, and all students have been given a month's leave to go home and visit their relatives.

Since Saint Orchid College is a boarding school, most students cannot go home during their studies.

In addition to the good news about the holiday, there is also good news, that is, Shen Xiu resigned voluntarily.

Nie Li won the bet, so Shen Xiu would naturally resign, otherwise everyone would say that the Holy Family was not trustworthy.

The reputation of the Holy Family has already suffered a heavy blow from the plagiarism incident, and naturally it will not suffer a second time.

If Huyan Lanruo successfully graduated from Shenglan College, Xian Wu's wedding will be held soon.


The chamber of the Holy Family.

Elder Shen Ming sat on the Grand Master's chair, playing with the space ring on his thumb and staring at the wedding invitation in his hand.

The three people standing in the hall were Shen Yue, Shen Xiu, and Li Yunhua, the deacon of the Dark Guild.

"The master of the Haozhen family will hold a wedding in the near future, what do you think?" Shen Ming threw the wedding invitation to Shen Xiu and asked.

In just two months, Xian Wu transformed from an unknown commoner to the head of a noble family.

Simply incredible!
What's even more outrageous is that he actually fell in love with Ye Zong, the lord of Glory City, and became Ye Zong's adopted son.

Without this level of identity, he would not even accept the wedding invitations from the Haozhen family.

That untouchable not only exposed the Holy Family's plagiarism in public, but also beat Master Shen Yue and almost wiped out the entire Dark Guild.

How could his sacred family let go of such a deep hatred?

However, since the Haozhen family has sent a wedding invitation, if you don't attend, not only will you not give face to Xian Wu, but you will also not give face to the city lord Ye Zong.

The current situation did not allow him to break up with Ye Zong for the time being.

When the head of the family retreats and attacks the legendary demon spiritual master, and when the demon lord, the leader of the dark guild, ends his retreat, it will not be too late to break up with him.

"Whoever wants to go, I won't go anyway!" Shen Yue crossed his arms, turned his face sideways, and rubbed his neck.

Want him to attend the wedding of Xian Wu's enemy?Might as well kill him.

When the Dark Guild takes over the City of Glory, he will be the first to kill Xian Wu!
Shen Xiu pinched the waist of the slender water snake, and echoed: "I'm not going either, that kid looks at me wrongly, if I go to his wedding, in case he gets drunk and has sex, he will marry me..."

All three people looked at Shen Xiu with confused expressions. This woman was too shameless.

Which one, Yang Xin or Hu Yan Lanruo, is not more beautiful than her?It's strange that people would like her.

"I think we should go." Li Yunhua moved his robotic arm, "Master Gui Sha will arrive in the Glory City soon. By then we may be able to make a big fuss at that kid's wedding, Jie Jie Jie..."

(End of this chapter)

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