The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 116 The mysterious old man (Please read it! Please read it!!)

Chapter 116 The mysterious old man (Please read it! Please read it!!)
Xian Wuguang sent wedding invitations, inviting all the great families to attend his wedding.

What he never expected was that after sending out the wedding invitations, the Huyan family stabbed him in the back, saying that Huyan Lanruo would not marry.

"That old man Huyanxiong turned off his lights and accepted so many elixirs from me. How dare he go back on his promise? If I don't pull his beard off one by one." Xian Wu put away his wind and thunder wings and landed on the main hall of the Huyan family. door.

Sitting on the steps at the door was an old man with rosacea and a plump figure, carrying a wine gourd and drinking by himself.

The guards outside the gate turned a blind eye to the old man, as if the old man was nothing.

Xian Wu was puzzled, he walked up the steps, deliberately bypassing the old man.

The purpose of his trip was to settle accounts with that old guy Hu Yanxiong, and it had nothing to do with other people.

Unexpectedly, the old man stood up, moved his buttocks, and sat on the only way Xian Wu had to pass. He raised his neck and drank "gudong gudong" without even looking at Xian Wu.

Xian Wu didn't intend to argue with Jiu Mengzi, so he walked around sideways.

The old man drinking wine suddenly stretched out his leg, causing Xian Wu to stumble.

This made Xian Wu angry. He turned around, glared at the old man, and shouted: "You are deliberately looking for trouble, aren't you?"

The old man didn't answer, but kicked Xian Wu's knee again.

"Looking for death!" Xian Wu took precautions, took a step back to avoid it, and at the same time used absolute zero, trying to freeze the old man into an ice sculpture.

Unexpectedly, his soul power was exhausted. In a daze, he was hit by a punch in the waist and flew backwards.

"Black gold level demon spiritual master?"

The old man stood up from the steps unsteadily, raised his neck, took a sip of wine, and said, "Not bad!"

I don’t know if he is talking about wine or people.

Xian Wu's body suddenly appeared with golden light, the light dissipated, and he was resurrected with full blood.

"Come again!" Xian Wu shouted loudly, like thunder.

He put on the golden lion battle armor, summoned soul soldiers to draw halberds, and faced the enemy squarely.

It is worth mentioning that since the Golden Lion Armor has a sword wheel on its back, it cannot be used at the same time as the Wind and Thunder Wings.

And since the Golden Lion Armor is a full-body plate armor, it cannot use the doubling technique or use tiger claws.

However, you can use the Hao Zhen Painting Halberd because the combat skills of soul soldiers and demon spirits are not in the same system and do not interfere with each other.

The old man put his hands behind his back, hunched his waist, and squinted his eyes, not paying any attention to the fully armed Xian Wu.

"I'm not drunk when I'm drunk, I'm not drunk when I'm drunk~ Hiccup, I'm so drunk~" The old man staggered and walked towards Xian Wu.

"Drunken Master?" Xian Wu blinked in his plate helmet.

Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running?He grew up watching Uncle Long's movies.

His favorite trick is Cao Guojiu's immortal toast choker, which can crush walnuts in one move. It's not too perverted.

However, Xian Wu was not afraid at all.

Since the opponent is a black-gold peak-level demon spiritist, his Haoyu painted halberd is also capable of fighting.

The power of the soul weapon is one level higher than that of the host.

"Strike Huashan with all your strength!!!" Xian Wu jumped up high and struck hard at the old drunkard.

This move is one of the legendary martial arts "Yang Family Spear Techniques" and is extremely domineering and powerful.

When his father-in-law Yang Weiye used this trick on him, if he hadn't had absolute zero close by, he would never have been able to escape.

"Drunk Crane, spread its wings in the sky and strike in a series of attacks!" The old drunkard muttered, and instantly jumped into the air.

Before Xian Wu could react, the old drunkard jumped behind him and kicked him in the back of the heart.If it weren't for the protection of the Golden Lion Armor, he would have been kicked and vomited blood.

Xian Wu fell flat on his back and felt like his internal organs were about to be displaced.

"It doesn't make sense... The golden warrior has a strong ability to withstand blows, so it's impossible for him to be thrown like this." Xian Wu felt that it must be the old man's fault.

However, I have no enmity with him, so why would he attack me?And it was still at the gate of Huyan Family.

"Come again!" The old man pinched the gourd, raised his neck, and took another sip, as if he wouldn't get drunk after drinking anything.

"You're forcing me to go crazy?" Xian Wu stood on the ground with one hand and got up from the ground.

"Strike Huashan with force!" Xian Wu shouted that he could split Huashan with force, but in fact he used it to sweep through thousands of troops.

The soul soldier drew his halberd and slashed hard at the old man's waist. If it hit him, the old man would have to be broken into two pieces.

"Drunk White Deer, move quickly like a mandarin duck in the world." The old man nimbly dodged the murderous slash, put his feet together, and kicked Xian Wu hard in the face.

If only one or two eyes were exposed from his helmet, he would have been kicked out.

Xian Wu fell on his back and slid on the ground for more than ten meters. The friction between his armor and the ground caused sparks to be ten feet high.

"Come again!" The old man walked towards Xian Wu with his hands behind his back.

Xian Wu was knocked unconscious by the kick just now, and little stars appeared in front of his eyes.

It was the first time, and the first time he was beaten so miserably.

Even the strongest tricks were used, but even the corner of his clothes was scratched.

Who is this old man?
By the way, is the guard of the Huyan Family so blind?When you see your uncle being beaten, it’s okay if you don’t help. At least you have to call someone, right?

"Wait a minute!" Xian Wu shook his dizzy head, raised his hand to stop him and said, "Who are you? I have no enmity with you, so why did you attack me?"

The old man walked over with his hands behind his back, smiling, and didn't say anything.

"Don't go too far!" Xian Wu struggled to move back with his elbows.

The old man chuckled, like a cat playing with a mouse, and continued the pursuit unhurriedly.

"Don't force me to use my special moves!" Xian Wu yelled.

The old man suddenly stopped and was curious about Xian Wu's special skills. He tilted his neck to drink and waited quietly.

Xian Wu got up from the ground, took out the Snow Dragon Token from the space ring, raised it high above his head and shouted:

"One cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will meet!"

The Snow Dragon Token emits a dazzling light, and its soul power surges in all directions like radio waves.

"It's interesting." The old man put down the wine bottle.

Boom!Boom! !

Not long after, two large groups of strong guards wearing silver armor and holding silver guns appeared at both ends of the street.

Ye Shuo took the lead and shouted angrily: "Who ate the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard and hurt my son Xian Wu?"

What Ye Shuo didn't understand was that someone dared to attack Xian Wu near the Huyan Family. Didn't he know that the Huyan Family was Xian Wu's father-in-law?
"Hmm... that person's figure seems familiar..." Ye Shuo raised his hand to stop the Snow Dragon Guard behind him, and stepped forward alone.

The old man was holding a wine bottle, hunched over, and slowly turned around.

"You are... Uncle Ba?" Seeing the old man's appearance, Ye Shuo immediately widened his eyes.

Xian Wu was a little confused and muttered: "Is this old man your father or your uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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