The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 117: The Demon King (Please read it! Please read it! Please read it!)

Chapter 117: The Demon King (Please read it! Please read it! Please read it!)
Great noon.

The living room of Huyan Family.

Xian Wu sat on the chair in disgrace and still didn't understand why he was beaten.

The old man drinking was Huyan Lanruo's grandfather, Hu Yanba, who was Ye Shuo's uncle, so Ye Shuo called him "Uncle Ba".

"Xian Wu, why did you make Grandpa Ba angry? Tell the truth! Otherwise, I will beat you up too."

In Ye Shuo's view, Xian Wu must have bullied Huyan Lanruo, which was why he was beaten by Hu Yanba, a madman who protects his granddaughter.

Xian Wu spread his hands and said innocently: "I didn't provoke Mr. Huyanba. He took the initiative to provoke me."

What he said was the truth. It was obviously the old drunkard who deliberately made trouble in the first place.

By the way, can you change the name... Ba Grandpa sounds very awkward, do I call him dad or grandpa?

"Nonsense!" Ye Shuo slapped the table and jumped up the teacup, "Your tyrant grandpa is so full that he has nothing to do to challenge you?"

To be honest, Hu Yanba is indeed quite a bastard. He is simply a demon king. Even his Lord Ye Mo can't do anything to him.

"Ahem..." Hu Yanba coughed dryly, then squinted his eyes and said, "The kid is right, I was the one who moved first."

That kid bullied his precious granddaughter and deserved a beating, but he beat her too lightly.

If that little girl Lan Ruo hadn't threatened her with death, the old man would have had to rip off the little pervert's head and use it as a ball to kick.

If you marry Lan Ruo, the old man can understand that young people can fall in love freely.

But damn, that little pervert actually wants to marry two women at the same time, and Lan Ruo is not the first wife yet, this old man can't bear it anymore.

If you want to marry Lan Ruo, you can either marry her only to Lan Ruo, or Lan Ruo will be the main wife and the girl from the Yang family will be the side wife.

"Uh...Uncle Ba, this is your fault. Xian Wu didn't provoke you, how could you hit someone?" Ye Shuo said.

Sure enough, this old bastard was making trouble for no reason. Although Xian Wu's behavior of worshiping himself and Ye Zong as adoptive fathers at the same time was a bit disgusting, he still wanted to help him.

Hu Yanba snorted coldly: "I just hit you, what's wrong with you? You want to stand up for him! Have you forgotten how I beat you and Ye Zong's butts when we were kids?" After saying that, Hu Yanba picked up the bowl of sea and poured out the cold He drank the wine in one gulp and laughed.

You two adopted fathers were pushed to the ground and beaten by the old man, let alone your little pervert godson.

"Uncle Ba... it's wrong for you to do this..." Ye Shuo blushed and whispered, "And Hu Yanxiong has already accepted Xian Wu's gift. If you want to regret the marriage, you must return the gift."

After being exposed by Hu Yanba in front of his godson, Ye Shuo couldn't help but wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Betrothal gift? What kind of gift? I don't know!" Hu Yanba just played dumb.

Xian Wu cupped his fists and said, "Old man, do you know the meaning of a meal and a meal?"

"Kid, what do you mean?" Hu Yanba didn't know what to say.

Xian Wu explained with a smile: "My understanding is that if you don't let Huyan Lanruo marry me, I will ask Yang Xin to cut off the supply of elixirs to the Huyan family. There will always be a time when your family's elixirs are finished, so take them all. It’s over, let’s see what you do.”

Hu Yanba slammed the table and said angrily: "You little bastard, how dare you threaten me!"

"Ahem...Don't swear, Uncle Ba, speak up if you have something to say, and talk to the children well." Ye Shuo hurriedly smoothed things over.

Damn Hu Yanba, when he called Xian Wu a little bastard, didn't he call himself and Ye Zong an old bastard?
Xian Wu straightened his chest and said eloquently: "Old man, you called Huyan Lanruo out. If she says she doesn't like me and doesn't want to marry me, I will leave immediately and will never pester her."

"If you're the one who's causing trouble, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Xian Wu slapped the table into inhalable particles with one palm.Seeing Xian Wu's methods, Hu Yanba and Ye Shuo narrowed their eyes at the same time, neither of them expected that he had such a skill.

Huyanba snorted coldly: "I want to see how you treat me rudely."

"Hahaha..." A string of laughter like a loud bell and a drum came from outside the door, "Hu Yanba, after so many years, you still like to bully the small, hahaha..."

Huyanba narrowed his eyes and looked out the door.

I saw the city lord Ye Zong walking in with square steps.

Xian Wu quickly stood up and gave up his seat to his adoptive father.

"Godfather, that old man bullied me. Look at the blow on my head. It's still buzzing." Xian Wu complained aggrievedly, hoping that Ye Zong could teach that old man a lesson.

Ye Zong touched Xian Wu's silver hair with pity, then glared at Hu Yanba and asked, "Where is Hu Yanxiong, the head of the Huyan family? Let him come out to see me!"

His godson has always been obedient. Although he is a little lecherous, he never causes trouble. Hu Yanba bullies the younger ones, which is really hateful.

"I'm sorry, Zong Wa'er, I'm in charge of the Huyan family now, it's useless for you to find Huyanxiong." Huyanba said while pouring wine into the bowl.

That little beast Hu Yanxiong dared to make the decision to marry Lan Ruo without permission. He had already sealed his acupuncture points and locked him in a dungeon.

The same goes for Huyan Lanruo's little confused boy, who had his acupoints sealed and locked in his room.

When did that little pervert agree to his request, and when did he release those two bastards?

Ye Zong asked with a cold face: "Huyanba, how can you agree to my son's marriage to Huyan Lanruo?"

Hu Yanba's bastard character gave even his legendary father a headache, let alone him.

"It's very simple." Hu Yanba held the bowl and said while drinking: "Either Xian Wu will only marry my Lan Ruo, or my Lan Ruo will be the first wife, or one of the three of you, father and son, can defeat me."

After hearing Hu Yanba's words, Ye Zong and Ye Shuo exchanged glances with each other.

"Uncle Ba, I'm here to fight you." Ye Shuo stood up.

Although he has not reached the peak of black gold cultivation, he still has to give it a try in order to win the favor of his genius adopted son.

"You?" Hu Yanba smiled contemptuously and drank the strong wine in Haiwan. "I can beat you without possessing a demon spirit."


The martial arts arena of the Huyan family.

Ye Shuo stood up straight, like a sword about to be unsheathed.

Hu Yanba was hunched over, stroking his white beard with one hand and carrying a wine gourd with the other.

"Dad Ye Zong, I, dad Ye Shuo, should be able to win, right?" Xian Wu stood in the audience and asked in a low voice.

It was okay for Hu Yanba to bully a rookie like him who knew nothing, but he was no match for Ye Shuo, who was young and strong and had experienced many battles.

Moreover, the old drunkard was so skinny and swaying that he could be knocked down by a gust of wind. He even said wildly that he could defeat Ye Shuo without summoning the demon spirit. It was just nonsense.

"Win?" Ye Zong said coldly, with his hands behind his back, "I just hope Ye Shuo doesn't lose too badly."

(End of this chapter)

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