The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 122 The Big Wedding Day

Chapter 122 The Big Wedding Day
A fine day.

With the sound of gongs and drums, the blast of firecrackers, and the blast of suona, a group of people carried the sedan chair to the gate of the Haozhen Family.

Xian Wu, wearing a groom's suit and a red hydrangea tied on his chest, led the bride, who was wearing a red hijab, into the gate, and then led the second bride into the gate as well.

The courtyard upon entering was filled with banquets, and guests from all walks of life at the banquet were present.

The Fengxue family, the Shengming family, the Huyan family, the Yang family, the Tianhen family... Except for the Chu family, all the noble families in Glory City came.

However, the Holy Family was the last to arrive, and they were bossy and very arrogant.

The representatives of the Holy Family are Shen Ming and Shen Fei.

Shen Xiu didn't come, which made Xian Wu a little disappointed. Although that woman had a bad personality, her figure and appearance were still very eye-catching.

First worship heaven and earth, second worship high hall.

Ye Zong, Xue Yin, Ye Shuo, Madam Ye, Hu Yanxiong, Madam Hu Yan, Yang Weiye, Madam Yang, not counting Nie Li and Ye Ziyun, there were eight people in total, sitting neatly in a row, which was really spectacular.

Husband and wife worship.

The two brides stood side by side and bowed to Xian Wu at the same time.

The guests present were dumbfounded, they had never seen such a couple praying to each other.

After sending the bride back to the wedding room, which was the main room where Xian Wu lived, Xian Wu started busy entertaining guests and drinking with her.

"Uncle Chen, the food is delicious, isn't it?" Xian Wu came to the table of the Shengming Family with a wine glass in hand.

"Not bad." Chen Zhenglong picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Xian Wu, "Xian Wu, my nephew, will give birth to a son soon, haha..."

"Brother Xian Wu, thank you for your life-saving grace. Come on, I respect you." Chen Linjian stood up and poured wine for Xian Wu.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "It's just a trivial matter, it doesn't matter. Don't say anything. It's all in the wine."

"Okay, do it!" Chen Linjian drank the wine in his cup.

After a few polite words, Xian Wu left the table of the Shengming family, walked around the table of the Shengming family, and came to the table of the wealthy family.

Shen Ming put down the wine glass he had picked up, his expression a little unnatural.

"Hmph!" Shen Fei's face was ashen, and he patted the table angrily.

Damn Xian Wu, even if he monopolizes two beauties, Yang Xin and Hu Yan Lanruo, he still deserves death for not taking his holy family seriously!
Wait, when you are halfway through your bridal chamber tonight, the Dark Guild and my Holy Family will give you a big gift.

Mr. Hu Yanba looked very ugly. If today was not his precious granddaughter's big day, he would have poured wine on Xian Wu's annoying face.

"This is Uncle Xiao, right? I have admired you for a long time. Classmate Xiao Ning'er has often mentioned you to me." Xian Wu held the wine glass and raised his hand to Xiao Yunfeng.

He was a little surprised that Xiao Yunfeng, the head of a wealthy family, was only at the gold level.

No wonder Xiao Ning'er once said that the Winged Dragon Family was about to fall into the ranks of wealthy families.

The head of the family is only at the gold level, so it would be strange if he did not decline.

"Congratulations to nephew Xian Wu. Not only has he been promoted to a noble family, but he has also married a beautiful wife. What a blessing." Xiao Yunfeng complimented Xian Wu with a very professional smile on his face.

Three blessings?Xiao Ning'er, who was sitting aside, felt very uncomfortable.

If he hadn't thrust out that sword, maybe he would be overjoyed now.

After Xian Wu and Xiao Yunfeng finished drinking, Xiao Ning'er suddenly stood up, picked up the wine glass, and said to Xian Wu, "Brother Wu, congratulations."

After saying that, Xiao Ning'er drank the hot soju in one gulp.

"Oh, thank you, classmate Xiao Ning'er." After coming back to his senses, General Xian drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

Leaving the table of the wealthy family, Xian Wu came to the table of the noble family. "Master Xianwu, congratulations." Lu Piao's father, Lu You, raised his glass in congratulations. He turned around and scolded: "Lu Piao, look at me, and then look at yourself, you've always been playful..."

Seeing that Lu Piao was reprimanded as if his seniority had been lowered, Xian Wu hurriedly interrupted: "Uncle Lu, stop scolding, Lu Piao has also worked very hard, and he is now a silver-level demon spirit master. He belongs to the younger generation. genius."

Hearing Xian Wu's praise, Lu hummed twice, feeling very proud.

He turned around and said with a smile: "It's still not as good as you, nephew. If he wants you to work hard, he will probably become a golden demon spirit master by now."

After Xian Wu and Lu Lu finished drinking, Lu Piao picked up the wine glass with an envious look on his face: "Congratulations, Brother Wu, you are the first of the seven brothers to be single. But don't be proud, I have also found my target, I believe it won't be necessary Before long, you will also drink my wedding wine."

"Then I'll wait for your good news here." Xian Wu smiled and cupped his hands, and came to the next table.

Since there were many aristocratic families, they sat at many tables.

"Master Xianwu, congratulations. May we have a happy marriage and a son soon." Nie Hai, the head of the Tianhen Family, stood up.

"Tongxi...oh no, thank you." Xian Wu almost let it slip.

After Xian Wu finished entertaining the other family heads, Nie Li stood up, clinked glasses with Xian Wu, then put his arms around his neck and whispered, "You're fine, you've got a wife and you've forgotten your adoptive father."

"I also want you to sit on it, but I guess you will be knocked down by the city lord and the others." Xian Wu said with a smile.

It would be fun if Nie Li sat on it.

If he calls Nie Li his foster father, and Nie Li calls Ye Zong his father-in-law, then Nie Li will call himself his brother-in-law.

"You call me brother-in-law, I call you adoptive father, we have different opinions." Xian Wu said teasingly.

Nie Li said angrily: "It's not all your fault, you brat, you recognize your adoptive father everywhere, and the Glory City is about to be turned into a pot of porridge by you!"

He glanced at Ye Ziyun who was whispering to Xiao Ning'er, and his heart felt hot.

When will Xian Wu be able to drink their wedding wine?Well, come on Nie Li, you can do it!

After paying homage to the noble families one by one, Xian Wu came to the only table of ordinary families.

When Shen Ming and Shen Fei saw that Xian Wu went to respect the civilians but did not come to respect themselves, their faces were so gloomy that they seemed to be dripping with water.

"Damn it, if I had known that this young master would never come, I would have suffered from his arrogance!" Shen Fei's voice was full of resentment.

The old god Shen Ming was there and comforted him: "Young master, a little impatience will mess up a big plan. Let's see how long it will take for him to finish!"

The spy who was inserted into the Haozhen family must have taken advantage of the chaos to take action. Tonight, he will give Xian Wu an unforgettable wedding gift.

Cherish the good time now, you may not be able to see it tomorrow, Jie Jie Jie...

At the table of civilian families, Xian Wu came over holding a wine glass and a wine flask.

Zhang Ming's father, Wei Nan's father and Zhu Junxiang's father all raised their glasses to congratulate Xian Wu.

They were very grateful for Xian Wu's invitation, because except for Xian Wu, no noble family had ever invited them to the banquet.

Among the noble families in the Glory City, only the Haozhen family looked up to them.

"You're welcome. Eat and drink well. If the food is not enough, let the servants add more." Xian Wu smiled and clinked glasses with several parents one by one.

Finally, Xian Wu and the two representatives of the Holy Family, who looked as green as bastards, clinked glasses, exchanged a few words and left.

It was night in a blink of an eye.

After the guests dispersed, it was time for the drunken Xian Wu to get down to business.

What Xian Wu didn't know was that Xiao Ning'er was also drunk. She was helped by Ye Ziyun to the west wing to rest, and she vomited along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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