Chapter 123

At night, the moonlight dances.

The guests dispersed, and the lively Xian family courtyard became quiet.

Entering the east wing of the courtyard, Nie Li, Lu Piao, Du Ze, Wei Nan, Zhang Ming and Zhu Junxiang gathered together, plotting something.

Parents and elders have already left, they stay here for no other reason, one is to disturb Xian Wu's bridal chamber, and the other is to cultivate in the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams Spirit Gathering Formation arranged by Nie Li.

"It's almost time, we should start taking action." Lu Piao said with a smirk on his face, he was the best at making wedding arrangements and stuff like that.

Lu Piao became extremely angry when he remembered that Xian Wu had sucked out every drop of his soul power in the library.

Wasn't he just talking nonsense? He and Nie Li went out mysteriously and didn't tell everyone what they were going to do. There was a high probability of a py transaction.After being told what they said, the two of them became angry.

The honest Wei Nan persuaded: "It's not good for us to do this. Today is Xian Wu's happy day..."

If Xian Wu is offended, their cultivation in the Haozhen family will most likely be ruined.

Moreover, the husband and wife were doing exactly that. They barged in rashly and interrupted the spell casting. Wouldn't they scare Xian Wu into trouble?
"The more joyful the day, the more it should be noisy. It is the tradition of our City of Glory to make noise." Zhang Ming disagreed.

That boy Xian Wu, so virtuous and capable, was able to marry two peerless beauties, Yang Xin and Hu Yan Lanruo, at the same time. It was so enviable.

Nie Li touched his chin and said, "Let's play, let's make trouble, don't make fun of Xian Wu. Xian Wu's temper is not very good, we have to pay attention to the sense of propriety."

Chu Yuan just struck up a conversation with Hu Yan Lanruo, and was slapped to death by Xian Wu.

If they forcibly interrupted Xian Wu's spellcasting, they would be crushed by him.

Besides, Xian Wu was so drunk that he didn't even recognize his adoptive father. He annoyed him and decided that he would have no good juice to eat.

However, Xi Nao still has some meaning. It represents good wishes for the newlyweds, and its meaning is good.

It's just that some second-guessers who don't know how to measure things or look for opportunities to retaliate have turned the joy into a demon, making people fearful of the trouble.

"Let's go!" Lu Piao raised his arms and rushed out excitedly.

Nie Li and others followed closely behind, passing through the Zhaoshou Veranda and heading straight into the Sijin Courtyard.

The six people sneaked through the verandahs with carved beams and painted buildings, and met a fellow traveler on the way.

"Brother, what's your surname?" Lu Piao asked curiously.

"Ye Hong." The long-haired man replied coldly.

Nie Li had heard of the name Ye Hong, and had heard Ziyun mention it before.Ye Hong is the leader of the younger generation of the Fengxue Family. He is the son of Ye Shuo and Xian Wu's adopted brother.

However, there was no joy at all on Ye Hong's face. On the contrary, it was so green that it made people feel alarmed. Was he there for fun?

Before Nie Li could speak, Ye Hong said to himself: "Yang Xin is my true love. I will never allow any other man to touch her. Tonight I will take her to escape from the marriage, leave the Glory City, and find a place with no one." A place to live the rest of my life.”

Lu Piao and Du Ze looked at each other and wondered, is there something wrong with this person's mind?

Yang Xin had been living with Xian Wu for a long time, how could she have an affair with Ye Hong?Could it be an ex-boyfriend?


"Uh... Brother, I have something to say, I don't know if I should ask it or not?" Lu Piao hesitated.

"Ask." Ye Hong said coldly.

"Yang Xin is your true love. Are you Yang Xin's true love?" Lu Piao asked.

Ye Hong snorted and said, "She will fall in love with me! What we have to do now is to take her out of the devil's cave."

Hearing Ye Hong's words, everyone's eyes widened. It turned out to be such unrequited love. "Ye Hong, Xian Wu is your adopted brother. Does Lord Ye Shuo know that you are doing this?" Nie Licheng glanced at the brothers.

Du Ze and others understood and slowly surrounded Ye Hong.

Lu Piao clenched his fists and said, "Although I don't know why you told us this, we know we must stop you."

Everyone felt that Ye Hong had a brain problem.

It was just wishful thinking and a crush on Yang Xin, but he actually dared to tell his plan blatantly, and he didn't even take them seriously.

"Just by how many of you?" Ye Hong smiled contemptuously.

Zhu Junxiang was not polite to him, and hit Ye Hong in the face with a big electric cannon.

The woman who dared to hit his eldest brother, that is, his sister-in-law's idea, is seeking death!
The six brothers swarmed up and blocked Ye Hong in the corner of the verandah and beat him.

Except for Nie Li, the other five were all Silver Demon Spirit Masters. Although Ye Hong was also at the Silver level, he had no chance of winning if he was attacked by five people of the same level, let alone Nie Li, who was the mastermind.

"Fuck, if you have the guts to fight one on one, fighting in a group is nothing." Ye Hong wailed.

He knew that it was no longer possible between him and Yang Xin, but he just wasn't convinced.

If it weren't for his parents' disapproval, Yang Xin would have been his wife long ago, and the baby would probably be able to walk now.

If I had been more determined back then...

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world.

Fight, fight, your skin and flesh will hurt, but your heart won’t hurt anymore.

"Oh my god, this man must be made of copper and iron. He made my hands numb." Lu Piao leaned against the wall and rested for a while.

"Huh? What is that person doing sneakily? Isn't he also here to make trouble in the wedding ceremony?" Through the grated window, Lu Piao saw a man in black, carrying a bucket and a pen in the third courtyard. There is something painted on the wall inland.

"What are you looking at?" Nie Li came over.

Through the lattice window, Nie Li discovered that the man in black had drawn red flames and explosive inscriptions on the walls and beams.

Once this inscription is triggered, it will ignite a raging fire. Although it is not very powerful, it is enough to cause a fire.

"Stop beating!" Nie Li turned his head and shouted, "Someone wants to sabotage Xian Wu's house, we have to stop him."

"Who dares to cause damage to my eldest brother's house? I'm tired of living." Zhu Junxiang kicked Ye Hong hard and then moved closer to the grilled window.

The other three people also stopped and hid behind the circular arch, observing in secret.

Ye Hong was so beaten that he couldn't even get up. He sighed: "Maybe... this is the price of love."

Suddenly, the man in black seemed to notice something and looked behind him suddenly.

Nie Li and others took cover to prevent the man from noticing the abnormality.

At this time, two servants on night watch walked out of the arch near the man in black.

The man in black immediately stood alert against the wall. Without the servant noticing, he quietly reached over, broke the servant's neck, and then dragged the body into the flower bed to hide it.

"What should I do? That person is so ruthless and sophisticated that he can easily kill even a silver-level servant. We rookies are no match for him." Wei Nanxin raised his voice.

"Don't panic!" Nie Li told his brothers to calm down, "There is no other way, we can only use that move."

(End of this chapter)

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