Chapter 124
Nie Li asked Du Ze, Lu Piao and five others to protect him, and then he took out many soul-nurturing pills from the space ring.

Nie Li pinched his sword fingers, tapped some acupuncture points a few times, and then began to swallow the soul-refining and nourishing pills.

He used a cheating technique called "Qijing interception" to force himself to accelerate his training to the silver level.

Lu Piao and Zhang Ming monitored the man in black who was painting inscriptions on the wall, Wei Nan and Du Ze helped Nie Li protect the law, and Zhu Junxiang guarded Ye Hong, who wanted to cause trouble.

After about one stick of incense, Nie Li exuded a powerful aura and was promoted to the silver level.

"It's so fast!" Wei Nan not only exclaimed, but it took him two weeks to go from bronze five-star to silver one-star, while Nie Li achieved it in just one stick of incense.

Nie Li smiled and explained: "If you want to use the strange meridian amputation, you must have an extremely good understanding of the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body. You also need to have strong control over the soul power. With your current level, you can't use it rashly." Cultivation that affects the future.”

"Okay, now it's time to get down to business." Nie Li took out the shadow demon spirit lamp from the space ring, controlled the soul power to bind the shadow demon spirit, and led it into the soul sea.

Once a demon spirit is included in the demon spiritual master's soul sea, it will automatically sign something similar to a soul contract. It cannot attack the demon spiritual master, nor can it actively escape from the soul sea, unless the demon spiritual master voluntarily abandons it.

In his previous life, Nie Li was a peerless powerhouse who could fight the Holy Emperor for [-] rounds, so merging demon spirits was a piece of cake for him.

In less than a quarter of a stick of incense, he successfully merged the shadow demon spirit into the soul sea.

The six people (including Ye Hong) all stared blankly at Nie Li, who was possessed by the summoned shadow demon. His cultivation talent was comparable to that of Xian Wu.

If Nie Li's cultivation level can surpass Xian Wu's, then it will be proved that his talent is better than Xian Wu's.

After briefly adapting to the basic combat skills of the shadow demon spirit, Nie Li sneaked into the shadow and touched the killer.

Everyone watched Nie Li leave, their palms sweating for him.

However, their worries were unnecessary, Nie Li quickly took care of that guy.

"Tell me, who sent you here? The red flame explosion it from the Holy Family?" Nie Li pinched the neck of the man in black and asked coldly.

The man in black's hands and feet have been disabled, and he can only speak but cannot resist.

"Spare my life, I..." Just as the man in black was about to speak, his whole body began to twitch, and then he rolled his eyes, and with a "bang", the meridians all over his body exploded, turning into a blood gourd.

Nie Li got up from the ground. Fortunately, he dodged immediately, otherwise he would have been splashed with blood.

"What happened? How did you kill him?" Lu Piao ran over and asked, with Du Ze and others following closely behind.

Ye Hong also followed. Although the woman he liked was snatched away by Xian Wu, it was purely a matter of emotion.

Now someone is causing damage to his home. As Xian Wu's adopted brother, he has the obligation to stop those people.

Moreover, Xian Wu gave so many soul-tempering pills to his father. As a sworn brother, he couldn't repay kindness with hatred, right?

Nie Li kicked the rag doll-like corpse and said, "His soul has been set with a secret. Once certain information is revealed, it will self-destruct. I don't know if he is from the Holy Family or the Chu Family." people."

He and Xian Wu jointly exposed the plagiarism incident of the Holy Family, and it was Xian Wu who killed Chu Yuan of the Chu family.

Moreover, the brothers also joined forces to beat up Shen Yue and his thugs, so the Holy Family was the most suspect.

"The red flames explode inscriptions, and they are triggered in a series." Nie Li touched the blood of the monster beasts that had not dried up on the wall and murmured.

Inscription patterns are divided into war patterns and weapon patterns. War patterns are engraved on scrolls or other flat surfaces, while weapon patterns can be on weapons and armor.

The red flame explosion inscription is a war pattern. Once the soul power is input, it will set off and cause a fire. "Serial trigger? They want to burn down the mansion that the eldest brother has worked so hard to build for a month?" Zhu Junxiang was surprised.

"I'm going to tell my father and ask him to send someone to investigate this matter thoroughly." Ye Hong limped away dragging his scarred body.

Watching Ye Hong leave, Nie Li and others looked at each other in confusion.

"Maybe Ye Hong is not bad in nature, but he is just too persistent in love." Lu Piao thought thoughtfully.

Nie Li gave him a "poof" and scolded him with a smile: "You know nothing about love, hurry up and destroy the red flame explosion inscription."

Nie Li greeted everyone and went to the well to get a bucket to wash away the monster blood on the walls and beams.

On the other side, Xian Wu was lying on the bed, letting the two women... without realizing that the crisis was coming.

On the top of a pyramid in the territory of the Haozhen family, Shen Ming, Shen Fei and Li Yunhua looked at the Haozhen family mansion in the distance.

At the entrance of the pyramid, the guards were lying in a mess, all killed in one blow.

Shen Fei looked up at the moonlight and frowned: "What time has it been? Why is there still no fire? It won't fail, right?"

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious." Shen Ming looked as calm as an old dog, but in reality he was panicking.

"It's strange, why is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at the top of this tower so abundant? After practicing for only more than an hour, the effect is equivalent to what I practiced in one day." Li Yunhua sat cross-legged on the ground and couldn't help but sigh.

"Could it be that this pyramid has the effect of gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?" Shen Fei raised his eyebrows and started practicing like Li Yuanhua.

Sure enough, as Li Yunhua said, he felt the soul power surge in his soul sea.

Shen Ming also wanted to sit down and practice. He just moved his buttocks, but unexpectedly, Shen Fei suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

"Master, what's wrong with you, Master?" Shen Ming helped Shen Fei up, painfully took out a Nine Turns Pill from the space ring, and fed it to Shen Fei.

Li Yunhua thought thoughtfully: "Maybe the skills practiced by Shen Fei and the spiritual energy here are mutually exclusive. I can clearly feel that the top of this tower is filled with metallic spiritual energy."

After waiting until midnight, the mansion of the Haokuo family was not seen on fire. They understood that the spies might have failed.

Li Yunhua stood up, took out a scroll from the space ring, and spread it on the ground at the top of the pyramid.

"We have no choice but to summon Lord Gui Sha and the others." Li Yunhua squatted on the ground and poured his soul power into the scroll.

The scroll groaned softly, and strange black mist surged out, which was very conspicuous under the bright moonlight.

The black mist dispersed bigger and farther, and soon it covered half of the pyramid.

The black fog disappeared, and three tall figures appeared on the top of the pyramid.

The night wind blew, and the scroll turned into ashes and drifted away in the wind, falling towards the mansion of the Haozhen family.

The three of them were wearing large black cloaks, with ferocious black demon patterns tattooed on the back of the cloaks.

"It's been a long time, City of Glory..." The leading black-robed man put his hands behind his back and sighed with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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