Chapter 126 Lord Ghost
The mountains are black and majestic, the wilderness is gloomy, and the night is like a monster with its big black mouth open, choosing people to eat.

At the top of the pyramid, Shen Ming, Shen Fei and Li Yunhua knelt down on one knee to worship the man in black who was teleported through the scroll.

Shen Ming shuddered in his heart. The terrifying aura exuded by the leader, the man in black, was comparable to the head of the family, Shen Hong.

"Trash!" The leading man in black kicked Li Yunhua to the ground, and while stepping on the right side of Li Yunhua's face covered by his slanted bangs, he cursed: "I can't catch you with meat tickets, I can't set fire to you, so what's the use of keeping you!"

"Lord Guisha, please forgive me. Shen Ming is responsible for setting the fire, it's none of my business." Li Yunhua quickly dismissed the blame.

"Shen Ming?" Gui Sha stepped on Li Yunhua and looked at Shen Ming.

Although he is a vice president with real power, he still has to give face to Shen Hong, the honorary vice president.

Since Shen Ming is Shen Hong's person, he can't be too harsh on him.

"Lord Guisha, that Xian Wu is cunning, scheming, and advanced, reaching the gold level. He is not something that a few of us at the silver level can deal with." Shen Ming smiled bitterly, "I think the spies I sent in have been killed by him a long time ago. found and executed."

"A bunch of trash!" Gui Sha snorted, lifted his legs and let go of Li Yunhua, walked to the edge of the pyramid, and looked down.

"Thank you, Lord Guisha, for not killing. Thank you, Lord Guisha, for not killing..." Li Yunhua knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately. Guisha's murderous aura made him feel cold from head to toe.

"Shen Ming, what's going on with this pyramid?" Gui Sha stood with his hands behind his back and asked without looking back. The tower was five or six feet high and about twenty or thirty feet wide. There were strange inscriptions painted on the sloping walls. Know what it is for.

Shen Ming took a step forward and reported: "Reporting to Master Guisha, this pyramid is suspected to have the ability to increase the speed of soul power cultivation. An hour of cultivation at the top of the tower is equivalent to a day of cultivation elsewhere."

He just practiced a little incense on the top of the pyramid, and he felt that his soul power was pouring into the soul sea like a tide.

The aura of heaven and earth here is metallic, and the soul power he cultivates is also metallic. It has a mutual relationship with his own ice-attribute soul power, and will slowly transform into ice-attribute soul power in the soul sea.

Shen Fei's soul power is of the fire attribute, and it is incompatible with the metallic soul power that he has cultivated. Not only will his cultivation level not be increased, but it will also be reduced, which will eventually lead to him going crazy and vomiting blood.

"Oh? This pyramid actually has such an effect?" Gui Sha raised his eyebrows. If all the people who built this tower were captured and taken to the guild headquarters, the strength of the dark guild would be greatly improved.

However, these pyramids in front of us must not be left alive. They will be destroyed after the scourge of Xian Wu is eliminated.

If you choose to destroy the pyramid first, the big noise will probably alert the snake and scare the kid away.

"Reporting to Lord Guisha, it is really effective." Li Yunhua nodded and bowed, "However, this pyramid is only suitable for those who cultivate the soul power of metal, water and ice attributes. Others may suffer damage."

"The pyramid standing in the territory of the Haozhen family coincides with the Five Elements and Bagua. According to the speculation of my subordinates, it should be some kind of ancient magic circle. That Xian Wu was able to cultivate from a useless soul to a gold level in just two months. I must have discovered a treasure left behind by some great power by accident..."

"Treasure?" Gui Sha's eyes lit up. What Li Yunhua said was not unreasonable.

From this point of view, Xian Wu cannot be killed but can only be captured alive. It would be great if he could find out the whereabouts of the treasure or persuade him to join the Dark Guild.

If there is no treasure, and he is not a reincarnation of the spiritual locus, and he is unwilling to join the Dark Guild, then such a genius cannot be kept. If he is allowed to grow up, he will become a serious threat to the Dark Guild in the future.Guisha pondered for a moment, then turned around and said, "Shen Ming, you two go back first. The guild has no intention of aggressively attacking Glory City for the time being. You two identities cannot be revealed for the time being. The Sacred Family still needs to lie dormant and wait quietly for the opportunity."

"Yes, Master Guisha." Shen Ming nodded, pulling Shen Fei, who was pale and sloppy, down the pyramid.

Watching the two of them disappear into the vast night, Gui Sha hooked his hand at Li Yunhua.

"Sir?" Li Yunhua stepped forward, feeling anxious, fearing that the ghost would break his fragile neck.

The Dark Guild has three major talkers. The first is naturally the Guild Leader Demon Lord, the core figure of the Dark Guild; the second is Long Sha, the think tank of the Dark Guild; and the third is Gui Sha, the thug of the Dark Guild with a bad temper and courage. No plan.

Among them, the president, the demon master, practiced in closed doors all day long, and the dragon could not see the end, and Li Yunhua had never seen him a few times;

Long Sha has a thick face and a dark heart, and the city is very deep. He will not massacre the congregation wantonly. Li Yunhua is not afraid of him;
Gui Sha is different. He kills people based on his likes and dislikes. He will kill people at the slightest displeasure. Everyone in the gang respects and fears him.

The reason why Li Yunhua was so nervous was because Gui Sha was the judge of the Dark Guild.

The last time he failed to arrest Ye Ziyun, he also lost a large number of gang members. Sooner or later, Gui Sha will take this matter and raise an army to hold him accountable.

"Where is Xian Wu's wedding room?" Gui Shaxie asked, pointing to the brightly lit Haozhen family mansion.

There are five courtyards in the Haozhen family, and Gui Sha doesn't want to waste time looking for them one by one, nor does he want to scare the snake by accident.

Therefore, it is particularly important to figure out Xian Wu's position and hit every hit.

"This..." Li Yunhua was dumbfounded, "Reporting to Master Guisha, the Haozhen family is heavily guarded, and Shen Ming and the others can only move around in the second courtyard. Therefore... I don't know whether Xian Wu's wedding room is in the third courtyard or in the third courtyard. Four into the courtyard."

Li Yunhua shed a drop of cold sweat on his temples. He was afraid that the evil spirit would suddenly arise and kill him.

Gui Sha snorted coldly, his face turned ashen, like a ghost.

"Trash, they are all a bunch of trash!" Gui Sha looked down at the mansion and ordered sternly: "Li Yunhua, go down and find out the situation. If you find Xian Wu's wedding room, use a signal flare to notify us immediately."

"Sir." Li Yunhua hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Sir Guisha, Xian Wu caught the spy who set the fire, so he may have taken precautions. If I go there rashly, I may fall into the trap he set. .”

The ghost's face was as fierce as that of a ghost, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "I will give you two choices now. The first choice is that you go down to collect information; the second choice is that I will kill you on the spot."

"I'm going, Master Guisha, don't kill me, I'm going!" Li Yunhua stood up in a hurry, flew down the pyramid, and headed towards the Haozhen Family Courtyard.

If you go to inquire about the situation, you may still live. If you dare to disobey the ghost, you will die.

(End of this chapter)

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