Chapter 127 Encounter

After receiving the ghost's order, Li Yunhua took advantage of the dark night and swooped towards the compound like a cheetah.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunhua was discovered by two Snow Dragon Guards before he even got close to the wall of Sanjin Courtyard.

"Who is that? Don't move!" Snow Dragon Guard shouted with a gun.

They wore black armor, and if they kept silent, no one would be able to spot them hiding in the dark.

The aura emanating from the other party was not strong, so the two of them did not immediately call for support, fearing that others would take the credit.

What they don't know is that the people in the Dark Guild are best at concealing their own aura.

Li Yunhua used his soul power to summon the demon spirit Tianxing Black Tiger, and the possession was completed instantly.

The huge and ferocious tiger claws, like a tiger-headed guillotine, slashed down at the nearest Snow Dragon Guard.

"I'll block it, you go and inform Lord Ye Shuo!" The Snow Dragon Guard blocked with his spear, and the huge force of the tiger's claws knocked him down on one knee.

It wasn't until the confrontation that Xue Longwei realized that the opponent was hiding his strength, at least it was a silver five-star demon spiritist.

Although the two of them are also Silver level, they are Silver level warriors with only one or two stars.

They had just graduated from Shenglan College and had only joined the Snow Dragon Guard for a few days, so they were not familiar with some of the business.When encountering emergencies, it is inevitable to panic for a moment.

The Snow Dragon Guard behind him quickly took out the Snow Dragon Token, poured his soul power into it, and summoned support.

Li Yunhua would not give the two of them a chance. He changed his moves and slashed his horizontal claws towards the Snow Dragon Guard's neck.

The Snow Dragon Guard turned sideways and raised his gun, dodging the fatal blow.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunhua suddenly stretched out his machine arm and aimed at the Snow Dragon Guard behind him.


Three sleeve arrows, quenched with blood and poisonous enough to seal the throat, were fired.

"Be careful!" Snow Dragon Wei Fei blocked the poison arrow for his companion, and the sleeve arrow shot directly through the black dragon armor on his body, and the poison quickly flowed through his body along the blood.

There are two types of Xuelong Guards, the veterans who wear silver armor are called Bailong, and those who wear black armor are new recruits who are called Heilong.

Moreover, most of the white dragons are demon spiritual masters, while the black dragons are mostly warriors, responsible for doing some dirty work.

As we all know, warriors are not very good at cultivating soul power. Even lighting a small Snow Dragon Token takes a long time.

Seeing his companion lighting up the Snow Dragon Token, the fallen Snow Dragon Guard smiled and gave a thumbs up, his arms dropped, and he died.

"Damn it!" Li Yunhua cursed angrily and used his hands and feet to attack the Snow Dragon Guard who was sending the signal.

Originally, he wanted to deal with the one who leaked the information first, and then deal with the one in front of him.

What he never expected was that these Snow Dragon Guards were all lunatics and would use their bodies to block his poisonous arrows.

Which normal person would give up his own life to save others?
What Li Yunhua didn't know was that Xuelongwei's first lesson was about sacrifice, sacrificing his life to complete a mission.

The reason why the two recruits were able to join Black Dragon so quickly was precisely because they performed outstandingly in the first class.

"Tian Shuang Fist!!!" The remaining Snow Dragon Guard bent his arms and clenched his fists like a constipation, then suddenly punched forward.

The inscriptions on the wind and snow gauntlet lit up, and countless ice crystals condensed and gathered.

Under the roar of the Snow Dragon Guard, the sharp ice blasted towards Li Yunhua like a wild rainstorm.


"The Heavenly Dragon and the Earthly Tiger have discovered the situation!" The assistant came to Ye Shuo with a snow dragon order as big as a laptop computer.

This large token is engraved with dense inscriptions. Although there are many inscriptions, they are in an orderly manner. Each module is divided into many small parts, and each small part has a name written under it.At this time, the inscription above "Dragon and Earth Tiger" shone like a breathing lamp, exuding a cool silver light.

"Let's go over and take a look!" Ye Shuo pulled the sheet from the white kang and covered the bloody corpse.

He checked and found that the forbidden curse on the corpse should have been planted by the Dark Guild.In other words, the Dark Guild wants to set fire to Xian Wu's house.

Mu Xiu is bound to be destroyed by Lin Feng. Xian Wu is too good and too high-profile. It is only a matter of time before he is targeted by the dark guild.

But what he didn't expect was that the Dark Guild's attack would come so quickly.

"Master Ye Shuo, we are going with you!" Nie Li suddenly said, "We are all silver-level demon spiritual masters, we can help."

Xian Wu was his adopted son, and destroying Xian Wu's home was destroying his home. There was no reason for him to miss the action against criminals.

Seeing Ye Shuo's hesitation, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, Ye Hong covered his cheeks and said, "Father, just let them go. I tested their strength...very strong."

Ye Shuo looked at Ye Hong, who was covered in bruises, and then at Lu Piao, who was unharmed, and then nodded.

Seeing that his father agreed, Ye Hong turned to Du Ze and the others and said, "Follow me in a moment and don't act without permission."

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Zhang Ming and others looked at each other, feeling very guilty.

Ye Hong's demeanor is really beyond comparison with ordinary people. They beat him like that just now, but he actually spoke for them.

In fact, although Ye Hong was beaten up, he was very grateful to Zhu Junxiang and the others in his heart.

They woke him up.

Yang Xin is not someone he can covet, not to mention the weird rules of the Yang family, nor the relationship between Xian Wu and his sworn brother. Considering that Xian Wu can cultivate to the gold level at a young age, Xian Wu It's just not something he can mess with.

Xian Wu's talent is so demonic that he will probably become a legendary demon spiritualist in the future.

Although according to his father Xian Wu was not a villain who killed innocent people indiscriminately, if he robbed his woman on their wedding night, Xian Wu would probably run away because of losing face.

When the time comes, even if the city lord uncle stops him, he will not be able to escape death.

If you think about it from another person's perspective, if you were the one who was robbed of your bride, you would probably do this in anger.

In fact, Yang Xin only met Ye Hong a few times, and she was not even interested in knowing his last name, let alone liking him.Ye Hong had such an idea out of pure sentimentality.


Marriage room.

Xian Wu stood on one leg on the floor, concentrating on doing squats, with Yang Xin in his arms and Huyan Lanruo sitting on his neck, just like Wu Qiao's acrobats.

He did not notice at all the fluorescence of the Snow Dragon Token in the space ring that appeared and disappeared.

Xian Wu might still notice it if he was wearing it on his hand, but he stuffed the space ring into the drawer of his bedside table to prevent him from cutting his two delicate wives when they were happy.

Just a left hand is enough for Xian Wu to have a headache, he doesn't want to have scruples about his right hand too.

It is worth mentioning that at Xian Wu’s request, he asked Chen Gong to thicken and widen the walls of the bedrooms in Sijin Yard.

Furthermore, Nie Li was asked to draw a silent inscription on the wall. Not only could the sounds in the bedroom not be transmitted, but the sounds from outside could not be transmitted either. It was extremely private and confidential.

"I don't know why, but my right eyelid keeps twitching, as if something big is about to happen."

"Maybe Awu is tired, come and give me a hug~"


(End of this chapter)

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