Chapter 128 Scythe Assassin
The dark night clung to every corner and stained every heart.

Li Yunhua threw the head of the earth tiger on the ground, raised his leg and stepped on it. Li Yunhua let the red and white things splash on his body without dodging.

"Forward or retreat?" Li Yunhua hesitated.

The Snow Dragon Guard has already sent out a distress signal, and his whereabouts have been discovered. If he breaks into the house again, he will undoubtedly be caught in a trap.

But it wouldn't work if he didn't go in and find out Xian Wu's location. The ghost wouldn't let him go.

Moreover, a special soul mark was planted on his body, and no matter where he escaped, he would be tracked by the ghost.

"Just die!" Li Yunhua gritted his teeth, bent his legs, and jumped over the wall into the courtyard. "Going forward means a narrow escape from death, and retreating means a tenth chance of death. I have no choice."

However, Xue Longwei came sooner than he expected.

As soon as Li Yunhua jumped over the wall, he was kicked out by a "Knight Kick".The person who kicked him looked familiar, and he didn't know where he had seen it before.

Li Yunhua landed on the ground, rolled backwards to relieve the impact, then put one hand on the ground, stood up suddenly, and summoned the Sky Star Black Tiger to possess him.

"The Sky Star Black Tiger? A good demon spirit. It's a pity to follow a murderer like you." Nie Li also summoned a shadow demon to possess him, and he quickly dematerialized a second before the Sky Star Black Tiger's claws struck, dodging the attack. .

It is worth mentioning that Nie Li was frozen by Xian Wu when he was at the ruins of Gulan City, so he did not know Li Yunhua.

Moreover, he didn't even know that Li Yunhua wanted to insult Ye Ziyun. Ye Ziyun didn't say anything, and the others didn't say much.

"Where's the person?" Li Yunhua frowned slightly. He looked around, but he couldn't find the yellow-haired boy who suddenly appeared.

Li Yunhua waved his ferocious sharp tiger claws, thinking that the opponent was using some special demon spirit's invisible combat skills.

In fact, Nie Li was still where he was, but his body had become insubstantial and he couldn't be attacked by ordinary physical means.

"Ah!" Li Yunhua suddenly covered his ears and knelt on the ground, with blood flowing out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose at the same time.

Obviously, he suffered some kind of invisible special attack.

At the same time, Nie Li also emerged from the void and flew away quickly. Ye Shuo's sonic attack affected him.

Although virtual combat skills are immune to physical damage, they are not immune to soul damage.

Because all parts of Nie Li's body are connected together by soul power after becoming virtual, being attacked by soul power will destroy the connection between various virtual parts, causing major damage.

Ye Shuo didn't know Nie Li's approach, and Nie Li didn't know Ye Shuo's approach either. It was inevitable that they would be accidentally injured for the first time when they cooperated.

More importantly, Ye Shuo wanted to capture Li Yunhua as soon as possible and did not want to watch Nie Lixiu's actions.

"What a powerful sonic combat skill!" Nie Li wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took the Nine Turns Pill handed over by Wei Nan and drank it.

He was seriously injured just a little bit by Ye Shuo's sound wave.

Sure enough, the strength gap in the big realm cannot be underestimated, and it is still too difficult to leapfrog the battle.

Looking at Ye Shuo who was covered in downy hair, Nie Li felt a little depressed. He thought that back then he was a strong man who could challenge the Holy Emperor, but now he was accidentally injured like this by a small black gold. It was really... so frustrating!
"Take it!"

Ye Shuo waved his hand, and the Snow Dragon Guards swarmed forward and grabbed Li Yunhua, who was lying half-dead on the ground, twisting his arms.

Li Yunhua was shocked by the Netherworld Sound Wave Kung Fu, causing blood to bleed from his seven holes, and his mind was a little unclear.


"be honest!"

The Snow Dragon Guard escorted Li Yunhua and wanted to go to Ye Shuo.

Under the bright moonlight, a black shadow suddenly flashed across, and then the heads of the two Snow Dragon Guards and Li Yunhua slipped from their necks and fell to the ground with three bangs, rolling all over the ground.Du Ze and Lu Piao looked at each other with a look of shock on their faces.The three of them were fine just now, how could they suddenly...

"Tum! Tum! Tum!" Three corpses fell to the ground.

Under the bright moonlight, a man in black robes holding a skull sickle appeared.

He knelt down on one knee, twisted his waist and swung his hips, making the same movement as waving the scythe, like a terrifying statue of the God of Death.

Zhang Ming swallowed, and his already big eyes opened even wider, almost as if they were about to fall out of their sockets.

He had only been in school for more than two months, and he was like a flower in a greenhouse. He had never seen such a bloody and cruel scene.

The sight of three heads rolling to the ground would probably give him nightmares all night long.

Compared to the panic of the children, Ye Shuo calmly waved his hand and ordered: "Snow Dragon Guards obey the order and set up the Dragon Gate Formation!"

"Here!" the Snow Dragon Guards shouted in unison, with Ye Shuo as the center, firmly protecting Zhu Junxiang and others in the center.

The Dragon Gate Battle Formation of the Snow Dragon Guard was discovered by Lord Ye Mo in a ruins when he was exploring the Saint Ancestor Mountains.

Everyone in the battle formation is closely connected to everyone else, and everyone's soul power is the sum of everyone's soul power.

With Ye Shuo as the leader of the formation, everyone's strength has climbed to the peak of black gold, and they are extremely abnormal and terrifying.

However, practicing the Dragon Gate Formation is also extremely difficult. It requires everyone to be connected and to be able to sacrifice themselves for others.

Seeing Ye Shuo and others setting up the dragon gate formation, the sickle assassin stopped pretending to be a monument and stood up slowly, leaning on his sickle and looking at them with interest.

On the top of the pyramid, a ghost stood facing the wind, closely monitoring every move in the Haozhen family mansion to prevent Xian Wu from escaping in the chaos.

Another man in black behind Gui Sha was squatting half-crouched by the tower, with his hands on the ground, squinting his yellow eyes, staring at the dragon gate formation formed by the Sickle Assassin and Ye Shuo like a wild beast.

"Every one of you... must die -" The sickle assassin took off his cloak, held the giant skull scythe in one hand, and launched an attack towards the Dragon Gate Formation.

Nie Li was surprised to find that the criminal who installed the monument was actually possessed by a rare Wind and Thunder Scythe and Weasel demon spirit.

The Wind and Thunder Scythe Weasel is a demonic beast with wind and thunder attributes. It masters the two powers of wind and thunder. It can spit out the invisible wind sickle from its mouth, and it can have the power of thunder with a flick of its tail.

What's even more frightening is that the Wind Thunder Scythe Weasel is also extremely fast. At the same level, there are almost no monsters on land that can match it.

"Netherworld Sound Wave Technique!!!" Seeing the enemy approaching, the Snow Dragon Guards, led by Ye Shuo, shouted in unison, and invisible sound waves surged in like a stormy wave.

The Scythe Assassin jumped up, trying to dodge the sonic attack.

But the sound wave followed like a shadow, chasing towards the mid-air.

The scythe assassin waved the skull scythe in the air, and the wind scythes hit the sonic wave one after another.

The two sides were at a stalemate for a while.

Nie Li narrowed his eyes and looked at the sickle assassin standing in the sky. He didn't have any good countermeasures for the moment.

"Nie Li, what should we do now?" Du Ze asked anxiously.

They were in the center of the Longmen Formation, so they were not affected by the sound waves.

"I don't know..." Before Nie Li could finish speaking, a gust of wind blew into the formation.

When he opened his eyes, he found...

(End of this chapter)

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