Chapter 129 Black Fox
The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, killing people and setting fires.

A strong wind blew by, and when Nie Li came to his senses, he found that Ye Hong was missing.

To make matters worse, Ye Shuo, who was the eye of the formation, was attacked by something unknown.Although the injury was not serious, it interrupted the soul connection between Ye Shuo and the other Snow Dragon Guards in the Longmen Formation.

As a result, the cultivation level of the rest of the Xue Longwei in the formation dropped rapidly, from the peak of black gold to the gold level.

The sickle assassin seized the opportunity, increased the output power, and poured the wind sickle towards the dragon gate array crazily.

The wind sickle easily dispersed the wave of sound waves and attacked the leaderless Snow Dragon Guards.

The Snow Dragon Guards were like wheat, falling into a pool of blood one after another. Their bodies were cut into small smooth pieces, and no one was intact.

In the blink of an eye, all the Snow Dragon Guards were harvested, leaving only Ye Shuo and Du Ze.

"Netherworld Sound Wave Skill!!!" Ye Shuo immediately came back to his senses and fired sound waves to offset the wind sickle, firmly protecting Lu Piao and others behind him.

The sickle assassin put away the sickle, dropped it to the ground, picked up the skull sickle, and licked the sharp blade.

Ye Shuo also stopped the sonic attack. He looked at the sickle assassin who suddenly stopped with a solemn expression. He didn't know why the opponent stopped.

"Dad! Leave me alone, run away!" Ye Hong's voice came from behind.

Ye Shuo turned around and saw that Ye Hong was being choked by a humanoid black fox and held in his hand.

"Hong'er!" Ye Shuo exclaimed.

Ye Hong's face was purple, and he kept kicking and struggling, his dark brown sharp claws dug into his fragile neck, and blood flowed down.


Taking advantage of Ye Shuo's daze, the Sickle Assassin launched a lightning attack, hitting Ye Shuo in the back of the heart with a thunder palm.

"Poof!" Ye Shuo flew out, spat out a mouthful of blood, and transformed into his original form, and the demon spirit released his possession.

After injuring Ye Shuo, the scythe assassin did not hesitate. He raised his skull scythe and struck at Wei Nan and others.

Nie Li instantly possessed the body demon spirit and his body became insubstantial.

He could escape the attack, but Zhang Ming and the others couldn't. The only thing waiting for them was the fate of being cut off with a sickle.

Although Nie Li was anxious, there was nothing he could do. A black-gold level demon spiritual master was something he couldn't handle with his one-star silver level.

On the other side, the black fox holding Ye Hong hostage killed him in pain, biting off Ye Hong's neck, then discarded him like a dead chicken, and flew towards Ye Shuo in mid-air.

Seeing the tragic death of his own son, Ye Shuo's eyes were torn apart. Regardless of his injuries, he forcibly activated the sea of ​​souls and summoned the snowy gods to possess him. "You bastard, I want you to die!"

The Snow God Demon flapped its big wings and punched the black fox. Countless icicles stabbed towards the black fox overwhelmingly.

Ye Shuo has been immersed in the practice of Tianshuang Fist for decades, and its power is more than ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the Tianshuang Fist played by the Snow Dragon Guards.Moreover, Ye Shuo's Sky Frost Fist is full of angry killing intent, and its attack power is super doubled.

"How dare you try your best with little skill?" Black Fox took out the shield from the space ring and blocked Bing Ling.

The black fox's shield is so powerful that it breaks if ice is touched.

Although the shield blocked the ice, the impact of the ice greatly reduced the momentum of the black fox in mid-air and gradually fell to the ground.


Just when Zhu Junxiang and others were at a loss, frightened by the giant skeleton scythe filled with the aura of death, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Drunken Monkey King, blast open the Heavenly Gate with one stroke!!!"

With a "bang", the Scythe Assassin suffered a heavy blow on his back. He flew backwards and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Assassins generally have a brittle body, but they took a big move from Hu Yanba and were left with no health left.

"Kids, get out of here and don't hold your grandpa back." Hu Yanba scolded Du Ze and the others.The stern and cold voice seduced the souls of several people who were frightened out of their wits.

Lu Piao did not hesitate, climbed over the wall into the courtyard, and took his brothers to inform Xian Wu.

After the sickle assassin was eliminated, Hu Yanba, possessed by the alcoholic monkey, rushed to support Ye Shuo.

Nie Li was not idle either. He lifted the void and flew in the direction of Ye Hong. He immediately took the Nine Turns Pill, which might save him.

"Drunken tiger, galloping down the mountain to catch the jackal!!!" Hu Yanba used his hands and feet to pounce on the black fox like a tiger descending from the mountain.

Today is the wedding of the granddaughter Huyan Lanruo and that little bastard. Huyanba was filled with joy and anger. He ate too much wine and slept in the east wing drunk.

Hu Yanba was sleeping soundly, but a smell of blood that hit his nose suddenly came.

Realizing something was wrong, he quickly got dressed and checked the situation.

Hearing the sound of fighting coming from outside the courtyard wall, he immediately climbed over the wall and happened to find a man in black holding a scythe to hurt someone.

Although he hated Xian Wu, he didn't hate Wu Jiwu to the extent, so he took action to save the little bastard's friend.

Looking at the broken limbs and broken arms all over the ground, red and white things, he felt the courage to kill.

The black fox was one against two, and instantly fell into a disadvantage.

"Uncle Ba!" Ye Shuo exclaimed when he saw Hu Yanba knocking the black fox down, and then stopped releasing ice to prevent accidental injury.

Ye Shuo took out the warrior sword from the space ring, held the sword and attacked the black fox, joining the battle group.

On the other side, Nie Li fed a bottle of Nine Turns Pill to Ye Hong. While using his soul power to catalyze the medicine's effect, he used the art of guidance to suture Ye Hong's wounds.

"Fortunately, the wound is not too big, otherwise even I wouldn't be able to save myself." Nie Li muttered, leading Ye Hong away from the battlefield.

The black fox didn't hold back, quickly broke away from Huyanba's restraints, and flew away quickly.

Before he ran very far, he was stopped by Ye Shuo again.

"The drunken peacock, the five-color screen blooms to sweep away everything!!!" Huyanba rushed over and hit the black fox with his fists like raindrops.

"Storm Sword Dance!!!" Ye Shuo attacked from behind, leaving the black fox nowhere to hide.

The black fox was extremely flexible and flexible. He was able to dodge and move around, and managed to avoid the two people's combined attacks without any damage.

After setting up Ye Hong, Nie Li once again summoned the shadow demon to possess him, and rushed to support Ye Shuo and Huyanba.

Although Black Fox's positioning is flexible, it is not impeccable.

Nie Li had rich combat experience and a sharp vision, and he quickly discovered the weakness of the black fox.

"Master Ye Shuo, use sonic attacks quickly. The black fox monster is most afraid of loud sounds." Nie Li pointed at the black fox's two long big ears and reminded.

Under normal circumstances, the hearing of fox monsters is 30 times that of humans.

In other words, using a sonic attack on it will cause 30 times the damage.

Moreover, the range of the sonic attack is extremely large. Even if the black fox can move flexibly within a small area, it cannot avoid the sound wave.

The black fox glared at Nie Li fiercely and said angrily: "You're looking for death!" After saying that, he dodged out of the siege of Hu Yanba and Ye Shuo and rushed towards Nie Li.

Nie Li immediately used the virtualization combat technique to avoid the black fox's attack.

Ye Shuo flew up to the sky and fired a sound wave towards the black fox: "Youming..."

Before he finished his moves, the sound suddenly stopped. Ye Shuo looked down blankly and saw an arm coming out of his chest. The arm was covered with strange patterns and was very ferocious. evil.

(End of this chapter)

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