Chapter 130 Dragon Flame
The night was deathly silent.

Boom boom boom!
A sudden knock on the door interrupted Xian Wu's good deeds.

"Who is it?" Xian Wu looked displeased and shouted at the door.He was in a good mood, and no one with a blind eye came to disturb the good thing.

Carrying his two beautiful wives to the bed, Xian Wu wrapped them tightly in quilts to prevent them from leaking out.

He picked up the pants scattered on the ground with one foot, put them on quickly, then, naked to the waist, unlatched the door and leaned out of the door.

Outside, Lu Piao and the other five people were sweating profusely, and their chests were heaving violently, as if they had just run 1000 meters.

Du Ze was out of breath and said: "Xian Wu, first...don't leave the bridal chamber, something happened outside, hurry up and help!"

"What happened?" Xian Wu frowned. What could be more important than his bridal chamber?
Xian Wu was wondering when he suddenly heard the sound of a fierce fight not far from the courtyard.

"Who dares to cause trouble in the territory of our Haozhen family? I don't want to live anymore!" Xian Wu snorted coldly, closed the door and went back to the house to get dressed.

Under the service of his two lovely wives, Xian Wu put on his clothes and pulled up his trousers.

While Yang Xin was helping Xian Wu button up, he asked doubtfully: "A Wu, what happened outside?"

"I don't know, but it's probably not a good thing." Xian Wu looked serious, with a sharp coldness on his face.

Huyan Lanruo wasn't too worried. She squatted on the ground and helped Xian Wu fasten his belt, and said calmly, "As long as my grandpa is here, nothing big will happen."


outside the hospital.

Gui Sha pierced Ye Shuo's chest with a hand knife, then changed the knife into a palm, and a hot red flame spurted out from the palm, burning towards Hu Yanba.

"Drunk Phoenix, soar to the Nine Heavens with one dance!!!" Huyanba suddenly jumped up, raising his own flame defense, dodging the attack.

Although Huyanba avoided most of the flames, his trousers were still burned by the red flames of the ghost.

The red flames were like maggots clinging to bones, burning along the waistband of Huyanba's trousers. No matter how hard Huyanba beat him, they could not be extinguished.

"Ah!!!" Hu Yanba fell to the ground, his whole body was burned by raging fire, and he rolled on the ground in pain. The demon spirit was also released from its possession.

"Long Yan?" Nie Li's pupils shrank.

The flames of dragon monsters are one of the strongest flames in the world, comparable to the red lotus karma fire of hell monsters.

Once it is burned by the dragon flame, it cannot be extinguished by ordinary means, and can only be dissolved by completely submerging in water.

"Grandpa Huyan, jump into the moat quickly, you can put out the fire!" Nie Li reminded loudly, and then quickly disappeared.

Upon hearing Nie Li's prompt, Huyanba endured the burning pain and quickly ran towards the moat at the edge of the Haozhen family's territory.

Gui Sha pulled his arm away from Ye Shuo's chest, and cut off the dying Ye Shuo's head with a knife.

"Don't chase after the poor!" Gui Sha stopped the black fox who wanted to chase, "Our target is not him, let's deal with Xian Wu first!"


Marriage room.

Xian Wu, who was getting dressed, felt heart palpitations and didn't know what was happening.

However, considering that Mr. Hu Yanba was in charge, Xian Wu was not too worried.

Dressed neatly, Xian Wu picked up the space ring on the table, put it on his right thumb, and then took out three demon stones from it.There are three black gold-level demon spirits sealed in the Demon Spirit Stone, sent by Ye Zong, Ye Shuo and Hu Yanxiong respectively.

I only received it in the morning, and then I was busy greeting the guests, and in the evening I was busy having fun with my lovely wives, so I didn't devour and refine it immediately.

Although there are top powerhouses like Hu Yanba outside to help, nothing big will happen.

But if something big happens and he is not strong enough, it will be troublesome, because the enemy will not give him a chance to devour the demon spirit.

The last time he defeated Hu Yanba through opportunism did not mean that he had the strength to defeat the black gold level demon spiritual master.

If Huyanba hadn't focused on sealing the soul sea at that time and took the initiative to attack, the loser would definitely be himself.

Because his flying sword only has the power of peak gold and cannot cause substantial damage to the strong men at the peak of black gold.

It took less than twenty breaths in total to swallow three black gold level demon spirits.

"Huh???" In addition to the sound of breaking through the limit, Xian Wu suddenly felt a cold feeling in his left hand.

Because of the increase in soul power level, his left hand seemed to have undergone some strange changes.

There was no time to test what changes had happened to it, so Xian Wu ordered his wives to hide on the bed and wait for him to come back to continue having fun.

Walking out of the wedding room, Xian Wu asked coldly, "What happened?"

At this time, Lu Piao and Du Ze had recovered and were no longer gasping for air.

"There's a fight outside! There's killing! The scythe clicked..." Lu Piao started talking nonsense.

Du Ze interrupted Lu Piao and scolded: "Calm down, Lu Piao!" Du Ze turned to Xian Wu and said: "People from the Dark Guild are here to cause damage. Go and have a look! The Snow Dragon Guard suffered heavy casualties, and Ye Shuo The adults were also seriously injured.”

"What? My adoptive father is injured!" Xian Wu's face changed color, and he immediately summoned his wind and thunder wings and flew towards the direction where the sound of fighting came from.

Looking at Xian Wu disappearing into the night, Zhang Ming blinked his big eyes and asked in a trembling voice: "Du Ze, we... what should we do now? Those people are all black gold level experts, and we can't help him. Busy."

Du Ze touched his chin, then walked to the door of the wedding room, patted the door and said: "Sister Yang Xin, sister Lan Ruo, people from the Dark Guild are here, we need your help."

In less than a minute, the two girls with flushed faces walked out of the wedding room one after another. They were dressed in military uniforms and looked heroic.

"Gather all the fighting forces in the whole government and let's fight out!" Huyan Lanruo raised her arms high and gave an order.

Seeing Sister Huyan Lanruo's head coming out, Du Ze and others suddenly had a backbone.

After all, Yang Xin is older, and following her eldest sister, they feel a sense of security.

"Sister, don't be impulsive." Yang Xin hurriedly stopped him, "If you dare to attack the Haozhen family, the people coming from the Dark Guild must be elites. We can't go head-to-head. The top priority is to find help."

Yang Xin turned to Du Ze and the others: "Listen to me, break out in groups of two and go to the city lord or other aristocratic families for help. Whichever of you is the fastest, report to the nearest Shengming family first."


"Whoever dares to hurt my adoptive father is seeking death!" Xian Wu's voice was like thunder, and he arrived at the battlefield instantly.

Gui Sha, Black Fox and Kama Weasel unexpectedly looked at Xian Wu who had thrown himself into a trap.

It's not surprising that the people in the Dark Guild knew Xian Wu. Before they started taking action, they had Xian Wu's portrait imprinted in their minds.

"It's true that there is a road to heaven, but if you don't take it, there is no door to hell, so you can throw yourself into it!" The seriously injured Scythe Weasel suddenly regained his skeleton scythe, and struck Xian Wu's neck with an invisible and formless wind scythe.

(End of this chapter)

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