Chapter 131 Soul Barrier
Although Xian Wu couldn't see the wind sickle issued by the Sickle Assassin, he could tell from the opponent's movements that it had launched an attack.

"Soul Barrier!!!" Xian Wu yelled, calling out the name of the move would help him better perform the newly acquired combat skills.

He is not Nie Li. He does not have rich combat experience and can use any combat skills at will.

You can only rely on this clumsy but effective method to improve the efficiency of combat skills.

As Xian Wu's voice came out, an invisible barrier appeared around him.

With his belly button as the center and two meters as the radius, a barrier field was formed.

After the barrier is formed, it consumes [-] soul power every second and can withstand soul attacks at the golden peak level. As the user's level increases, more soul power is consumed and the soul attacks defended are stronger.

The Scythe Assassin's Wind Scythe struck Xian Wu's soul barrier, and its power was offset by about [-]%. When it struck Xian Wu's gold-level body, it was like a whip. Although it hurt, it could not hurt him.

Although the Sickle Assassin took Huyanba's big move, the wind scythe he fired still had the power of black gold.

Xian Wu touched his sore neck, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "To be able to break through the soul barrier of the peak gold level, the person holding the sickle is at least a black gold level strongman."

"But where did Huyanba go? Didn't Lanruo say that her grandfather was protecting her? Where is the person?" Xian Wu looked around.

Seeing that Xian Wu was not cut into two pieces by the wind sickle, Gui Sha breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Kamitachi angrily and slapped Kamitachi hard: "Damn it, didn't I tell you to live? You're deaf! If you kill him, where can we ask for the treasure? Whereabouts?"

"I'm sorry, Lord Ghost." Kamitachi covered his face and lowered his head with a humble attitude.

Gui Sha snorted coldly and ordered: "If apologizing is useful, what else will the Dark Guild do? Fly up and capture that kid for me, and I will consider you guilty and meritorious service."

Although Xian Wu successfully defended against the wind sickle launched by Kamitachi, Gui Sha still did not think that Xian Wu was Kamitetsu's opponent.

Although Kaname Itachi was seriously injured, he was still at the black gold level. Although Xian Wu could defend against the wind sickle, he was at the gold level.

Although the two are one level apart in terms of grand realm, the gap in combat effectiveness is astonishing.

It is worth mentioning that when a demon spiritual master reaches the black gold level, he can use his soul power to obtain short-term low-altitude abilities even if he does not summon a demon spirit to possess him.When a demon spiritual master reaches the legendary level, he can even use his soul power to fly at high altitudes.

"Yes, Lord Ghost!" Kamitachi cupped his fists and cupped his hands, flying into the air with his sickle.

Gui Sha is the law enforcement elder of the Dark Guild, and he has the power to deal with any member who makes mistakes. Not only a thousand, but also eight hundred members died in his hands.Even if you are a high-level member of the Black Gold level, if you make a mistake, you will be severely punished.

Xian Wu closed the soul barrier that consumed a huge amount of soul power, summoned Fang Tian's painted halberd from the soul sea, and slashed towards the sickle and weasel.

"Beat the cattle across the mountain!!!" Xian Wu shouted loudly, and used a move in the Yang family's marksmanship.

Although the Yang family's marksmanship is a martial skill, most of the moves consume physical strength, but there are also moves that consume soul power.

For example, his technique of hitting an ox across a mountain can directly hit the enemy more than ten meters away.

Kamaita is best at using the invisible wind sickle to attack, so it is very sensitive to invisible attacks, and can dodge by moving sideways.

Kaname Weasel grasped the skull scythe and wanted to launch the wind scythe to attack Xian Wu.

But Gui Sha wanted to catch them alive, so he couldn't use the wind sickle, which had uncontrollable damage, and could only fly up and fight hand-to-hand.

Sickle Weasel's Skeleton Scythe and Xian Wu's Fang Tian Painting Halberd collided fiercely, and flames flew everywhere.

Seeing that Xian Wu's Fangtian Painted Halberd could block his Skeleton Scythe, Kamitachi was very shocked.

You must know that your Skeleton Scythe is a black-gold-level warrior. It is extremely sharp and cuts iron like clay. Soldiers and armors below the black-gold level are like paper in front of the Skeleton Scythe.Xian Wu's weapons can block his own slashing blows, so could it be that he is also holding black-gold rank soldiers?It must have been obtained from the treasure of that ancient power!

When he thought of the treasure that Xian Wu discovered, Kamitachi's heart felt hot.

"Take my punch!"

What Xian Wu never expected was that Kaname Weasel actually raised his sickle pole, blocking his demonic left hand that could decompose all things.

"???" Xian Wu was shocked and quickly swept back, wondering in his heart: "What's going on? Can't his left hand automatically decompose all things? Why doesn't it work?"

Xian Wu stretched out his left hand and held the halberd towards Fang Tian.

"Fang Tian's painted halberd didn't break into two pieces? Is this a new change in the devil's left hand? Has the disadvantage of active decomposition disappeared?" Xian Wu secretly guessed in his heart.

"Boy, if you are too young to fight with me, just surrender and capture him!" Kamitachi punched Xian Wu in return.

Xian Wu took the fist with his palm, secretly saying "disintegrate" in his mind.

The demon's left hand came back from the dead and disintegrated half of Kamaita's arm instantly.

Kaname Itachi missed the target and passed by Xian Wu. Just as he was about to turn around and attack Xian Wu's back with a horizontal fist, he was shocked to find that his right hand and right forearm were missing, and blood could not stop flowing down.

"What happened?" Kamitachi was confused. He had just exchanged blows with Xian Wu. Why was his right arm missing?

Xian Wu fanned his wind and thunder wings and hovered in the air, admiring with satisfaction the demon's left hand that had no side effects.

Now, he can let his hands and feet go wild!

"Eight stabs of the knight's halberd!!!" Xian Wu shouted and used the halberd technique that the soul soldier had.

When Kamite heard the sound, he quickly swept back and saw that one Xianwu instantly turned into eight Xianwu, and each Xianwu thrust out their painted halberds fiercely.

"Escape!" Faced with the strange Xian Wu, Kamitachi didn't dare to fight, so he turned around and ran away, heading towards the direction of Gui Sha and the two men.

However, Kama Itachi's back and right arm were all seriously injured, he couldn't run faster, and was soon caught up by Xian Wu.

Sensing Xian Wu approaching quickly from behind, Kamitachi turned around.

Unexpectedly, his black-gold skull sickle was like paper in front of Xian Wu's left hand, and was cut short in an instant.

After smashing the weasel's weapon, Xian Wu slammed the "Immortal Toast Throat Lock" on the weasel's throat, and at the same time issued the "Chaos Devouring Art" silently.

He has been practicing the Chaos Soul Devouring Technique for a long time, so he can successfully activate it without shouting.

Kamaitachi held his throat that was bleeding crazily and hit the ground with a loud bang, causing the soil to splash.

Xian Wu stepped on the weasel's back, raised Fang Tian's painted halberd, and prepared to strike.

"Kamaitachi!" Black Fox called out and quickly rushed to support.

"Father?!" Xian Wu suddenly saw Ye Shuo's head, "Ah! Die!!"

Before the soul power could be absorbed, Xian Wu cut off the head of the sickle with a halberd.

(End of this chapter)

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