The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 137 Jedi Counterattack

Chapter 137 Jedi Counterattack
Xian Wu's soul power had been exhausted when he summoned the Golden Lion Flying Sword, although the upper limit of his soul power reached 99.

However, the soul power in the soul sea, like the dragon evil, has been exhausted.

When activating the Chaos Holy Spirit Technique, if the hit part is the target's acupuncture point, the target will feel like an electric shock.

Otherwise there is no obvious feeling.

By the time the target notices the loss of his soul power, it is already too late. In a second or two, his soul power will be drained.

Gui Sha's situation is rather special. The reason why he was able to detect the loss of his soul power in advance was because when he injected soul power into the black ball, he found that the disappearing soul power increased significantly.

Nie Li was only at the silver level, so his soul power was absorbed first and he collapsed to the ground.

Seeing Nie Li let go of Xian Wu, Shen Yao took advantage of the situation to control Xian Wu into his arms, and exposed Xian Wu's chest to Long Sha.

Seeing this, Shen Yao's companion jumped up and pretended to attack Long Sha. As soon as they met, Long Sha knocked him away with punches and kicks.

Although they were pretending to attack, Long Sha was serious about it. He knocked out two teeth of the person in front and broke three ribs of the person behind him.

"Xian Wu, suffer death!" The smile on Long Sha's face was very perverted, like Astro Boy, clenching his fists and punching hard.

Shen Yao said in a fake tone: "Don't worry, my dear nephew, as long as I, Shen Yao, am here, the Dark Guild won't be able to hurt you..."

Before Shen Yao could finish speaking, his legs went weak, and he fell to the ground as if he had been hit with a sap on the back of his head.

Xian Wu took advantage of the situation and lay down on Shen Yao's free flesh pad.

"Awu! (Husband!)" Yang Xin and Hu Yanlan arrived late. Their realm was not high, the demon spirits were not fast enough, and they returned relatively late.But when they saw that Xian Wu was about to be killed by Long Sha, they all ran over without caring about themselves.

Hearing the calls of the two wives, Xian Wu felt warm in his heart and hurriedly ordered: "Don't come here, it's dangerous here!"

"How long have you been, and you are still flirting?" Long Sha snorted coldly. As a cultivator, he is greedy for beauty. It is simply a shame for a demon spiritual master. "Don't worry, after I kill you, I will send the two of them to hell to accompany you."

As he spoke, Long Sha's fist struck.

"Absolute zero!!!" Xian Wu bit the tip of his tongue, took a deep breath, raised his palms diagonally, and sprayed out extremely cold air.

"Oh no!" Long Sha screamed, and was frozen into an ice sculpture by the extremely cold air. He actually forgot that Xian Wu had fused with the Snow Demon Emperor.

Although Long Sha was frozen into an ice sculpture, his forward path did not change and he still blasted towards Xian Wu's chest.

Xian Wu rolled around and dodged the attack. Long Sha's ice fist hit Xian Wu's flesh pad Shen Yao's belly directly.

"Ah!!!" Shen Yao wailed, and the shit was about to be punched out.

The ice sculpture hit Shen Yao hard, knocking Shen Yao into the ground. His sternum and ribs were fractured, and he could not recover even after taking the Nine Turns Pill.

Even if he saves his life, he will become incontinent and unable to take care of himself. He will have to spend the rest of his life in bed.

"Bah!" Xian Wu spat at Shen Yao, who was howling like a dog. If you do any injustice, you will be killed. You deserve it!
The Holy Family actually wanted to kill him with the help of the Dark Guild, which was simply wishful thinking.

His grandma's holy family did not provoke them, but instead they sent people to murder him.

Really uncle can bear, aunt can't bear it!

When he heals from his injuries, he must have fun with the Sacred Family, after all, he is also a peak black gold demon spiritualist now.If the Sacred Family wants to die, they will completely disappear from the City of Glory.

He also wants his female family members to be used as cattle, horses, and slaves as maids!
"Xian Wu, are you okay?"

"You actually killed the legendary dragon evil? That's amazing!"

"Nephew Xian Wu, you are a hero, a great hero in the Glory City!"

Chen Zhenglong and other black gold demon spiritual masters rushed over and praised Xian Wu one after another. Some even wanted to marry their daughters to Xian Wu.

"No, no, it's enough for the time being." Looking at the two women who came in a hurry and burst into tears, Xian Wu had a sweet smile on his face. With a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for?
"Awu~" Yang Xin gently held Xian Wu in her arms, took out the Nine Turns Pill from the space ring and fed it to him.

Huyan Lanruo was not idle either. She took out the Huyan family's special golden sore medicine and applied it to Xian Wu's bloody chest.

"I'm fine for now. Go see your father and your grandfather quickly." Xian Wu pointed in the direction where Huyan and his son fell to the ground seriously injured.

Yang Xin called to Huyan Lanruo who was panicking, took her little hand, and stuffed a small porcelain bottle into her hand: "Sister, take this bottle of Nine Turns Pill and go and save your father and grandfather."

Since Huyan Lanruo had just passed away and the family's property had not been officially disclosed to her, Yang Xin and Xian Wu had the Nine Turns Pill, while Huyan Lanruo only had their own special golden sore medicine.

"Baby, it looks like I have to rest for a few days. When my injury heals, we can continue." Xian Wu said while stroking Yang Xin's Xuan Ran.

Nie Li took the Soul Condensing Pill, sat cross-legged on the ground, and complained while refining it: "Xian Wu, one of your two adoptive fathers died and the other was injured. How can you still think about such a thing? Do you still have any conscience?"

There are some things that you can just think about in your mind, but it is quite inappropriate to say them out regardless of the occasion.

"I killed the bastards of the Dark Guild. I have done what I should do." Xian Wu curled his lips in disdain and pointed to the side, "Of course, I haven't killed the bastard Long Sha yet."

"If you die, I will avenge you." Xian Wu looked at Nie Li and added.

Nie Li twitched his eyebrows and said with a wicked smile: "Even if you die, I will not die. If you die, I will also avenge you." After saying that, Nie Li glanced at Yang Xin, a beautiful young woman, " I will also help take care of your wives."

"Go away, I don't need you to take care of my wife." Xian Wu kicked Nie Li on the butt.

"Hey! How dare you kick me?" Nie Li jumped up and rode on Xian Wu.

Xian Wu hurriedly called for help: "Big baby, your husband is being bullied, come and help."

"Ah, let go of me, Yang Xin, does the Alchemist Association still want a pill recipe?" Nie Li was lifted by Yang Xin's collar, kicking his legs in midair.


"Dad, Grandpa, are you feeling better?" Huyan Lanruo divided a bottle of Nine Turns Pill into two parts and fed them both to Hu Yanxiong and Hu Yanba.

Fortunately, Long Sha only used fists and kicks when attacking them and did not use soul combat skills. They only suffered superficial injuries.

Although he was kicked in the head and suffered some concussion.

Hu Yanba's injuries were more serious. He was hit by dragon flames twice and suffered extensive burns all over his body...

(End of this chapter)

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