Chapter 138
Half a month later, it was a beautiful day.

Under the careful care of his two virtuous wives, Xian Wu's injuries finally healed, although he was left with scars all over his body.

During this period, he did not lie at home all the time, but also attended the funeral of Ye Shuo's adoptive father.

Xian Wu did not take care of the matter of sending pensions to the remaining servants and Snow Dragon Guards who died in battle, but left it to Yang Xin.

Xian Wu deeply regretted Ye Shuo's death.

But the world of demon gods is a world where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive. Countless lives die every day.

Ye Shuo was just one of the countless lives that perished, but his status was more noble and his contribution to the Glory City and fellow human beings was greater.

Ye Shuo's funeral was very grand, the whole city was completely silent, and all public entertainment activities were prohibited for three days.

As the backbone of the Fengxue Family and the only legendary demon spiritual master in the Glory City, Ye Mo also rushed back.

Ye Mo's return has cleared away the haze in the Glory City, and the people are no longer in danger of being afraid of the dark guild's comeback.


The door was opened, and Xian Wu, who was sleeping in bed, was lifted out of bed by his ears.

"How long has it been? You are still lying on the bed. Your limbs are almost degenerating! Let's go and practice with the old man. Aren't you always envious of my drunken fist? I'll teach you!" Hu Yanba grabbed Xian. Wu's ears were pulled hard and he was dragged out of the door.

Due to severe burns, Hu Yanba's appearance was disfigured, so his face was covered with white bandages, like a walking mummy.

"Let go, let go, old man!" Xian Wu wanted to pluck Huyanba's hair to counterattack, but found that Huyanba's head had been burned to the point where not a single hair was left. It was bald and slippery.

Grandma, he is a majestic black-gold peak demon spiritual master, the head of the Haozhen family, one of the eight wealthy families, and the future lord of the Glory City. How can he be teased by Hu Yanba like this? It's so shameless.

Hu Yanba pulled Xian Wu all the way to the martial arts field in the Sanjin courtyard.

The martial arts arena was built by Hu Yanba on his own initiative. Xian Wu originally disagreed, but Hu Yanba forced it to be built in the name of Hu Yan Lanruo. By the time he found out, the rice had already been cooked.

What made Xian Wu even more angry was that Hu Yanba actually transformed the east and west wing rooms in the Sanjin courtyard into a brewery and wine cellar.

He almost regarded his grandson-in-law’s family as his own.

Fortunately, Hu Yanba did not enter the courtyard, otherwise Xian Wu would have to worry about him.

"Hold the horse stance!" Hu Yanba pulled out a four-foot-long, arm-thick short stick from the weapon rack and ordered with gestures.

Although Xian Wu has advanced to the peak of black gold, in terms of close combat, Hu Yanba can beat him ten times.

Forced by Hu Yanba's power, Xian Wu set up his horse's steps.

The last time I did Zamabu was when I was taking a warrior class at Shenglan Academy. Several months had passed, and I still miss it a little when I think about it.

"How long will it take?" Xian Wu was very unconvinced as he waited for Hu Yanba.

He is not afraid of Hu Yanba. He is also a peak black gold demon spiritual master. He can freeze Hu Yanba with absolute zero.

Of course, you can also use the newly acquired demon fighting skill - Hell Demon Fire to scare him away.

Ever since Huyanba was burned twice by the ghost with dragon flames, he had a psychological shadow on the flames.

Once bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years, Huyanba is in this state now.

However, Hu Yanba is Hu Yan Lanruo's grandfather, that is, his own grandfather. Xian Wu is not so sinister as to scare the old man with flames, and even plays with fire and even pees on the bed.

Hu Yanba put his hands behind his back and circled Xian Wu while saying: "Stand here for half an hour, and then practice other things when the time comes."

Since Mr. Ye Mo has designated Xian Wuqin as the future city lord of Glory City, he must train this boy to become a talent.Although Xian Wu has many tricks, they are all useless and have no real talent or learning at all.

If he meets a real master, this kid will definitely suffer.

If he is beaten to death, his precious children and granddaughters will not be left alive as widows.

Hu Yanba didn't want to see his little cotton-padded jacket crying all day long, so he was particularly harsh on Xian Wu.

It is the father's fault to raise but not teach; the laziness of teaching is the teacher's laziness.

Xian Wu had no father or mother since he was a child, and lacked family education. As a teacher, he had to teach him well.

"Aren't you going to give me some time to rest?" Xian Wu asked, "My injury hasn't healed yet. Isn't it good to train hard like this?"

The reason why he was so cooperative was not only because he was grateful to Hu Yanba for taking on the ghost's dragon flame attack for him, but more importantly, he wanted to practice martial arts from the bottom of his heart.

After losing two battles with Hu Yanba and Black Fox, Xian Wu understood that although his current data panel was beautiful, it was useless.

It's like a baby holding a sword that is as sharp as clay. Anyone with experience in combat can handle it.

In addition, if Xian Wu wants to continue to upgrade, he must swallow five legendary demon spirits.

Glory City doesn't have legendary monster spirits, if there were, Ye Zong, Shen Hong and Huyanba would have already become legends.

Although there are no legendary demon spirits, Xian Wu knows that there are three legendary demon beasts sleeping in the Holy Ancestor Mountains.

Xian Wu's soul weapon Fang Tian Hua Ji, its power is comparable to the peak of the legendary level, and it can easily kill three legendary level monsters.

The problem is that he has used Fang Tian Hua Ji a handful of times, and his combat experience is equivalent to zero.

After cutting down the black fox for a long time, not even a single fox hair was cut off.If Hei Hu hadn't burned himself to death, Xian Wu might have been the loser in the end.

To sum up, Xian Wu is eager to improve his martial arts cultivation and improve his combat experience.

The fastest way to improve is to be guided by a famous teacher, and then continue to improve in battle.

"That's nonsense. You were so busy last night that you were in very good health." Hu Yanba poked Xian Wu's waist with a short stick and teased.

Xian Wu blushed and sighed, secretly cursing Hu Yanba for being an old and dishonest hooligan!

His bedroom was painted with a silent inscription. If you didn't lean on the door or peek through the window, you wouldn't be able to hear it at all.

Hu Yanba coughed lightly and explained: "Don't get me wrong, I don't have the habit of spying on others. Xiao Ruoruo told me."

During dinner in the morning, he saw Huyan Lanruo had dark circles under her eyes and asked her what time she went to bed last night.

"???" Hearing Hu Yanba's words, Xian Wu was shocked and said hurriedly: "I was in my eldest wife Yang Xin's room last night. What did I care about Hu Yan Lanruo? Grandma, your granddaughter won't kill me and cuckold me. Bar!"

Xian Wu stopped walking and jumped back to the Sijin courtyard.

"Grandson-in-law, don't be impulsive. Things may not be what you think." Hu Yanba shouted after him.


Xian Wu kicked open Huyan Lanruo's closed door.

If Huyan Lanruo's face changed, she wrapped herself in the quilt nervously, and said in surprise: "Xian Wu, why are you here? You scared me!"

(End of this chapter)

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