The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 145 The Growth of Demon Spirits

Chapter 145 The Growth of Demon Spirits

"The Nightmare Demon Pot is an ancient treasure." Nie Li explained while checking the demon spirits in the box: "If you put ten demon spirits with the same attributes into the Nightmare Demon Pot, there is a certain chance that a more powerful one will be made. The demon spirit."

"A more powerful demon spirit?"

In that case, wouldn't he be able to break through to the legendary level very quickly?

"No, you misunderstood." Nie Li picked out ten Demon Spirit Stones from the wooden box and sat down next to Xian Wu.

"The Nightmare Demon Pot cannot improve the level of the demon spirit, it can only improve the quality of the demon spirit. For example, if you put ten bronze-level horned sheep into the pot, it is possible to refine a bronze-level horned sheep leader, understand. "?" Nie Li explained patiently.

Hearing what Nie Li said, Xian Wu suddenly lost interest, "I don't need high-quality demon spirits, I only need high-level demon spirits. If you are willing to refine them, you can refine them yourself. Anyway, I will buy the demon spirits for you." came back."

After speaking, Xian Wu took off his shoes and went to bed, covered himself with a quilt, and prepared to take a nap.

Nie Li pouted, but what Xian Wu said was true. Low-level demon spirits were indeed of no use to him.

His soul sea is too special.

"Then I'm welcome." Nie Li moved his wrists and neck and began to refine a powerful demon spirit.

His Tiandao Divine Art can fuse seven demon spirits. Currently, he has fused the shadow demon demon spirit, and there are still six places left.

The shadow demon demon spirit is an assassin-type demon spirit with weak frontal combat capabilities. He also needs a mad fighting demon spirit that is always suitable for frontal combat.

"According to the definition standard of the City of Glory, each demon spirit is divided into bronze, silver, gold, black gold, and legendary according to the strength of the monster's soul before it dies." Nie Li exported the demon spirit from the Demon Spirit Stone and then into the Nightmare Demon Pot, talking to himself.

The Nightmare Demon Pot has a strong binding force on demon spirits. After being introduced into the pot, there is no need to worry about them escaping.

"However, such a definition is one-sided and incomplete." Nie Li continued to mutter, "Besides soul strength, demon spirits also have differences in growth. Some demon spirits with low soul strength, if they have high growth , is also worth cultivating.”

"Growthability? What are you talking about?" Xian Wu lay on his side on the bed and looked at Nie Li in confusion.

On the table, the nightmare pot shone with strange light, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, like a marquee, it was really beautiful.

Nie Li explained: "The growth ability of the demon spirit refers to the attribute of the demon spirit that can continue to grow after the demon spirit master fuses the demon spirit. Soul power can not only improve the level of the demon spirit master, but also the level of the demon spirit. Only However, demon spirits can be replaced with higher-level ones at will, so demon spiritual masters are usually unwilling to waste soul power feeding demon spirits."

"Can demon spirits also grow?" Xian Wu was thoughtful, "According to what you said, a bronze-level demon spirit can also be cultivated into a legendary-level demon spirit?"

From this point of view, he can let his wives cultivate legendary demon spirits, and then devour and refine their demon spirits to complete the promotion.

Thinking of this, Xian Wu stopped lying down, lifted the quilt, and ran to refine the demon spirit with Nie Li.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Nie Li shook his head and said, "That's true, but the premise is that the growth of the demon spirit is good enough, and the soul power of the demon spirit master is rich enough. Not everyone's soul power can be obtained as easily as you."

"The growth potential of demon spirits is divided into six levels. From low to high, they are inferior, ordinary, good, excellent, outstanding, and god-level. The shadow demon I fused is a god-level demon spirit with growth potential, and there is no upper limit to its growth. "

"Then how to identify the growth potential of demon spirits?" Xian Wu asked curiously.

Nie Li said: "It's the same way humans test their soul power, using soul crystals." Nie Li got up and grabbed a large handful of demon spirit stones from the box, then took out a top-level soul crystal the size of a stone roller from the interspatial ring, put it on the on the ground.

"Watch it!" Nie Li took the Demon Spirit Stone and approached the Soul Crystal.

I saw many lights lighting up in the soul crystal, which was the same as when humans tested their soul power. "Scattered soul clouds, demon spirits with poor growth potential."

"Incomplete soul cloud, ordinary growth demon spirit."

"A complete soul cloud, a demon spirit with good growth potential."

"A solid soul cloud, a demon spirit with excellent growth potential."

"A smart soul cloud, a demon spirit with excellent growth potential."

"A living soul cloud, a god-level demon spirit with growth potential."

Since he rummaged through all the boxes but couldn't find one with god-level growth, Nie Li introduced his shadow demon spirit into the Demon Spirit Stone and demonstrated it to Xian Wu.

"Understood." Xian Wu nodded, having a comprehensive understanding of the demon spirit's growth potential.

Nie Li continued to explain: "God-level demon spirits with growth potential are no different from living demon beasts. Once the demon spirit's level exceeds that of the demon spiritual master by too much, it is likely to backfire on the demon spiritual master, devouring their soul power and occupying their souls." Their physical bodies.”

"Isn't it right? When the demon spirit merges into the soul sea, isn't it equivalent to making a soul contract? The demon spirit will never be able to resist?" Xian Wu questioned.

"That's true, but that's for demon spirits whose growth potential is lower than the god level." Nie Li explained, "So when feeding demon spirits with soul power, you need to be very careful. After all, it's not a part of your body. There are certain risks.”

"Refining, refine a few more god-level demon spirits with growth potential. I will use them to devour the advanced legends." Xian Wu said with a smile.

Nie Li's head was full of black lines: "You think the god-level demon spirit with growth potential is just a cabbage in the vegetable field, how can it be so easy to train!"

About 10 minutes later, the light from the Nightmare Pot disappeared, and a new demon appeared.

Xian Wu introduced the demon spirit into the demon spirit stone and tested it on the top soul crystal. The result was only ordinary growth.

Before dinner, the two refined it more than a dozen times, and in the end they only produced one with an excellent growth attribute, which was far from the god level.

"Okay, take the Nightmare Demon Pot back to your room and refine it. I have important things to do tonight." Xian Wu pushed the Nightmare Demon Pot in front of Nie Li.

"Is it something important?" Nie Li's brows twitched slightly, and he thought about it with his toes and knew what Xian Wu wanted to do.

"Okay, I'll let you know when I refine the god-level demon spirit." Nie Li put the nightmare demon pot into the space ring, and also put several large boxes of demon spirit stones into the space ring.

"If you have anything to do, talk to me during the day. Don't disturb me at night." Xian Wu reminded.

"Virtue!" Nie Li rolled his eyes.

It's night in the blink of an eye.

Huyan Lanruo was lying on the soft big bed, her beautiful big eyes staring at the golden dome on the table.

She found this egg in Xian Wu's space ring. She didn't know what kind of creature it was.

(End of this chapter)

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