Chapter 146 Egg hatched
The mountain peaks are soaked in the dawn, and the tops of the mountains are smeared with orange-red and rouge-colored glow.

In one night, Xian Wu helped Huyan Lanruo raise his cultivation level to the black gold level.

The Chaos Soul Devouring Technique can swallow the soul power of other demon spiritual masters and return it, twice the amount on the top, three times the amount on the back, and four times the amount on the front.

Huyan Lanruo was originally only at the gold level, but after being returned four times by Xian Wu, she was promoted to black gold one star.

The dawn is getting stronger, and the outline of the city has been vaguely exposed in the morning light.

Gently pulling his arm away from Huyan Lanruo's jade neck, Xian Wu was ready to get up.

If the strength of his body hadn't reached the black gold level, his arm would have been congested and scrapped after being pillowed by Huyan Lanruo all night.

I don’t know what Huyan Lanruo got out of his mind last night and put the golden egg he took back from the city lord’s treasure house on the table.

This scene seemed familiar to Xian Wu, a bit like the scene between the Horse King and the Dragon Mother in "Game of Thrones".

"The golden egg won't hatch, right?" Xian Wu turned to look.

I saw a round, fluffy little duck standing on the table, looking at him curiously with its big watery eyes.

"I think...I must be dreaming..." Xian Wu rubbed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating.

Turning around to look again, the golden duck was gone, the table was empty, and the golden egg was missing.

"Who the hell stole my golden egg?" Xian Wu hurriedly got out of bed and put on his shoes. He remembered that the egg was placed on the table last night.

Before Xian Wu could put on his shoes, a black shadow bumped into his arms.

"Golden egg! Golden egg!" Xian Wu looked down and saw that it was the little yellow duck he had just seen on the table.

The little guy is so big and heavy that even the strength of his black gold warrior arms can barely lift it.

"Were you hatched from a golden egg?" Xian Wu asked curiously, wondering if the little yellow duck could understand what he said.

The little yellow duck curled up into a fat ball, shivering, and looked at him pitifully.

"Golden egg~golden egg~~golden egg~golden egg~~" The little yellow duck can only make the sound of "golden egg" and cannot understand human words.

Xian Wu raised his eyebrows. The little yellow duck couldn't understand him, and he couldn't understand the little yellow duck. They had no common language.

The morning light filtered through the window lattice, and Xian Wu looked toward the door. There was no sign that the door bolt had been pried.

"This little yellow duck should have hatched from that golden egg..." Xian Wu raised the little yellow duck high.

By the way, what is the hatching mechanism of that golden egg?Is it through observing human reproduction behavior?
"Gululu..." The little yellow duck's belly squirmed and made a strange sound.

Xian Wu took the little guy back into his arms and asked doubtfully, "Is he hungry?"

After putting on his clothes, Xian Wu carried the little yellow duck all the way to the kitchen.

He didn't eat rice, noodles, vegetables, meat, or fish. Xian Wu and the cook were speechless.

"What are you eating?" Xian Wu hugged the little yellow duck and left the kitchen.

Sitting on the steps of the martial arts arena, Xian Wu took out a gourd of soul-quenching pills from the space ring, poured it into the palm of his hand, and handed it over.

The little yellow duck swallowed the soul-quenching pill in Xian Wu's hand in one gulp, and licked his mouth with lingering interest.

"So you took the elixir." Xian Wu poured all the soul-quenching elixirs in the gourd on the ground and let the little yellow duck eat it by himself.

After a while, Hu Yanba staggered out of the wine cellar.

"Grandson-in-law, you got up so early?" Hu Yanba stumbled over as if he was still hungover, "Where did you buy this duck? What you eat is..."

"Good morning." Xian Wu smiled and nodded.Hu Yanba was about to bend down and pick up a soul-quenching pill to look at, but the little yellow duck jumped up and scratched his hand.

"What a fierce duck!" Holding the three blood marks on the back of his hand, Hu Yanba gasped.

A little duck can actually scratch the skin of a peak black gold warrior. What kind of duck is it?

The little yellow duck stared at the strange old man warily while continuing to peck at the pills on the ground.

Hu Yanba walked around the fierce little duck and stood next to Xian Wu. While swallowing the Nine Turns Pill, he asked: "Where did this duck come from? Did you steal it from the monster's nest?"

"No, I found it in the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion. It was a meeting gift from Ye Zong's adoptive father." Xian Wu explained with a smile.

Xian Wu guessed that the little yellow duck should be the descendant of a bird monster, and it was also a raptor like an eagle.

The little yellow duck's beak is flat, but its two little talons are like eagle claws, with barbs and are extremely sharp.

"You kid is extravagant enough. Feed the ducks with Soul Quenching Pills." Huyanba sobered up after being hit for a while, and found that the densely scattered on the ground turned out to be Soul Quenching Pills worth one hundred thousand demon spirit coins.

What a loser.

"Do you want it? I'll give you a gourd." Xian Wu took out a gourd from the space ring and handed it to Hu Yanba.

Huyanba rubbed his hands together, "That's so embarrassing."

Just as Hu Yanba was about to reach out to pick it up, the little yellow duck suddenly flapped its wings, flew up, and pecked open the elixir gourd in one bite.

The Soul Quenching Pill "crashed" scattered all over the ground.

"Little beast!" Hu Yanba was so angry that the bandage on his face trembled, and he kicked the little yellow duck away.

"Golden eggs!!!" the little yellow duck screamed and flew into the air.

Xian Wu summoned his wings of wind and thunder, soared into the sky, and caught the little yellow duck.

What surprised him was that the little yellow duck was unscathed. The angry kick of a black gold-level warrior could even kill a bull. How could it be okay?

It was so terrifying in childhood, but it has not destroyed the world in adulthood.

Xian Wu hugged the little yellow duck and slowly landed on the ground.

"Old man, don't pick it up. It'll be dirty if you drop it on the ground. I'll give you another gourd later." Seeing Hu Yanba kneeling on the ground picking up the soul-tempering pills one by one, Xian Wu couldn't bear it.

Hu Yanba stuffed the soul-quenching pill into his wine gourd and scolded: "It's easy to get the country, but it's not easy to harvest. If you continue to waste your family like this, my precious granddaughter will drink the northwest wind with you sooner or later."

"You can pick it up if you want." Xian Wu shrugged, and he had as many soul-tempering pills as he wanted.

The raw material of the soul-quenching pill is purple grass burned to smoke out mosquitoes. It is used to feed the ducks. It is considered a waste, not a waste.

Holding the "golden egg" in his arms, Xian Wu left the martial arts field to find Nie Li. He was well-informed and should know what kind of monster the golden egg was.

Second, enter the east wing of the courtyard.

Nie Li was obsessed with refining the demon spirit. He didn't sleep all night, staring at the two big dark circles under his eyes, like a panda.

No, this is a fucking panda!
"How did you become like this?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully, holding the golden egg.

Nie Li released the demon spirit and explained, "I just refined a tiger-tooth panda with god-level growth potential, so I couldn't wait to fuse it."

"If you want to fuse, just fuse. Look at the bird for me." Xian Wu handed over the golden egg.

(End of this chapter)

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