Chapter 147
Nie Li looked at the chubby, round golden egg, touched his chin and pondered for a long time, and said nothing for a while.

"How about it? Have you remembered what kind of bird this is?" Xian Wu grabbed the golden egg's two short legs to stop it from hitting Nie Li's face.Golden Egg has a very bad temper. Except for Xian Wu, anyone who dares to come within one meter of it will definitely jump up and make trouble.

Nie Li shrugged: "I don't know what kind of bird it is, but one thing is for sure, it must be a monster."

In his previous life, he fought against monsters as many times as the stars in the sky.

Since the destruction of the Glory City, he has traveled throughout the Holy Spirit Continent and seen all kinds of strange monsters, but none of them are as furry and cute as the Golden Egg.

However, he smelled a trace of the monster's breath from the golden egg. This breath was ancient and mysterious, and could not be described.

"Monster? It should be the type that can be tamed as a battle pet, right?" Xian Wu held the golden egg back in his arms. The golden fluff on its body was very soft and warm. It would definitely be comfortable to knit it into a sweater.

Jin Dan seemed to be able to read Xian Wu's thoughts, and all the down on his body exploded, like a puffer fish.

"Ouch~ What are you doing~~" Xian Wu was pricked by the suddenly hardening down of the golden egg and let go of his arms.

The golden egg fell to the ground and ran away. It bounced out of the door like a ball and disappeared.

"Shut up, you little beast. That's my soul-tempering pill. You're not allowed to eat any of it!" Not long after, Hu Yanba's roar sounded outside the door.

Nie Li shrugged noncommittally: "Since you got the golden eggs from the treasure house of the city lord's palace, they should be the type that can be tamed into war pets. However, war pets must be trained from an early age. You can find a trainer."

"Where can I find an animal tamer? My Ruoruo knows how to tame animals, and he is so good at whipping." Xian Wu raised his chin, extremely proud.

Nie Li had black lines all over his head. He said he was a beast tamer, not a master of pleasure!

"By the way, I was refining demon spirits yesterday and forgot about giving armor. Since you want to give it to me, then you can give it to Xiao Ning'er yourself. I am also busy refining other demon spirits." Nie Li took out the large wooden box containing the Red Flame Tiger armor from the space ring.

Seeing that Xian Wu didn't take over, Nie Li threw the armor directly to the ground.

While refining the demon spirit, Nie Li said, "I roughly know about you two from your adoptive mother..."

"Wait a minute, which of my adoptive mothers did you learn about?" Xian Wu interrupted Nie Li and asked.

He has two adoptive mothers, one is Ye Shuo's wife, and the other is Ye Zong's wife.

"Uh..." Nie Li blushed and coughed slightly, "Of course it's your adoptive mother Ye Ziyun. Don't change the topic and listen to me. I don't care what happened between you, but if you still have it in your heart, With her, we must learn to forget the previous unpleasantness.”

"I have bad news for you. Du Ze has been asking Xiao Ning'er for advice on cultivation issues recently. If you hesitate any longer, Xiao Ning'er may become someone else's wife." Nie Li broke the news.

Xian Wu snorted: "She is already someone else's fiancée, so who cares?"

"You say you don't want it, but you are very honest physically." Looking at Xian Wu who ran faster than a rabbit, Nie Li shook his head with a smile.

The light from the Nightmare Demon Pot dissipated, and Nie Li opened the lid, introduced the demon spirit into the Demon Spirit Stone, and then tested it with the top-level soul crystal.

"It's weird, another god-level demon spirit has appeared, and it's also the Thunder Bird? It's just right for Xiao Ning'er." Nie Li wanted to stop Xian Wu and ask him to send the demon spirit away, but he waited until he left. , Xian Wu has disappeared without a trace.

Pyramid of Thunder.

Xian Wu folded his wind and thunder wings and slowly landed at the entrance.

Flying directly to the top of the tower, firstly, he was afraid of interrupting Xiao Ning'er's practice, which would be impolite, and secondly, it seemed that he was not reserved enough. "Master, who are you?" The guard at the entrance of the pyramid greeted him enthusiastically.

Xian Wu coughed lightly and lied: "I am inspecting the pyramid in the territory to prevent the scumbags from the Dark Guild from doing damage again. Miss Xiao Ning'er is practicing up there, right? I'll go up and have a look." After saying that, Xian Wu walked up the steps.

"Wait, Patriarch, wait a minute." The guard stopped Xian Wu and told him, "It's a coincidence that Patriarch came. Miss Xiao Ning'er had just left, and the servants of the Winged Dragon Family were looking for her. They were in a hurry, as if there was something urgent."

"Leaving?" The smile on Xian Wu's face disappeared. It was indeed a coincidence that he came, which made him feel very bad.

"What's the emergency?" Xian Wu asked reluctantly.

The guard scratched his head and smiled bitterly: "Master, I am just a gatekeeper. I can't hear what the servant said to her at the top of the tower. If you put me on guard at the top of the tower, I might be able to hear a few words. .”

"Okay, very good, what's your name?" Xian Wu asked through gritted teeth.

Tune to the top of the tower?What a beautiful thought!
The guard was overjoyed and felt that he was going to be promoted. He hurriedly handed over his hands and said: "Reporting to the head of the family, my surname is Ji, and my name is a neon character."

"Ji Ni?" Xian Wu thought, "Do you have a friend named Tai Mei?"

"Taimei? No, I don't know the person the head of the family mentioned." The guard shook his head.

Xian Wu smiled and patted Ji Ni on the shoulder: "From now on, you don't have to guard the pyramid, and you will be responsible for shoveling Ahuang's excrement from now on. Do you know Ahuang? The dog raised by the second wife. Take a good look at it, I won't treat you badly in the future." your."

"Shoveling shit?" Ji Ni's face suddenly lit up with joy. Isn't shoveling shit easier than standing guard?That's a fat dent.

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master, I'll go now!"

Looking at Ji Ni jumping away, Xian Wu looked confused. Is he so happy to shovel shit?Are you sick?
The armor was not delivered, so Xian Wu returned in defeat.

After breakfast, Hu Yanba took Xian Wu and started practicing martial arts again.

A new bandage was put on Hu Yanba's face. The previous bandage was smashed in the battle with Jin Dan.

"I saw it yesterday. You did well in the dragon and tiger forms. Today grandpa will teach you the other three forms."

After saying that, Hu Yanba began to practice the leopard-shaped boxing, snake-shaped boxing and crane-shaped boxing.

Leopard Boxing is about explosive power. One punch can hit the enemy's vital part and cause a direct KO.
Snake-shaped boxing is about qi, and the fighters are divided into two schools: outer school and inner school. The outer school trains strength, and the inner school trains qi.If Qi is trained well, it can double the attack power.

The demon spirit master releases demon spirit combat skills, and the warrior releases martial arts. The martial arts are divided into soul martial arts and qi martial arts.

Soul martial arts are the same as demon spirit combat skills, they are all kinds of fancy, including wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

Qi martial arts are simple and unpretentious, but they can greatly increase attack and defense power. They are the most commonly used attack techniques by warriors.

Practicing snake-shaped boxing saves energy and is suitable for defense.

In addition, the attack trajectory of Snake Boxing is arc-shaped, specializing in the enemy's joints, using softness to overcome toughness, and grabbing and locking the throat, which is insidious and vicious.

Crane-shaped fist...

(End of this chapter)

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