Chapter 148 Forgot to Move
The essence of crane-shaped boxing training is not the essence from below, but the essence from above, the essence of mental power.

People tend to feel sleepy when they are low on energy. If you don’t stay up late at night, you will be a hundred times more energetic when you get up in the morning.

Mental power and soul power are the same thing in the world of demons and gods.

Practicing Crane-shaped Fist can improve soul power and assist warriors in releasing soul martial arts.

At the same time, the crane-shaped boxing is also a very agile and sharp boxing technique.

If the tiger-shaped fist and crane-shaped fist are used at the same time, the power of the boxing can be increased several times, which is very powerful.

Hu Yan completed the three sets of boxing skills smoothly and smoothly. He was worthy of being a master. His face was not red and he was not out of breath.

"How is it? Do you remember?" Hu Yanba took off the wine gourd from his waist, raised his neck, took a sip of wine, and then asked.

Xian Wu scratched his silver hair, and replied with a naive smile: "I have memorized everything, what is the meaning of each move and style, and I still don't understand how to use it. Please tell me the old man in detail."

His soul power has been cultivated to the peak of black gold, and he can never forget the books he has read, even if he cannot understand them, he can recite them backwards and forwards.

I can recite abstract books by heart, let alone vivid martial arts routines.

"Okay, Grandpa will explain each move to you in detail." Hu Yanba tied the wine gourd around his waist and began to explain the drill.

While the grandfather and grandson were practicing martial arts, Jindan sneaked up on the wall and peeked at the thief's eyes.

Although it was very strong, Huyanba was even stronger, if Xian Wu hadn't stopped it, it would have been beaten to pieces by Huyanba.

Learn from the barbarians and learn skills to control the barbarians, and Jin Dan vows to avenge his past humiliation.

Although he cannot understand human speech, Jin Dan can understand the secrets of moves from the movements of Hu Yanba and Xian Wu.

When General Xian learned the three sets of boxing techniques, Jin Dan followed suit.

After learning the boxing skills, Jin Dan's confidence greatly increased. With one move, Jin Dan flew across the wall and attacked Hu Yanba with a scream.

"Golden Egg!" Jin Dan used the move "White Egg Bright Wings" and hit Hu Yanba... on the knee.

"Get away, little beast!" Hu Yanba volleyed and kicked the golden egg into the sky.

"Golden Egg!!!" The golden egg was like a gray wolf, flapping its wings and telling Huyanba harsh words, it will definitely come back!
This time Xian Wu did not summon the wind and thunder wings and fly up to catch the golden egg, because there was no need.

Before breakfast, Hu Yanba beat the golden egg away dozens of times, and every time the golden egg came back by itself.

After kicking the golden egg away, Hu Yanba kneaded his feet in the soft boots and said, "Grandma, that little beast's skin is as hard as black marble. The kick made my toes hurt."

Xian Wu shrugged. The golden egg was indeed very hard. When its hair exploded, it could easily pierce his skin. The eagle claws were as sharp as iron. Several servants who wanted to rob it had already been sent away. Went home to recuperate.

However, the golden egg is not a troublemaker. It will not attack as long as it is not within one meter of it.

Of course, except for Xian Wu and Huyan Lanruo, it will not get close to anyone. After all, the golden egg was hatched in the fire of love between the two.

After kneading his toes, Hu Yanba took off his wine gourd, took a sip of strong wine, and then said: "The highest state of learning martial arts is to forget moves. It does not make you forget moves, but makes you forget rigid routines and be flexible in battle. Use every move.”

"Forgot a move?" Xian Wu frowned. Although he had a photographic memory and could memorize the moves backwards and forwards, he had never tried to mess up the order.

"Come, grandpa will practice with you, and you will understand as you practice." Hu Yanba put the wine gourd into the space ring, "Gaba Gaba" clenched his fists twice, "Remember to compete in martial arts, save your strength and not your hands. When killing the enemy on the battlefield, don’t spare your strength, let alone your hands.”

"Understood!" Xian Wu nodded.

Hu Yanba was the first to make the move, with a move called "Black Tiger's Heart Digging" that went straight to Xian Wu's heart.

Xian Wu did not dodge or dodge, but struck at Hu Yanba's throat with a leopard-shaped fist, striking first and last. "Water can defeat fire!" Hu Yanba suddenly changed his tactics and used the white crane to spread its wings to deflect Xian Wu's attack.

"Earth can overcome water!" Xian Wu grabbed Hu Yanba's elbow with a backhand snake fist.

"Good boy, you learned well!" Hu Yanba praised, used the dragon-shaped fist to stretch his muscles and bones, broke away from Xian Wu's grasp, and struck directly at Xian Wu's throat.

Hu Yanba stopped reminding her, which made the competition more difficult.

"Jin Kemu!" Xian Wu bent down and pounced, dodging the dragon-shaped fist while hugging Hu Yanba's waist.

Unexpectedly, Hu Yanba grabbed Xian Wu's waistband, grabbed him in the air, and fell to the ground, and then grabbed Xian Wu's neck with a tiger claw. "Remember, don't be too obsessed with attribute restraint, sometimes using moves with the same attribute can surprise you."

"Understood." Clutching Huyanba's clothes, Xian Wu stood up, "Come again!"

The sparring session lasted until noon.

At the dinner table, Xian Wu, who was sitting at the head table, was savoring the delicious food while recalling the morning's discussion.

Yang Xin had lunch at the Alchemist Association, so there were only three people at the table, Xian Wu, Hu Yan Lan Ruo and Hu Yan Ba.

Xian Wu sent someone to deliver Nie Li's food to his room, while Du Ze, Lu Piao and others ate in the guest room.

The chief chef of the Haozhen family was arranged by Ye Shuo. Xian Wu's nose felt sore when he thought of his old man.

Although Long Sha caught him, the Ghost Sha ran away.

No matter where the ghost goes, he will use that bastard's head to pay tribute to his adoptive father.

Xue Longwei is currently torturing Long Sha. Once he finds out the location of the dark guild's base, he will definitely make a thunderous move and raze the dark guild to the ground.

He had always been very restrained in using the Devil's Left Hand, but against those scumbags from the Dark Guild, there was no need for restraint.

After being promoted to the black gold level, his demonic left hand gained some new abilities.

Not only did the side effects of the left hand's random decomposition disappear, but it also gained new decomposition abilities.

In the past, decomposition could only decompose everything in the world into atoms, but now his left hand can dismantle everything in the world into parts.

Taking Huyan Lanruo's dead dog as an example, he can now decompose the dog into dog skin, dog meat, dog bones, dog internal organs, etc.

In other words, there is no need to spend soul power to synthesize the phantom balls one by one.

Xian Wu defined this move as - Secret Skill: Cramping Bones.

The ability to synthesize has also been greatly improved. Xian Wu can now synthesize an entire creature using a phantom ball.

In the past, only a single organ could be synthesized.

The synthesized creature is a soulless creature, but its body remains active. It is not a dead corpse, just like a vegetative state.

The raw materials used to synthesize abilities can be atoms, or parts such as dog skin and dog meat.

In a certain respect, this synthesis ability is equivalent to Xian Wu decomposing the soul and body of a creature.

I don’t know yet what this ability to decompose souls has, but I believe it will come in handy in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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