The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 149 The Pterodactyl Family

Chapter 149 The Pterodactyl Family
At [-] o'clock in the morning, the pterosaur family.

Under the guidance of the servant, Xiao Ning'er entered the meeting hall.

Sitting in the hall were several elders from the Winged Dragon family. They were all brothers or cousins ​​of Xiao Ning'er's father.

Patriarch Xiao Yunfeng sat in the front seat, seeing Xiao Ning'er rushing back, his frowns that were frowned into knots immediately relaxed.

"Father, why did you call me back?" Xiao Ning'er stood in the hall and asked respectfully. The servant only said that the master of the house came to see her for something urgent, but did not say what kind of emergency it was. Xiao Ning'er felt a little uneasy.

After being promoted to the gold level, she was listed as a key training object by the family, and her status in the family was detached, second only to the head of the family.

Xiao Ning'er didn't believe that her father and elders would force her to marry that loser.

Shen Fei did not reach the silver two-star level until he was 16 years old, but she reached the gold level at the age of 13. Her man Xian Wu was even more outstanding, reaching the black gold level at the age of 13. Shen Fei was only one step away from becoming a legend. Shen Fei was said to be a waste. , it must not be too much.

Before Xiao Yunfeng could speak, an elder named Xiao Yi spoke first: "Niece Ning'er, although the Holy Orchid Academy is on holiday, it's not appropriate for you to stay away from home and go to the Haoyu Family all day long, right? What kind of rumors come out, whether they are good or bad."

Everyone in the Glory City knows that the head of the Haozhen family, Xian Wu, is a womanizer, and Xiao Ning'er always runs to him, which is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Although the Haozhen family has been promoted to a wealthy family, it can be considered to be on par with the Pterodactyl family.

But that Xian Wu already had two wives, and if Xiao Ning'er passed through, she would be regarded as a concubine at best.

The eldest daughter of the dignified pterosaur family was given as a concubine to others, telling them where to put their old faces.

"Uncle Xiao Yi doesn't know. The pyramid in the territory of the Haozhen family has the miraculous effect of increasing the speed of soul power cultivation. I just went there to practice and didn't do anything shameful." Xiao Ning'er frowned slightly, Xiao Yi spoke The tone displeased her.

It was Elder Xiao Yi who took the lead in instigating her engagement to Shen Fei of the Holy Family. This bad old man was very bad.

Before her grandfather passed away, he did not pass the title of head of the family to Xiao Yi, who was at the black gold level, but instead passed it on to Xiao Yunfeng, who was at the gold level. This was because he saw that Xiao Yi's conduct was bad and his moral integrity was not worthy of his place.

But Xiao Yi didn't think she had a problem. Instead, she thought her grandfather was partial, so she had been uniting with several elders to oppose Xiao Yunfeng over the years, weakening his prestige in the family and trying to regain his position as the head of the family.

Xiao Ning'er suspected that the reason why the Winged Dragon Family fell into the trap set by the Holy Family was because of Xiao Yi's cheating.

Hearing Xiao Ning'er's explanation, Xiao Yunfeng raised his eyebrows and suddenly realized: "No wonder Ning'er has been practicing so fast in recent years. It turns out to be the effect of the pyramid of the Haoxun family. Ning'er, please tell Xian Wu and let me practice too. In the past few days, I have been stagnant at the golden peak for several years. Maybe I can break through to the black gold level with the help of that tower."

He couldn't sleep well if he didn't have black gold every day. The Winged Dragon family has been in decline since he became the head of the family. Half of the reason is because he is not a black gold level demon spiritual master and has to rely on Xiao Yi for everything.

If they can be promoted to the black gold level, then the two of them will no longer have to suffer from Xiao Yi's arrogance. "Master, don't go too far, let's talk about business." Xiao Yi interrupted, he turned to look at Xiao Ning'er, and informed with a half-smile: "The Holy Family just sent an invitation to our Winged Dragon Family. The younger generation participates in the genius war..."

"Genius battle?" Xiao Ning'er raised her eyebrows. Her brother and cousins ​​participated in the genius battle every day. She didn't know much about the genius battle.

"That's right, the genius battle organized by the Holy Family will be held at the martial arts arena in the west of the city." Elder Xiao Yi nodded, "For this genius battle, each family can send three children. Ning'er's niece is the genius of the family. You have to go."

Xiao Yunfeng nodded and agreed: "This battle is about the face of the Winged Dragon Family. Ning'er, you must give your father and the family a good reputation. By the way, the genius battle is based on the rules of the knockout round. Against a noble family, the only way is to defeat the other party." The victory will be considered when all the disciples of the family are defeated.”

"Dad, I can't do it. You'd better send your brother and the others." Xiao Ning'er's voice was very soft. Under the puzzled gazes of the elders, she explained: "Although Ning'er's soul power has reached the gold level, in actual combat, She is extremely inexperienced, so if she rashly participates in a genius battle, she may make mistakes. And Ning'er has not yet fused with the demon spirit..."

"Isn't that right? I remember that Ning'er's niece bought a Snow Demon Emperor demon spirit. How come it didn't fuse?" Elder Xiao Yi asked doubtfully. He was in the pterosaur family and his hands and eyes were all over the sky. Xiao Ning'er's every move was... Can't escape his eyes.

Xiao Ning'er frowned slightly. How did Xiao Yi know that she bought the Snow Demon Emperor Demon Spirit? Could it be that the driver who drove the car that day tipped off the secret?
"It's true that Ning'er bought the Demonic Spirit of Snow Wind Demon Emperor, but Ning'er gave it away long ago." Xiao Ning'er replied.

"Who did you give it to? You want it back! That demon spirit is worth millions of demon spirit coins, how can you give it away? Ning'er's niece, don't be afraid, tell me who you gave it to, and I will personally help you get it back. "Elder Xiao Yi was aggressive, leaning on the chair and trying to stand up.

His surveillance of Xiao Ning'er was limited to within the family; outside the scope of the family's involvement, his eyes darkened.

However, Xiao Ning'er likes to be quiet and doesn't like to move. She concentrates on her cultivation every day. Apart from staying in her family, she stays at Holy Orchid Academy.

So Xiao Yi guessed that Xiao Ning'er might have given the Snow Demon Emperor's demon spirit to the students of Shenglan College.

Most of the children of peak families and wealthy families fuse black gold-level demon spirits worth tens of millions of demon spirit coins, and look down on bronze demon spirits worth millions. Therefore, if Xiao Ning'er wants to give them as gifts, she should also give them to nobles or common people.

With the prestige of the Pterodactyl Family, it is very easy to get demon spirits back from noble families and common people.

"I gave it to the head of the Haozhen family. If Elder Xiao Yi wants to come back, just go find him." Xiao Ning'er said bluntly, Xian Wu is the future city master appointed by Lord Ye Mo. Unless Xiao Yi has dementia, he will I won't provoke Xian Wu.

Xiao Yi doesn't want to hang around in the Glory City anymore if he dares to offend the future city lord.

Hearing Xiao Ning'er's words, Xiao Yi lifted half of his buttocks and sat down: "Ahem... I, an adult, can't get involved in the affairs between you juniors. Ning'er, go and get it back yourself. I know Ning'er My niece is unwilling to participate in the genius battle, but the Holy Family has a reason why you must go."

"What reason?" Xiao Ning'er was puzzled.

Xiao Yunfeng explained: "If the geniuses from our Winged Dragon Family defeat the geniuses from the Holy Family and win the championship, the Holy Family will officially announce the termination of your engagement with Shen Fei."

(End of this chapter)

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