Chapter 150 Random thoughts
"Cancel the engagement?" Xiao Ning'er's voice suddenly rose, "Didn't the engagement between Shen Fei and I be terminated long ago?"

As early as she finished the year-end test of Holy Orchid College, her family held a meeting and decided to terminate her engagement with Shen Fei.

Elder Xiao Yi smiled and explained: "The original dissolution of the engagement was only done unilaterally by us, and the Holy Family did not agree. Shen Fei also beat up the elders we sent there, and all the gifts he brought there were also Throw it out on the street."

"The Holy Family is the pinnacle family, very influential in the Glory City, and can be called the hegemon in the XC area. We can't afford to offend you. Moreover, our pterosaur family was the first to propose your engagement, even if it is filed with the City Lord's Mansion , we don’t take any responsibility.”

"According to what you say, I have to participate in the genius battle?" Xiao Ning'er's voice was slightly cold, with a chill in it.

Xiao Yi earnestly persuaded: "The situation is stronger than the people. Although Ning'er's niece is a genius and her future achievements are limitless, the Holy Family is still very powerful now. It won't work for us to confront it head-on. We can only follow the rules set by others. Come."

"In that case, then choose to participate!" Xiao Ning'er had no choice but to nod in agreement, "However, the family has to provide me with a black gold level wind or thunder attribute demon spirit."

She is not Ye Ziyun, who has a city lord father; she is not Xian Wu, who has the support of the Alchemist Association.

All she can rely on is herself.

"This..." Xiao Yi hesitated after hearing Xiao Ning'er's words.

Xiao Yunfeng glanced at the hesitating elders in the hall and said: "The family has always said that it would train Ning'er, but it has never really helped her. Now that Ning'er just wants a black gold level demon spirit, why are you still hesitating? Is the word 'cultivation' just a word of mouth? I have decided to give Ning'er a black gold level demon spirit, and I will choose the best one in the family treasure house!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Elder Xiao Yi reminded: "However, if the youth team of the Winged Dragon Family cannot win the genius battle championship, Ning'er will have to marry into the Holy Family after the year. Ning'er's niece, please think about it. Already?"

"I've thought about it." Xiao Ning'er nodded. If she didn't agree, what could she do? The Holy Family was the pinnacle family and the Winged Dragon Family was the wealthy family.

Xiao Yi nodded, with a smile that showed her success: "Now that niece Ning'er has thought about it, no matter whether you win or lose, you are not allowed to regret it." If Xiao Ning'er agrees, he can go to the Sacred Family Report over there.

Compared with the position of the head of the Winged Dragon Family and the family's genius, the former is of course more important.

When Xiao Ning'er marries the Holy Family, Xiao Yunfeng's prestige will be further weakened. At that time, he will summon the elders to impeach Xiao Yunfeng and sit on the throne of the family head.

Ten years, he had been waiting for that moment for ten years. He didn't know how many more ten years he had left to wait.

If he could sit on the throne as the head of the Winged Dragon Family before dying, he would die without regrets.

After the family meeting ended, Xiao Yunfeng led his precious daughter to the family treasure house to select a black gold level demon spirit.

Xiao Ning'er was panicked on the surface, but she was very confident in her inner strength. Except for Xian Wu, no one among the younger generation of geniuses could be her opponent.After breaking off her engagement with the Holy Family, she proposed to Xian Wu and asked him to marry her.

He had seen his own body naked in the place of trial, and it was impossible not to be irresponsible.

"I don't know what he is doing now. I heard Du Ze say that he is practicing martial arts. With the guidance of senior Hu Yanba, he must be fine." Xiao Ning'er thought as she walked.


At the lunch table, Xian Wu suddenly had a whim.

"Old man, what would happen if the Five-Shaped Quan and the Six-Character Jue were combined together? The Five-Shaped Quan is an external skill, while the Six-Character Jue is an internal skill. If you cultivate both internal and external skills, and integrate the internal and external, will it become a new kind of martial arts?"

Hu Yanba was stunned when he heard Xian Wu's speech. He had never thought of combining the Five-Shaped Boxing and the Six-Character Jue.However, the Wu Qin Xi, an internal skill inherited from the Huyan family, is combined with Drunken Boxing.

The five animals in Wuqinxi are birds, apes, bears, deers and tigers, while the eight animals in Drunken Master are white deer, turtle, phoenix, peacock, arhat, crane, tiger and monkey king.

The birds in Wu Qin Xi correspond to the phoenix, peacock and crane in Drunken Master; the apes in Wu Qin Xi correspond to the monkey king in Drunken Master;

The bear in Wu Qin Xi corresponds to the Arhat and the Divine Turtle in Drunken Master; the deer in Wu Qin Xi corresponds to the white deer in Drunken Master;

The tiger in Wu Qin Xi corresponds to the fierce tiger in Drunken Master.

"Although I don't know whether the two of them can be combined together, Wu Qin Xi and Zui Quan can be combined together. There is such a precedent. Maybe we can try to integrate the two sets of skills." Hu Yanba didn't eat anything. He kicked the golden egg that had crossed the threshold away, grabbed Xian Wu and ran to the martial arts field.

Looking at her grandfather running out of the door in a hurry, Huyan Lanruo smiled bitterly.

She knew that her grandfather was a martial arts fanatic.

"Second Madam, Deacon Shen Ming of the Sacred Family has arrived at Xiqiaotou, and he requests to meet the Patriarch." Shortly after the grandfather and grandson left, the servant suddenly came to report.

"Shen Ming? What is he here for?" Huyan Lanruo's eyebrows were raised.

The four boundary monuments of the Haozhen Family are engraved with the words "Holy Family and dogs are not allowed", clearly drawing a clear line with the Holy Family.

Not only did the Holy Family come to the banquet with a shy face on their wedding day, but now they came to see Xian Wu again, their face was thicker than the city wall.

It is worth mentioning that the dining hall of the Haozhen family is to the north of the second courtyard, so the servants did not see Xian Wu who was practicing martial arts in the third courtyard.Moreover, the servant found out that the master and his wife were having dinner in the restaurant, so he went straight to the restaurant, but did not expect that Xian Wu was not there.

"Ji Ni, please bring Shen Ming to the meeting hall first, and I will inform the head of the family." Huyan Lanruo ordered.

Because Ji Ni often shoveled poop for her pet dog Ah Huang, she got to know Huyan Lanruo during her frequent visits.

"Here." Ji Ni responded, turned around and left.

The west bridge is a long way from Haoxian Mansion, so Huyan Lanruo decided to go and meet the old bastard for a while after lunch.

As the eldest daughter of the Huyan family, Hu Yanxiong almost trained Huyan Lanruo as his successor, so Huyan Lanruo had quite a lot of experience in dealing with the family.

martial arts arena.

Hu Yanba and Xian Wu's practice fusion test began.

Five-shaped boxing has five boxing techniques, namely dragon, tiger, leopard, snake and crane.

There are six methods in the six-character formula, which are hush, heh, huh, whine, blow, and hee.

The dragon-shaped fist trains the spirit, and the shushing skill nourishes the liver. The two should be a pair, and both have wood attributes;
Tiger-Shaped Fist trains the bones, and Kuzi Kung Fu nourishes the lungs. The two should be a pair, both are metallic;
The Leopard Form Fist trains strength, and the He Zi Kung Fu cultivates the mind. The two should be a pair, both with fire attributes;
Snake-shaped boxing is used to practice Qi, and calli is used to cultivate the spleen. The two should be a pair, both of which are earth attributes;
The crane-shaped boxing skill cultivates essence, and the blowing calligraphy skill nourishes the kidneys. The two should be a pair, and both have water attributes;
The remaining "Xi Zi Gong" in the Six-Zi Jue should be used to adjust the balance when changing the routine.

(End of this chapter)

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