The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 151 Cultivation Technique Fusion

Chapter 151 Cultivation Technique Fusion
Through preliminary theoretical analysis, Hu Yanba and Xian Wu combined the Six-Character Jue and the Five-Shaped Quan.

What works in theory doesn't mean it works in practice.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

"Those who are in authority are confused, and those who are watching are clear. Xiao Wu'er, practice the boxing sequence again according to the sequence we just deduced. Let me see if there is anything wrong." Hu Yanba pinched the waist of the wine gourd, folded his hands on his chest, stepped back five steps, and gave way to Xian Wu Exit the practice space.

Xian Wu recalled for a while and asked: "Is it in the order that wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood?"

"That's right, first the Dragon Hush Fist, then the Leopard He Fist, then the Snake Hu Fist, then the Tiger Hu Fist, and finally the Crane Blowing Fist." Hu Yanba nodded and practiced according to the method of the five elements. The success rate was relatively good. High, according to the method of five elements restraining each other, the success rate is relatively low.

When practicing boxing, if the previous set of punches has a stimulating effect on the next set of punches, the boxing practice will be very smooth, just like pushing a boat down the current.

However, if the next set of punches restrains and reverses the previous set of punches, the practitioner will feel quite uncomfortable. Not only will the resistance to the exercise be huge, but it is also easy to go crazy.

"Dragon-shaped fist! Hush!" Xian Wu hissed while exhaling while practicing the dragon-shaped fist.

Each boxing technique has offensive and defensive moves. When using offensive moves, Xian Wu exhales and boos. When using defensive moves, Xian Wu inhales naturally.

Liu Zi Jue requires abdominal breathing, which is natural breathing. The lower abdomen expands when inhaling and contracts when exhaling.

"Hee--" After finishing the dragon-shaped fist drill, Xian Wu stood up, inhaling naturally and exhaling with a hee, relatively slowly.

Xian Wu performed the Dragon Hush Kung Fu smoothly, and Hu Yanba didn't see anything wrong.

Next, Xian Wu practiced the Leopard Fist, exhaling and making a sound when making a move, and inhaling naturally when closing a move.

"Ha!" With a loud shout, Xian Wu's heart suddenly shook, and he punched with [-]% of his strength.

Xian Wu felt that after combining the Leopard Fist with the He Zi Kung Fu, the power became two or three times more powerful. He actually hit a sonic boom with one punch.

"Hee--" After performing the Leopard Fist, and using the Hee Kung Fu again to regulate the unstable breath in his body, Xian Wu prepared to practice the Snake Form Fist.

It is worth mentioning that when performing an attack, Xian Wu's breath and sound are all completed in an instant, like thunder, violent and rapid.

But when using Xi Zi Gong to regulate the heart, Xian Wu exhales and makes sounds slowly, as much as possible, as slow as possible.


"Hee--" After five sets of punches, Xian Wu heeped six times. Before practicing the dragon-shaped boxing, he did so once while doing the preparatory pose. "How are you, old man? Is there anything wrong?" Xian Wu asked with a smile, sweat dripping from his forehead.

It was extremely hot at noon in summer, and there was no sunshade in the martial arts arena, which made Xian Wu's skin itchy from the sun.

As the saying goes, practice in the winter and practice in the summer. This is probably how he feels now.

When practicing boxing, he went all out and didn't slack off at all. He spent so much energy and strength that now his whole body was like steamed buns freshly baked, with white steam rising all over his body.

"Good, very good, very good, good can't be better." Hu Yanba clapped his hands and applauded, took out a wine gourd from the space ring and handed it over, "Drink some wine to quench your thirst first, I will tell you in detail." He has no habit of using the same wine gourd with others, not even his own grandson-in-law.

The wine gourd is as important to him as a woman and cannot be shared.

"Thank you, I don't drink." Xian Wu declined politely.

Although he has a good capacity for drinking, he doesn't like drinking alcohol, preferring to drink cold pure water.

Hu Yanba retracted his hand angrily, put the wine gourd into the space ring, snorted with his nose, and treated it as a donkey's liver and lungs.

"Pah!" Xian Wu raised his left hand and made a crisp snap of his fingers.

In Hu Yanba's shocked eyes, a stream of clear water fell from the sky and slowly flowed into Xian Wu's mouth.

Xian Wu raised his neck and drank the cold water. It felt so cold and soaring, not to mention how refreshing it was.

" did you create water out of thin air?" Huyanba rose in the air and touched above the water flow. There was no container that could flow water.

The black gold demon spiritual master can fly in the air for a short period of time. Even if Hu Yanba is a black gold demon spiritual master and a black gold warrior, it is not surprising that he can fly.

Hu Yanba landed slowly and asked suspiciously: "Have you integrated a new water attribute demon spirit?"

After the demon spirit master fuses the demon spirits, he can change the soul power into various elements in the world. The demon spirit with water attribute can transform the soul power into water, and the demon spirit with wind and snow attribute can transform the soul power into wind, snow, fire. Demonic spirits with attributes can turn soul power into flames.

Xian Wu's ability to conjure water out of thin air was probably the result of fusion with water-attribute demon spirits.

"What do you think?" Xian Wu did not answer Hu Yanba's question directly.

After drinking the near-zero pure water to quench his thirst, Xian Wu hurriedly asked: "Don't worry about how I made the water. How about the six-character five-shaped boxing I just practiced? Are there any flaws?"

"There's no problem, it looks very smooth." Hu Yanba waved his hand, patted Xian Wu's shoulder and said, "You're so good, you actually created a new boxing technique. The future of our glorious city is bright. . I don’t know if I, old man, can live until the day when the human race will rule the Holy Spirit Continent again." As he said that, Hu Yanba suddenly became sad.

Xian Wu smiled and said: "I didn't create it alone, we created it together." He paused and asked doubtfully: "The Six-Character Jue and the Five-Shaped Fist are both basic exercises taught by Shenglan Academy. Don't they? Can previous generations discover that they can be integrated?"

Holy Orchid College has a long history, dating back to the time when the Glory City was first established.

Thousands of people graduate every year, and millions of people graduate over the millennium. How come no one can discover that they can be integrated?
"You said these are basic skills. If you have good skills, you will naturally want to learn better ones. Who wants to study and learn crappy stuff." Hu Yanba shrugged.

"Every major aristocratic family has its own high-level martial arts inherited from the family. After joining the city guard, civilians can also use their merits to redeem advanced martial arts. Advanced martial arts are very difficult to practice, such as our family's Wu Qin Xi and Drunken Fist. I am so smart and spend money. It took me a lifetime to study and understand, and other people who are not as smart as me are even less willing to waste time on low-level techniques."

"Moreover, most talented young people choose to follow the path of cultivation of demon spiritual masters, practicing demon spirits and demon spirit combat skills. Who would bother to study the rotten techniques in the street."

(End of this chapter)

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