The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 152 Shen Ming’s visit

Chapter 152 Shen Ming’s visit
Hearing Hu Yanba's explanation, Xian Wu suddenly realized that after learning Dugu Nine Swords, who would still care about Huashan Sword Technique.

"Husband~" While Xian Wu and Hu Yanba were talking, Hu Yan Lan came to the martial arts arena in a swaying way.

As a result, Xian Wu wiped the sweat from his forehead with the towel that Hu Yan Lanruo handed over, frowning and said: "The weather is so hot. If you don't rest in the room after eating, why are you here? You are not afraid of the sun tanning you."

Huyan Lanruo's hair was cherry red and her skin was tender and pink. If she got tanned, she would change her name to Huyan Heiruo.

Xian Wu is not willing to let his precious wife tan.

However, it is also good to have tanned wheat-colored skin like Xiao Ning'er, which gives people a healthy and energetic feeling.

"Shen Ming from the Holy Family is here. He said he has something important to do with you." Huyan Lanruo told her with her eyebrows furrowed.

Xian Wu didn't want to deal with the Holy Family, so naturally she didn't like the Holy Family either.

"What does that old dog want with me?" Xian Wu threw the towel into the basin held by the servant, soaked it, wring it out, and wiped his face again.

First, Shen Yue sent people to beat up Nie Li and others, and then sent people to intercept and kill him during the adventure to the ruins of Gulan City. Half a month ago, he was almost killed by the Dragon Demon of the Dark Guild. He remembered it all.

When he gets the handle and finds the right time, he will uproot the Holy Family, take the men to prison to do hard labor, and punish the women to be his maids and mothers.

Especially Shen Xiu, who bosses around all day long and looks at people with 13 holes. He has long since stopped looking after this woman.

Huyan Lanruo shrugged: "I don't know. Shen Laogou didn't tell me, and he had to meet you before telling me. I don't know what he was holding back."

Thinking of Shen Ming's arrogant attitude just now, Huyan Lanruo wanted to take off her shoes and slap him in the face with the soles of her shoes.

"Let's go and take a look!" Xian Wu wiped his hands, threw the wet towel into the basin, and walked towards the living room with his hands behind his back.

The reception room is on the left side of the north room on the second entrance to the courtyard, and the cafeteria is on the south side of the north room on the second entrance to the courtyard. Sandwiched in the middle is the meeting hall. The reception room is relatively close to the cafeteria.

"You go ahead, I won't go." Hu Yanba pulled the bandage on his face, carried the wine gourd, and walked towards the wine cellar.

Ever since his face was injured by Guisha's Longyan, Huyanba was unwilling to meet strangers.

Firstly, he was afraid that others would laugh at him, and secondly, he was afraid that he would lose control of his temper and hurt others, causing trouble for Xian Wu and the others.

If he were in the Huyan family, he could do whatever he wanted, but this was not the Huyan family, but the Haozhen family.

The reception room of the Haozhen family.

While drinking tea, Shen Ming complained about the bad tea leaves. Ji Ni was so angry that she wanted to put a piece of dog shit on the old man's face.

"You are here to visit me. I apologize for missing the welcome from afar."

Hearing his voice before seeing him, Shen Ming heard a voice coming from outside the door, stopped complaining, and instantly changed his face.

Shen Ming stood up to greet him, cupped his fists and said, "I am Shen Ming, the deacon of the Sacred Family. I have met the head of the Haozhen Family."

He snorted coldly in his heart, what kind of bullshit Haozhen family, children's play house stuff.

"Sit down! Don't be polite to me, treat this place as your home." Xian Wu slapped Shen Ming hard on the shoulder, causing him to sit on the seat, almost breaking his tail bone.Old man, I'll see if I don't beat you to death. Xian Wu had a smile on his face, but in his heart he wished he could throw Shen Ming into the moat to feed the fish.

Every night at Xu time, the gates of the four bridges in the east, west, north, south, and south of the Haokuo family will be lowered.

In order to prevent people from sneaking across the river and entering the territory of the Haozhen family, Xian Wu raised many carnivorous fish monsters in the moat, each of which had a silver level.A group of fish monsters swarmed up and could gnaw a black gold level warrior into a skeleton.

It is worth mentioning that since the last attack by the Dark Guild, Xian Wu has widened the moat at the edge of the Haozhen family's territory to 100 meters.

Even a black gold level warrior cannot jump a hundred meters without assistance.

What's more, after Xian Wu widened the moat, he built a tall and thick biotite city wall on the edge of the river, with a height of 75 meters.According to the theory of hooking three strands, four strings and five, a person has to jump at least 120 meters to cross the moat.

Unless that person is a legendary warrior or demon spiritual master, or is fused with a flying demon spirit, it is absolutely impossible to enter the territory of the Haozhen family without permission.

Shen Ming rubbed his burning shoulders, frowned, and looked unhappy.

He is the deacon of the Holy Family, one person is inferior to ten thousand people. When has he ever suffered such humiliation?

Thinking of the importance of his trip, Shen Ming gritted his teeth and endured it.

"Master Xianwu, I heard from Shen Yue that you learned the Holy Family's Flame Palm. I don't know if it's true."

"It's true!" Xian Wu said bluntly, then took out the Flame Palm Chapter from the space ring and threw it arrogantly in front of Shen Ming.

Shen Ming picked up the secret book and looked at it carefully. It was indeed printed and published by their holy family. The annotations and notes on it were written by a silver-level warrior named Shen He in the family.

You don't need to think about it to know that Xian Wu killed Shen He and took away his secret book.

At first, he sent Chen He and three people together with Shen Yue to attack and kill Xian Wu and Nie Li. Unexpectedly, they didn't fight back. He had known that he had sent gold-level experts there.However, at that time, the Dark Guild led by Li Yunhua volunteered, and he did not believe that it would overturn.

There must be a big secret hidden in Xian Wu!

"I don't know where the head of the Xianwu family got this secret book. We only circulate such secret books within the family and never leak them." Shen Ming asked knowingly.

Xian Wu said with a smile: "I picked it up on the way to the ruins of Gulan City. I also picked up a space ring for nothing. It's pie in the sky. Do you think it's strange or not?"

"What, is that ring dropped by your holy family? You came to me just to get the ring back? Want to get back the secret book of Lie Yang Palm Part [-]?" Xian Wu asked again and again, his tone becoming colder.

"No, no, please be patient, Master Xianwu." Shen Ming apologized again and again. He put the Palm of Flames on the table, then took out two secret books from his space ring and introduced: "Master Xianwu, , this is the secret book for the second and second chapters of Flame Palm, please accept it."

Xian Wu was stunned when he heard Shen Ming's words.

This old fox should have guessed that he killed the killer of their holy family, so how could he kindly send the rest of the secret book?When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

"No reward for no merit!" Xian Wu refused. The full version of Flame Palm is a legendary martial skill, as famous as the Yang family's marksmanship. How could Shen Ming give it to him for no reason.

Shen Ming stacked the three secret books together and said with a smile: "I am here today on behalf of the Shen Hong family to discuss with you important matters that are beneficial to our family..."

(End of this chapter)

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