Chapter 153
"A major event that is beneficial to our two families?" It will benefit our Hao Zhen family."

The Holy Family didn't want to do anything to harm him, so they burned incense themselves.

It would be better to blatantly harm him, so that he would have a reason to attack the Holy Family.

In the Glory City, major aristocratic families are prohibited from fighting among themselves. Without justifiable reasons, Xian Wu would not be able to kill him.

After all, his adoptive father was the lord of Glory City, so it was a bit too disrespectful for him to openly break the rules set by Ye Zong.

Moreover, there are many masters in the Holy Family, and there are at least three black-gold level experts.

In addition, the Holy Family is also closely related to several wealthy families. If there is a fight, those families will definitely help.

Xian Wu is not afraid of fighting, but he is afraid of the Holy Family fighting to the death and hurting Yang Xin, Huyan Lanruo and Nie Li.

He is too weak to take care of such a large group of people by himself.

I had never known my adoptive father before, and when I was not married, I was relaxed and could do whatever I wanted;
Now that he has recognized his adoptive father and married two wives, he has become timid and scrupulous about doing things.

It would be great if every important person around me was as strong as myself.

"A good thing is a great thing." The smile on Shen Ming's face could make a young child cry. He twisted the ruby ​​space ring on his right index finger and said, "Our Holy Family wants to marry the Hao Zhen Family. My in-laws, what do you think?"

The Haozhen family had just been established, and apart from Xian Wu and his two wives, there was no one else. The family he was talking about was naturally Xian Wu.

The Holy Family has already found out that Xian Wu is an orphan. He is currently the only one in the Haoxun Family.

"What? Did I hear it correctly?" Xian Wu couldn't believe his ears. The Holy Family actually wanted to marry him. He was crazy!Xian Wu asked hurriedly: "Deacon Shen Ming is kidding me, right? Seeing that my Ah Huang is still single, do you want to find him a partner?"

Ahuang and Dog King are from the same mother. They are both the offspring of the old female dog raised by Huyanshi's family. Although the colors are different, they are both very large in size.Because he has the blood of monsters in his body, Ah Huang has a very ferocious temperament, but he is also very loyal.

Every night, Xian Wu would put Ah Huang outside the Haozhen family and let him patrol the territory.

According to Huyan Lanruo, the dog king's personality is completely opposite to that of Ah Huang. He is very docile and never bites.

"Ah Huang? Who is he? The newly recognized godson of the Xianwu family?" Shen Ming raised his eyebrows slightly and asked in confusion.

According to legend, Xian Wu likes to recognize his relatives everywhere. The Ah Huang he mentioned should be his new bride's godson or goddaughter, right?
It can't be the godfather, right?Whose godfather has the same name as a cat or dog? That would make Xian Wu look too little.

Huyan Lanruo turned away, pursed her lips and snickered.

She heard that Shen Ming wanted to marry a woman from the Holy Family to Xian Wu, but she didn't expect that Xian Wu said it was a blind date with a dog, which made her laugh to death.

Hearing Shen Ming's question, Xian Wu coughed dryly, waved his hand and said: "No one, even if you tell me, you don't know him. Deacon Shen Ming, it's better not to show off, tell me who your holy family wants to marry me, no. It will be my former mentor, Shen Xiu, right?"

If that was really the case, it would be great. He had already been coveting Shen Xiu and wanted to teach her English in bed.Although her personality is very unpleasant, her small figure is really great. She wears bold and revealing clothes, has a hot and sexy figure, and has an S-shaped figure.The food of the Holy Family was good, and Shen Xiu was made fat where he should be fat and thin where he should be thin.

Although Xian Wu didn't like Shen Xiu's character, her character really impressed Xian Wu. She acted like a millionaire all day long, and no one looked down on her, and no one looked down on her.If he could conquer such a woman, General Xian would have a high sense of accomplishment.

"That's right, Patriarch Xian Wu is really clever, he guessed it right away." Shen Ming clapped his hands and laughed, explaining: "Miss Shen Xiu just turned 22 this year, and she hasn't married yet."

"This is not because she is not good enough. On the contrary, it is because Miss Shen Xiu is so good that no one can look down on her and she has been single until now. Although 22 years old is a bit older, she is older than you. Madam Yang Xin is still three years younger."

Wang Po sells melons and boasts about herself, so Shen Ming tries his best to sell Shen Xiu to Xian Wu, hoping to facilitate the marriage.

Marrying Shen Xiu to Xian Wu was not because the head of the family, Shen Hong, was crazy, but because he wanted Shen Xiu to infiltrate the enemy.

Firstly, she wanted her to find out the secret of Xian Wu's treasure, and secondly, she wanted to keep track of Xian Wu's every move to facilitate the Dark Guild's next move.The guild's next action is either to assassinate Xian Wu or to rescue Long Sha. The plan has not yet been formulated.

In addition, Shen Hong is very coveted by the pyramids in the territory of the Haozhen family. If he can borrow them to train his descendants, it will further strengthen the strength of the holy family.

However, the conflict between Xian Wu and the Holy Family was very deep, so it was naturally impossible for the younger generations of the family to practice in vain.

If you are reluctant to leave your child, you will not be able to trap a wolf; if you are reluctant to leave your sister, you will not be able to trap a gangster.

The elders of the Holy Family agreed that a lustful person like Xian Wu would definitely like Shen Xiu.

"Stop, shut up!" Xian Wu suddenly scolded with a cold face, "Propose marriage to Shen Xiu, propose marriage to Shen Xiu, don't compare my wife, in my eyes, no woman can compare to the two of them .Deacon Shen Ming had better pay attention when he speaks."

This old fool13 actually compared Shen Xiu and Yang Xin. Can they be the same?

Yang Xin is the director of the Alchemist Association, one person is more powerful than ten thousand people, and his position of power in the Glory City is second only to that of President Gu Yan.

Furthermore, Yang Xin didn't get married because of her family's bullshit rules.

Her character is more than 4000 times better than Shen Xiu. Compared with Yang Xin's darling, Shen Xiu is just an embroidered pillow.

Xian Wu only likes Shen Xiu because of his curiosity. In fact, he hates bossy and mean women.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing. Don't blame me, Master Xianwu." Shen Ming apologized, but her face darkened.

What a shameless thing! The Holy Family proposes marriage to you because they think highly of you. They really treat themselves like a dish!
After all, the Holy Family is also a top family with unfathomable background. How can the deacons in the family be scolded by him?

If the head of the family hadn't ordered him to negotiate Shen Xiu's marriage, he wouldn't have come to the Haozhen family and suffered such folly.

At around [-]:[-] in the morning, he had already arrived at the West Bridge of the Haozhen Family, but the bastards guarding the bridge forced him to wait until later in the morning to let him go.He can count tens of thousands of demon spirit coins per second, how can time be wasted like this!

(End of this chapter)

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