The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 156 Level of Cultivation

Chapter 156 Level of Cultivation
"Ask me, who should I ask? It's better to ask someone knowledgeable." Xian Martial put the first part of Lieyan Palm into the space ring, took the middle and second parts in his hand, and took Huyan Lanruo to find Huyanba.

The old man should be drinking in the wine cellar in the third courtyard now. I don’t know how the old man’s stomach grew. No matter what kind of wine he drinks, no matter how much he drinks, he will not get drunk. It is as easy as drinking boiled water.

What surprised Xian Wu was that Hu Yanba could not identify the authenticity of the Flame Palm secret book given by Shen Ming.

Hu Yanba majored in qi martial arts, while Flaming Palm was a soul martial skill, which was outside the scope of his abilities.If it were a gold or silver level soul martial skill, he could still identify it, but the black gold legendary level soul martial skill was extremely advanced and there was nothing he could do.

The vast majority of people can only practice one kind of martial arts in their lifetime, either soul martial arts or qi martial arts. It is impossible to reach advanced levels by practicing both, because their talents are limited and their training time does not allow them.

"Forget it, let's put it in the interspatial ring to eat ashes first." Xian Wu sighed, whether it was Hu Yanba or Yang Weiye of the Yang family, they all practiced Qi martial arts.

However, there are people in the Fengxue Family who practice soul martial arts. They will go to the City Lord's Mansion another day and ask Ye Zong's adoptive father to ask him to look for someone.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Zong also practices Qi martial arts, called Fengxue Sword Technique. After practicing to a high level, he can release his sword Qi.

After a very serious lunch break, Xian Wu went to the martial arts field to practice martial arts by himself without Hu Yanba yelling.

He now has two or three kinds of qi martial arts skills, one is the self-created six-character five-shaped fist, the second is the Yang family's spear technique, and the third is the Xia Ji Eight Stab Technique.

Xian Wu planned to practice unarmed combat first, and then weapons. However, the Yang family's spear technique and the eight sword stabbing techniques are both long-arm martial arts. If he could practice a sword or knife technique to complement the short-arm martial arts and long-range martial arts, then That's perfect.

As night falls, the lanterns turn on.

Xian Wu practiced the six-character and five-shaped boxing all afternoon. According to Hu Yanba, he had reached the point where practice makes perfect.

According to his own understanding, Huyanba divided the levels of martial arts training?From low to high, they are, from low to high, ignorant, beginner, practice makes perfect, first glimpse of the door, mastery, mastery, mastery, peak, return to nature and unity of nature and man.

Among them, ignorance, beginner's practice and practice make perfect belong to the realm of Xiaocheng; first glance at the door, mastering the mastery, and entering the room belong to the realm of Zhongcheng;

The unity of heaven and man is also called the state of Dzogchen, and the level of cultivation has reached the limit, and it can no longer be refined.

At the realm of the unity of man and nature, warriors already have a very deep understanding of the laws of heaven and earth contained in martial arts.

The level of martial arts training becomes more and more difficult as you go forward. Even Mr. Hu Yanba has only reached the peak. You can imagine how difficult it is to practice Drunken Master.However, Six-Character Five-Shaped Fist is a relatively low-level martial skill, and it should not be as difficult to practice as Drunken Fist.

The dusk is quiet, and the night slowly unfolds.

After a busy day at the Alchemist Association, Yang Xin finally returned home dragging her exhausted body.

As soon as Yang Xin returned home, the four bridges of the Haozhen family were closed, and the guards went to rest after get off work.

A family of three sat around the dining table. Yang Xin ate while listening to Huyan Lanruo and Xian Wu talk about what happened during the day.

Hu Yanba didn't have dinner with the three of them in the evening, maybe because Yang Xin was there and he was embarrassed. "Awu, do you really want to marry Shen Xiu? I have met her several times, and she gives me a very uncomfortable feeling." Yang Xin frowned slightly, expressing her objection to Xian Wu's marriage.

Firstly, she hates Shen Xiu, and secondly, Xian Wu was engaged to the Red Moon Family just two days ago, and now he is engaged to the Holy Family... He is afraid that she will be lonely, so why not find two people to share a mahjong table for her?
Yang Xin was mainly worried about Xian Wu's health. Originally, Xian Wu only had two kidneys, and she and Hu Yan Lanruo each had one kidney.

If there were two more women, Xian Wu's two kidneys would have to be shared equally among four people, doubling the burden. She was afraid that Xian Wu would die in bed. She was young, as beautiful as a flower, and didn't want to be a widow.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "No problem, wait until that woman passes the door and let you train her. If she dares to contradict you, tell me and I will train her for you. I will definitely make her cry for daddy."

He has been practicing martial arts recently, and his body is in great shape. He can handle forty women, not to mention four women.

Moreover, after practicing the Six-Zi Five-Shape Boxing, he had a vague feeling that his five internal organs had been strengthened.

Crane blowing fist strengthens the kidneys and nourishes the spirit, which is good news for male friends.

"Awu, don't you think it's strange?" Yang Xin questioned, "I think you and Nie Li jointly revealed that the Holy Family's red flame explosion inscription was plagiarized from the Thunder and Fire Scripture, and then you inscribed on the boundary monument 'The Holy Family and the Holy Family' "Dogs are not allowed", and then you deliberately neglected the Holy Family at our wedding. All these combined have made the Holy Family hate you to the core, so how could they be so kind as to marry Shen Xiu to you?"

She suspected that Shen Xiu was a spy sent by the Holy Family to infiltrate the Haozhen Family, and came specifically to cause sabotage.

Military General Xian surrounded the territory of the Haozhen family like an iron barrel, almost isolating it from the outside world, in order to prevent the dark guild and some people with malicious intentions from wreaking havoc.

If Shen Xiu is recruited, and that woman uses her status to misbehave and hooks up with outsiders to enter the territory of the Haozhen family, wouldn't the city walls and moats built by Xian Wu become decorations?

"Don't worry, baby." Xian Wu comforted him, "You forgot that when our Haoyu family recruited people, I used my charm ability to interrogate them one by one. As long as Shen Xiu dares to come, I can make her All plans were revealed word for word."

Xian Wu snorted: "This time, I'm going to ask the Holy Family to pay off my wife and lose their troops! If the Holy Family wants to harm us, then we will deliberately pass on false information to Shen Xiu, deliberately lead them into a trap, and then catch them all in one fell swoop. .”

If he hadn't swallowed the Snow Cherry Demon Spirit and had no charm ability, he would naturally not dare to accept the Holy Family's beauty trap.

Now that he has the ability to charm, he will use his tricks.

It’s so cheap, why not make money!
"Awu, if you say that, then I'll be relieved." Yang Xin breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, "I'm full. Let's take a bath first. Come to my room at night. I love you~" Yang Xin said with a slender white jade Pointing his finger, he poked Xian Wu's forehead, his face filled with flattery.

Xian Wu swallowed his saliva and buried his head in eating his rice under Huyan Lanruo's resentful gaze.

Huyan Lanruo was with me last night, and it's Yang Xin's turn tonight.

Grandma, having a wife is more tiring than going to work, seven days a week, every day without rest, it’s hard to live.

(End of this chapter)

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