The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 157 God-level demon spirit

Chapter 157 God-level demon spirit
A few days later, the weather was noisy and hot.

When the Haozhen family entered the east wing of the courtyard, Nie Li finally finished refining all the demon spirits that Xian Wu had acquired.

Nie Li left behind a few god-level growth demon spirits, and handed over the rest to Xian Wu.

Xian Wu bought the demon spirits with money. He only needed to charge some processing fees. There was no need to keep them all.

Although his Tiandao Divine Technique can fuse 7 demon spirits, he does not plan to use up the quota now.

The speed of practicing the Divine Art of Heaven is already slow, and with the addition of 7 burdens, it becomes even slower.

Although demon spirits with god-level growth ability can be cultivated to the legendary level, their primary level is only bronze level, and they need to be fed with soul power to cultivate and promote their growth.If the soul power is consumed to feed the demon spirit, the demon spiritual master's own soul power cultivation speed will be slowed down.

God-level growth demon spirits have advantages and disadvantages. From a long-term perspective, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

However, the City of Glory might be attacked by a wave of monsters at some point, leaving Nie Li and the others little time to grow.

The god-level growth-producing demon spirits left by Nie Li were not for his own fusion, but for Du Ze and Lu Piao.

Although they were also promoted to the Silver level, they were geniuses belonging to the Glory City and were awarded titles by the city lord.

But the title is just a false name, and they should have no money anyway.

Although Lu Piao's family is better off, the demon spirits the Lu family bought for him are not very good either.

The annual income of an ordinary noble family is only a few million demon spirit coins, while a black gold level demon spirit costs tens of millions of demon spirit coins.If Lu Piao had Du Ze's hard-working and enterprising character, the Lu family might spend their money to buy him a black gold demon spirit.

But Lu Piao was idle and idle all day long. Even if his father, the patriarch, was optimistic about him, the other elders did not think that Lu Piao could shoulder the heavy responsibility of making the Lu family rise.

Du Ze, Lu Piao, Wei Nan, Zhang Ming and Zhu Junxiang gathered in the east wing, wondering what kind of medicine Nie Li was selling in his gourd.

Xian Wu's servant, Ji Ni, informed them one by one that Nie Li had something to do with them, but Ji Ni didn't say what it was.

"Nie Li, what do you want from us? Are you going out shopping? I have been immersed in cultivation these past few days, and I am almost suffering from mental illness. If my grandfather knew that his grandson worked so hard, he would definitely be so happy that he would go to the grave. It jumped out." Lu Piao lowered his arms, with a very depressed expression, and his face was as long as the Holy Ancestor Mountain.

Nie Li was amused by Lu Piao's antics and quickly got to the point: "I got a few good demon spirits. You can use them to fuse them." Nie Li took out three demon spirit stones from the space ring. Grip with thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers.

"Go on!" Nie Li threw the three Demon Spirit Stones to Wei Nan, Zhang Ming and Zhu Junxiang in turn.

"Thank you Nie Li, you are such a good person." Zhang Ming couldn't put it down and held the Demon Spirit Stone. It was so beautiful that snot bubbles almost came out of his nose.After being promoted to the silver level, he was worried about not having enough money to buy demon spirits to fuse with, but Nie Li helped him a lot.

Wei Nan looked at the demon spirit stone with a smile on his face, but the smile quickly disappeared. He immediately asked worriedly: "Nie Li, what about you? You gave us all the demon spirits, don't you?"

"I fused one." As he said that, Nie Li summoned a tiger-toothed panda to possess him.

Nie Li scratched his head with his bear claws and explained: "You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank Xian Wu, just thank Xian Wu. He asked me to give these demon spirits to you. You know he is a rich man. , Don’t give it up for free.”

Hearing Nie Li say that it was given by Xian Wu, Zhu Junxiang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his elder brother had forgotten about him a long time ago.

"Where's mine? Where's mine, Nie Li?" Lu Piao asked anxiously, grabbing Xian Wu's strong and thick bear arm.Nie Li released his transformation, picked up the space ring on the table, took out two Demon Spirit Stones, and threw them to Lu Piao and Du Ze.

The demon spirit for Lu Piao is called Red Blood Demon Leopard, the demon spirit for Du Ze is called Ming Hu, the demon spirit for Wei Nan is called Peach Blossom Demon, the demon spirit for Zhang Ming is called Mountain Rabbit, and the demon spirit for Zhu Junxiang is called Fire. lizard.

These demon spirits are mutated demon spirits, not only have the potential to grow to the legendary level, but also have some characteristics that similar demon spirits do not have.These characteristics can help them develop more demon spirit combat skills and help them become stronger.

Lu Piao's red-blooded demon leopard has two extra flesh wings, which can develop flying combat skills; Lu Piao's dark tiger is covered with ferocious bone spurs, which can increase both defense and attack;

Weinan's Peach Blossom Demon has six petals, while the normal Peach Blossom Demon only has three petals. Each petal can heal injuries and restore [-]% of the soul power of teammates;
Zhang Ming's mountain rabbit has sharp claws like a mole. Like other mountain rabbits, it can shrink to the size of a rabbit, and it can also use its claws to escape from the ground.It is very convenient whether it is to detect the enemy's situation or to run away after being discovered.

Zhu Junxiang's salamander can not only breathe fire with its mouth like other salamanders, but can also spray lava with its skin swallows.

Magma is a more advanced ability than fire. I hope Zhu Junxiang can make good use of it.

Before giving them to Du Ze and others, Nie Li fused each demon spirit and tested their abilities, hoping to help his brothers avoid detours in their future cultivation.

Whether it is Xian Wu or Lu Piao and the others, they are powerful helpers for him to challenge the Holy Emperor again, so naturally they cannot be treated unfairly.

In the last life, the Holy Emperor killed all his relatives and friends, and burned their souls to pieces. This hatred is irreconcilable. In this life, he must kill the Holy Emperor and his six god-level monsters with his own hands. , revenge.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and merge. I will protect you." Nie Li greeted several people to merge with the demon spirits.

Zhang Ming and others are newbies and have never fused with demon spirits. There will inevitably be mistakes in the fusion process, so he needs to be careful.


Entering the bedroom in the courtyard, Xian Wu placed a small wooden box on the round table in the bedroom.

"Ruoruo, these are the god-level demon spirits I got. You quickly choose one." Xian Wu opened the red quilt embroidered with peonies and pulled Huyan Lanruo up.

Just after breakfast, I went to bed and went to sleep. Be careful of gaining weight.

If Hu Yanlan gave Xian Wu a gouging look, it was because he slept too late yesterday.

"What is a god-level demon spirit? Why haven't I heard of it?" Huyan Lanruo took out a pink demon spirit stone from a wooden box as big as her dressing box.

She has heard of gold-level and black-gold level demon spirits, but has never heard of god-level demon spirits. There is no such name in Glory City. Most of these demon spirits were obtained from the mysterious master behind Xian Wu. Come.

Xian Wu explained: "God-level demon spirits are only bronze-level demon spirits, but they have god-level growth characteristics and can be fed with soul power to reach the legendary level. With my help, it takes minutes to cultivate the demon spirit to the legendary level. thing."

Xian Wu's Chaos Soul Devouring Art absorbs as much soul power as possible and returns 2, 3, or 4 times the soul power.

If Hu Yanlan consumes only half of her soul power, consumes all her soul power, and then absorbs her half of the soul power, and then absorbs solar energy to replenish the remaining soul power, she can achieve the goal without increasing the upper limit of her power. Return Huyan Lanruo 2 times or 4 times the soul power.

He doesn't like the 3x return, it's a bit disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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