The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 158 The Red-Toothed Tiger

Chapter 158 The Red-Toothed Tiger
Although Xian Wu had the ability to upgrade Huyan Lanruo and Yang Xin to legendary level, he did not do so.

The main reason is that when Yang Xin and Huyan Lanruo's levels are high, they will have a very negative impact on his body.

Neither Yang Xin nor Huyan Lanruo are fuel-efficient lamps. The higher the level, the more fuel they consume. Sooner or later, they will run out of fuel.

"I want this one." Huyan Lanruo picked up the pink demon spirit stone without choosing.

This is a red-tusked tiger demon spirit. It has two sharp red saber teeth, strong limbs and sharp claws.

Normally, the fur of the Red Fang Tiger Monster is brown, but hers is pink.

Huyan Lanruo couldn't wait to fuse the Demon Spirit Stone with the Red Fang Tiger that exported the Snow Cherry Demon Spirit into the sky.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry." Xian Wu placed Huyan Lanruo's Snow Cherry Demon Spirit in a delicate wooden box as a souvenir.

If Hu Yanlan hadn't been like Zhu Junxiang and his gang, Hu Yanlan would be very skilled at fusing demon spirits. In less than a stick of incense, she would have been able to induce demon spirits to possess her.

After being possessed by the demon spirit, Huyan Lanruo changed drastically and became a girl with animal ears.She has sword-pointed ears, cute tiger teeth, a tiger skin midriff-baring outfit, a tiger skin miniskirt, and a pink tiger tail growing out of the back of her butt.

"!" Seeing Hu Yan Lanruo's appearance, Xian Wu raised his eyebrows with a smirk, and had a bold idea in his mind.

An hour later, Huyan Lan Ruoxiang released the transformation while dripping with sweat.

Her soul power is at the black gold level, while the Red Fang Tiger is at the bronze level, so she can summon demon spirits to possess her for a long time.

If the Red Fang Tiger is also at the black gold level, Huyan Lanruo's soul power can only be consumed by her transformation with a cup of tea at the longest.

If you fuse with a demon spirit that is higher than your own level, the time it takes to summon the demon spirit to possess you will be shorter and the consumption will be more intense.

For each higher level, the transformation time is reduced by 1 minute.

If the demon spirit master is only at the silver level and the demon spirit is at the black gold level, the demon spirit master can only summon the demon spirit to possess it for 2 minutes.

With Xian Wu's supplies, Huyan Lanruo's Red Fang Tiger cultivated to the black gold level. Like her, it was a black gold star.

Although he used the 4 times return method, the final return result was 2 times.

Xian Wu didn't want to give her back four times. In that case, she would become a black-gold five-star demon spiritualist, which would consume a lot of fuel.

After merging with the Red Fang Tiger, Huyan Lanruo changed her profession from a mage to a warrior.

However, Huyan Lanruo's Red-toothed Tiger is not an ordinary Red-toothed Tiger. The reason why its fur is pink is because it is covered with nightmare pollen. Once the enemy inhales it, it will fall into endless nightmares and keep dreaming. Things that I don’t want to face.

Xian Wu was not spared either. He dreamed that Huyan Lanruo turned into a man and rushed towards her frantically, took off her pants, took off her underpants, and then pulled out the monkey rubber band in the underpants to make a slingshot and hit the glass of her house. .

Xian Wu, who had lost himself, watched in despair as Huyan Lanruo used a slingshot to break the glass in her house one after another.

Just when Huyan Lanruo broke the last piece of glass in her home, threw away the slingshot, and was about to do a heinous and beastly thing to Xian Wu who turned into a woman, a dragon roar woke Xian Wu from his nightmare.

"Where did the dragon roar come from?" Xian Wu broke away from Huyan Lanruo's arms and groped up and down in confusion.

Ah ah ah……

Loud dragon roars rang out, and Xian Wu was surprised to find that the sound came from his own abdomen.

"What's going on? Why is there a dragon in my stomach?" Xian Wu was startled, and hurriedly hit the wide heart-shaped bed cross-legged, using his soul power, and closed his eyes to look inside.

Huyan Lanruo initially suspected that there was something wrong with her ears, but when she rested her head on Xian Wu's lap, face down, and listened carefully with her ear against Xian Wu's belly, she heard the roar of the dragon.Through internal vision, Xian Wu discovered that it was his liver that was making the roaring sound, and that his liver was detoxifying the nightmare pollen.

what happened?This has never happened before?Xian Wu, a two-foot-tall monk, was confused.

Why did his body undergo such a change? Could it be... the reason for practicing the Six-Character and Five-Shaped Fist?

Xian Wu beat Huyan Lanruo away with a stick, jumped off the bed, put on his shoes, and began to practice Longxi Gong.


Sure enough, as Xian Wu practiced, the dragon's roar became louder and louder, as if there was a real dragon hovering over his liver.

"Six-character Five Elements Boxing actually has such a miraculous effect?" Huyan Lanruo disappeared completely.

Grandma, it was so scary. Xian Wu wiped the sweat from his forehead with lingering fear.

"Husband, are you okay?" Huyan Lanruo tugged on her cute tiger ears in confusion.

"It's okay, come on, let's fight for another three hundred rounds!"

To be honest, after seeing the male version of Hu Yan Lanruo in his nightmare, Xian Wu had a strange feeling. Hu Yan Lanruo looked really good-looking in heroic men's clothes. It would be better if his personality and behavior were not so abnormal.

After teaching Huyan Lanruo, who almost caused him to be poked by a man, Xian Wu took a simple shower with his devil's left hand, then put on clean and neat training clothes and walked to the martial arts field to practice martial arts.

After detoxification, the dragon roar in the liver disappeared, and even practicing Dragon Hush Fist could not summon the dragon roar again.

It seems that the dragon's roar will only appear after being poisoned.

"Give it your all!" Xian Wu walked into Huyanba's wine cellar, took a jar of high-purity liquor, and drank it down.

As expected of high-purity liquor, it was so strong that it burned him so much that his stomach was about to be perforated.

Ah ah ah……

The dragon's roar sounded again, and Xian Wu's liver began to relieve the symptoms of his alcohol poisoning.

"I'm so dizzy..." Xian Wu felt as if his feet were stepping on cotton and the world was spinning.

He practiced the Dragon Hush Kung Fu unsteadily, and the feeling of wanton violence made him very happy.

Xian Wu seemed to understand why Hu Yanba loved drinking so much. When he was drunk, he no longer had any worries.

After about three quarters of an hour, Xian Wu's alcoholism was finally lifted.

It turns out that once he is poisoned, his liver will sound a dragon's alarm and start to automatically detoxify.

Perhaps the degree of cultivation is not diligent enough, and the detoxification speed is a bit slow. It is not as effective as taking the detoxification pill directly.

But once his liver calls the police, it will prove that someone has poisoned his food and water.

"Since the Dragon Boo function strengthens the liver, wouldn't the Leopard Hush function strengthen the heart? What effect will it have after the heart is strengthened?" Xian Wu looked forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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