Chapter 159 Eight Winged Angel
The sun was setting.

Yang Xin goes home.

The maid had already sprinkled rose petals in the steaming tub according to her custom. Just as she was taking off her dirty clothes and preparing to take a bath, she suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

"Who is it?!" the maid frowned and asked displeasedly. The eldest lady was getting ready to take a bath. Who could be so closed-minded?

"it's me."

The maid realized that it was Patriarch Xian Wu's voice, she hastily explained: "It's a coincidence that Patriarch came here, Da Furen is about to take a bath, you..."

"What a coincidence, what a coincidence! Open the door quickly, I want to wash with the eldest lady, hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait!"

"Madam, the master of the house said that he wants to take a bath with you." The maid looked at Yang Xin with a wry smile.

Yang Xin walked out from behind a screen embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water, carrying a light blue bath towel wrapped around her exquisite body.

"Let him in." Yang Xin smiled like a flower, and had bathed together many times, each time Xian Wu was very restless.

The maid opened the door bolt, let Xian Wu in, and then stepped back wisely.

"Master, madam, this servant has resigned."

Xian Wu waved his hand, and said anxiously: "Okay, okay, step back."

After saying that, Xian Wu jumped into the bathtub with a quick stride. The water splashed everywhere, directly wetting the screen where the mandarin ducks were playing in the water.

"Can't we do it at night? You're so impatient." Yang Xin bolted the door and walked around the screen with lotus steps.


Yang Xin stepped on the wet ground, slipped, and fell onto her back.

"I'll go, baby, are you okay?" Xian Wu jumped out of the tub and was about to help Yang Xin up, but unexpectedly he also fell.

The two of them helped each other stand up. Fortunately, they were both black-gold-level warriors, and their bodies were quite strong. Ordinary people would definitely fall down.Especially Xian Wu, the back of his head hit the edge of the tub.

While rubbing Yang Xin's back with a towel, Xian Wu mentioned the matter of god-level demon spirits: "Recently, master gave me a batch of god-level demon spirits, do you want them? Although god-level demon spirits are only at the bronze level, they have the ability to cultivate to the legendary level. Level potential, you should consider it."

He gave Huyan Lanruo one as a gift, so naturally he had to give one to Yang Xin. He couldn't favor one over the other and favor only one person.

"Have you given it to the waiter?" Yang Xin squinted and lay on the edge of the tub, her long wet hair hanging naturally like a black waterfall.

Hearing Xian Wu's affirmative answer, Yang Xin felt a little jealous, she was the boss, so she should give her something good first.

"What are you doing ~ ouch~~" Yang Xin suddenly had a strange feeling, and turned her head to scold.

Xian Wu looked innocent, wasn't he rubbing his back?Rub the outside and rub the inside.

Water splashed, and the mandarin duck play screen that had just dried was wet again.

After a cup of tea, Xian Wu used his devil's left hand to add pure hot water to the tub and continued to give Yang Xin a bath.

Half an hour later, Xian Wu stepped out of the tub holding Yang Xin, who was as limp as a noodle.

His feet gave way, and Yang Xin, who was in Xian Wu's arms, fell directly out, scratching a long distance on the wet ground.

Well, the bath was for nothing.

After another half hour, Yang Xin dried Xian Wu, and Xian Wu dried Yang Xin. Then Xian Wu wiped away the water on the ground, and then the two dared to leave the bathtub with peace of mind.

After putting on clean clothes, Xian Wu took out a box of demon stones and placed them on the table for Yang Xin to choose. "That's it." Yang Xin picked and picked, and finally chose an elemental angel.

Xian Wu's wind and thunder wings came from the Angel of Devouring Elements.

The elemental angel Yang Xin selected has eight wings of black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple.

Xian Wu only knew that blue represented the element of thunder and cyan represented the element of wind. He didn't know what elements the other colors represented.

"Let's fuse it together and see." Xian Wu looked at the Demon Spirit Stone and gave it to Yang Xin.

Yang Xin, like Huyan Lanruo, both have rich knowledge and experience in demon spirit fusion, and they were able to fuse elemental angels very quickly.

Putting Yang Xin's ancient tree vine demon spirit into the blank demon spirit stone as a souvenir, Xian Wu urged Yang Xin to transform quickly.

After the transformation, Yang Xin is holy and beautiful, with eight wings growing out of her back. Even a bronze-level demon spirit gives people a strong sense of oppression, making people breathless.

After testing, black wings have the ability to control the water element, red wings have the ability to control the fire element, orange wings have the ability to control the earth element, yellow wings have the ability to control the gold element, and purple wings have the ability to control the electric element.

The element of thunder is different from the element of electricity. Thunder is sound and electricity is current. The combination of the two is thunder and lightning.

"As expected of the boss, he can control the power of eight elements at the same time." Xian Wu gave a thumbs up, and Yang Xin, who turned into an angel, became even more beautiful. He rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Here, husband, help you give the demon spirit upgrade."



Huyan Lanruo asked the servant to heat the food twice, but Yang Xin and Xian Wu didn't come over yet.

"Come here, please remove the food. The head of the family and the eldest lady probably won't come." Huyan Lanruo ordered angrily.

Without even thinking about it, those two guys must be doing that kind of thing. It was really abominable to leave her here alone.

Huyan Lanruo summoned the red-toothed tiger demon spirit to possess her, and like a tiger coming out of the gate, she rushed towards Yang Xin's room on her hands and feet.

Boom boom boom!
"Sister Yang Xin, is Xian Wu inside?" Huyan Lanruo knocked on the door and asked. From Yang Xin's panicked voice, it could be judged that Xian Wu must be in the room.

"No... not here, sister, you... do you have anything to do with him?" Yang Xin's voice was broken.

Huyan Lanruo snorted and said, "It's nothing. Seeing that you guys didn't come to dinner, I came here to ask about it. I thought something was wrong." It's too embarrassing not to invite her in to play together.

"What can...what can happen? Don't worry about it. Go back and rest early. Tomorrow is the wedding day of Xian Wu and Ouyang Tiantian from the Hongyue family. We have to be energetic and show up in our best appearance. We can't You lost your limelight in front of the newcomers." Yang Xin thought of an excuse and sent Huyan Lanruo away.

Huyan Lanruo broke in through the door, gritted her teeth and said, "Stop pretending, Xian Wu is inside!"

The room was dimly lit, and Huyan Lanruo suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance, and then she didn't know anything else.

Taking advantage of the time when Hu Yanlanruo was being charmed, Xian Wu quickly put on his wet clothes and left.

When he returned to the room, Xian Wu was puzzled, slapped his forehead and said: "My wife and I are in love, it is a reasonable and legal act, why should we run away? Besides, it was Yang Xin's turn today. .”

"Gan!" Xian Wu threw the wet clothes to the ground angrily.

In Yang Xin's room, Huyan Lanruo's charmed state was lifted. She rushed straight to Yang Xin's bed, lifted the quilt and took a look, but found nothing.

"What's the matter, sister? Do you want to sleep with your sister?" Yang Xinjiao smiled and pulled Huyan Lanruo to the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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