Chapter 160 Ouyang Tiantian
The next night, twilight was getting darker.

After seeing off the guests, Xian Weili walked to the wedding room grandly. Without saying any more nonsense, he lifted his hijab, drank a glass of wine, and went to sleep.

The wedding during the day was not very grand. Unlike when they married Yang Xin and Huyan Lanruo, all the aristocratic families in the city were invited. Only the Fengxue Family, the Huyan Family, the Yang Family, the Tianhen Family, the Lu Family, and Du Ze were invited. people.

The representative of the Fengxue Family is Ye Hong. After training in the Snow Dragon Guard for a period of time, he has become much more mature and steady. He exudes a bit of the majesty of a superior, much like the young Ye Shuo.

According to Ye Hong, no matter how severely the Snow Dragon Guards tortured him, Long Sha did not disclose the address of the Dark Guild, and even claimed that the Demon Lord would definitely come to save him.If he dies, everyone in the Glory City will be buried with him, because the Demon Lord has reached the peak of legend.

Although Ye Mo is a legendary level demon spiritual master, he has not yet reached the peak and is no match for the demon lord.

After listening to Ye Hong's words, Xian Wu's heart was covered with a haze, and it seemed that he had to speed up the progress of his cultivation.

After he refined the remaining leopard heart, snake spleen, tiger lung and crane kidney, he set out to hunt the three legendary monsters sleeping deep in the Saint Ancestor Mountains.

He learned from his godfather Ye Mo that the three legendary monsters were the Snow Wolf King in the Snow Wolf Valley, the One-eyed Troll in the Black Devil Jungle, and the Ice Dragon Lizard in the Holy Sword Mountain.

There are many black gold and gold level monsters guarding the three legendary monsters. For most people, it would be like committing suicide if they wanted to hunt alone. They would be consumed by the mobs without even being able to see the legendary monsters. We're halfway there.

But Xian Wu is different. He possesses the Devil's Left Hand and the Chaos Soul Devouring Art, which allows him to restore his soul power very quickly.

His original plan was to let Yang Xin and Huyan Lanruo help him cultivate legendary demon spirits, and then he would devour them and advance.

But then I thought about it, wouldn’t that be treating his wife as a furnace for cultivation?
Xian Wu felt that this approach was too evil and that he was simply treating his wife as a tool that could be used at will.

Not to mention Huyan Lanruo, Yang Xin has never done anything to offend him, and he absolutely cannot do such a thing.

If he is finally forced to have no other choice and is desperate, he will choose to devour the demon spirits of his wives.


A few hours later, Ouyang Tiantian was completely conquered by Xian Wu from the inside out, curling up in Xian Wu's arms like a kitten.

"Tiantian, you work in the auction house and are well-informed. How about you being the public relations officer of our Haoxun family?" Xian Wu asked.

"Public relations? What is public relations, husband?" Ouyang Tiantian asked hoarsely.

Xian Wu explained: "Public relations is the abbreviation of public relations, which means that you can be the spokesperson of the Haoxun family, attend various large-scale events held in the Glory City, and promote the ideas and style of our Haoxun family to other nobles and common people. .”

"What are our family's ideas and our style, husband?" Ouyang felt tired in Xian Wu's arms every day, and his smooth little face made Xian Wu's heart itch.

Xian Wu got up and said: "The principle of our Hao Zhen family is... I will not offend others unless they offend me; if someone offends me, I will offend them. Do you understand? Our Hao Zhen family does not cause trouble, and we are not afraid of trouble! Listen! Do you understand, I heard a squeak."



Ouyang Tiantian's cultivation talent is not very good, and her soul power is only at the bronze level. It is precisely because of her poor cultivation talent that she changed her profession to be an auctioneer, engaging in an industry that is more suitable for her.

However, under Xian Wu's nourishment, Ouyang Tiantian was directly promoted from bronze level to gold level, and her full soul power almost burst her body.Ouyang Tiantian's body was already plump and sexy, but it became more mature and attractive under the stimulation of soul power.

It was similar to Mr. Yang in Country Love. He was dying. Overnight, Xian Wu felt like he had lost a lot of hair.

Xian Wu didn't favor one over the other. He took out the wooden box and gave it to Ouyang Tiantian, also planning to give Ouyang Tiantian a god-level demon spirit. "This one is red~" Ouyang Tiantian pointed to the red demon spirit stone in the box and asked Xian Wu to give it to her.

Xian Wu picked up the Demon Spirit Stone and looked at it carefully.

Recalling the illustrated book of demon spirits given by the shopkeeper of the Xuanling Chamber of Commerce, he soon knew that this was a rare red-trained king snake demon spirit.

The Scarlet-trained King Snake Demon Spirit is very poisonous. Once the skin is scratched by it, the toxin will flow into the heart along the blood, and the enemy will definitely die, and even the gods will be unable to save it.

I don’t know which one is more powerful between the toxin of the red king snake and the detoxification ability of the dragon liver. I’ll give it a try when I have time.

Before the experiment, Nie Li must first get antidote pills to prevent him from accidentally dying.

During breakfast, Xian Wu asked Huyan Lanruo to help Ouyang Tiantian fuse the demon spirits. Huyan Lanruo seemed unhappy, but still nodded and agreed.

"Second sister, I'm sorry to trouble you~" Ouyang Tiantian said hoarsely and timidly.

Huyan Lanruo became furious as soon as she heard Ouyang Tiantian's voice. The battle last night was so fierce that her voice was hoarse.Huyan Lanruo felt unhappy when she thought about her man and other women.

"No trouble, Xiaosan'er." Huyan Lanruo replied in a strange tone.

Xian Wu coughed dryly, stood up and said, "Lan Ruo, I'll leave it to you every day. You two have to get along well and don't fight."

After saying that, Xian Wu stood up and left to find Nie Li's prescription for antidote.

Huyan Lanruo looked at Ouyang Tiantian with an unkind expression. Although Ouyang Tiantian was timid on the surface, he was not afraid of Huyan Lanruo at all in his heart.She felt that Huyan Lanruo was just a little more coquettish, and her figure and appearance were not as good as hers.

However, Ouyang Tiantian ignored one thing, that is, Huyan Lanruo's cultivation level was higher than hers.

Hu Yanlanruo is black gold, but Ouyang Tiantian is just a little gold.


Nie Li was no longer in the guest room. He must have gone to the pyramid to cultivate his soul power.

"By the way, Xiao Ning'er hasn't come back since she left that day. Did something happen at home?" Xian Wu said to himself with his hands behind his back. There was still a gold-level armor set in the interspatial ring that he was going to give her. And the god-level growth-producing Wind and Thunder Sky Bird.

If you don't send it out, it will almost grow spider webs.

Just as Xian Wu was about to go out, he heard a sound and ran out of Ah Huang's kennel. He jumped up high and landed on Xian Wu's shoulders.

"Golden egg! Golden egg!" The little guy rubbed Xian Wu's face affectionately.

Watching the little bully leave, Ah Huang jumped out of the small chicken coop and got back into his warm doghouse.

Even though the golden egg was only as big as a basketball, Ah Huang, who was as tall as a person, couldn't beat it. He grabbed the dog's ears and beat it violently, sending it running around the yard.

If it weren't for Mr. Huyanba's protection, Jin Dan would probably have beaten Ah Huang's eggs out.

(End of this chapter)

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