The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 164 Fire in the Backyard

Chapter 164 Fire in the Backyard

Xian Wu was lying on the bed, with his chest half covered by a quilt and a wet towel on his forehead, moaning "ouch, ouch".

"It's all your fault. What deer whip soup you gave your husband to drink must have caused something wrong!" Huyan Lanruo crossed her arms and stared at her almond-shaped eyes, blaming Ouyang Tiantian, "I have to whip you according to family law for causing your husband to become like this." Thirty lashes.”

She just replaced the deer whip with a bloody dog ​​whip, but she didn't expect to drink Xian Wu into something bad.If possible, she would rather Ouyang Tiantian, a little slut, succeed than Xian Wu's health be harmed.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. You can only make mistakes and make mistakes.

Ouyang Tiantian was frightened after hearing Huyan Lanruo's words. Thirty whips could split her back. She knelt on the ground and begged: "Second sister, I didn't expect my husband's reaction after drinking deer whip soup." It’s so big, I was wrong, please don’t whip me~”

It's really strange. It tastes good when she drinks it, and it doesn't have much taste.When she went out to relieve herself and washed her hands, she came back. When she lifted the pot, the smell suddenly became stronger. At that time, she thought the fire was getting louder, so she didn't pay much attention to it. Who would have thought...

"Took you around? Let my husband recover!" Huyan Lanruo scolded, took out the whip stained with Xian Wu's blood from the space ring, raised it and was about to whip it.

Her tenderness is only open to Xian Wu, and she is only cold and harsh to others.

Ouyang Tiantian raised his hands to cover his face and screamed: "Ah, no, second sister, I was wrong, wuwu, don't hit me."

Now that Xian Wu was ill and his eldest sister Yang Xin was not at home, if Hu Yanlan had the highest status in the family, she would definitely be whipped.

Just when Huyan Lanruo was about to whip her whip, a scent of fragrance filled the air from the quilt.

"Oops..." Huyan Lanruo lost consciousness before she could finish her words.

Ouyang Tiantian was the same, his eyes were dull, he stood up dully, and the two women stood side by side in front of Xian Wu's bed.

Xian Wu took off the wet towel on his forehead and threw it into the basin, then lifted up the quilt and sat up cross-legged.

"Ouyang Tiantian, are you sure the deer whip soup you cooked is okay to drink?" Xian Wu asked with lingering fear, suppressing the itchiness in his throat.

After drinking the soup, the dragon's roar of the liver suddenly sounded, proving that there was no poison in the deer whip soup.

He had to ask the matter clearly. There was no reason for Ouyang Tiantian to cook something so unpleasant for him. She was still waiting for him to be lucky.

Ouyang Tiantian said like a puppet: "I'm sure I can drink it. My father drinks it often and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the deer whip you chose?" Xian Wu questioned, could it be that the third wife was cheated by the butcher peddler?
Ouyang Tiantian turned back like a robot, walked to the table, reached out and grabbed the contents of the bowl, and took a bite.

"Bah!" Ouyang spit out the soup in his mouth every day, took two pieces of meat, showed it to Xian Wu and said: "It's raw, and it's not deer penis. Someone dropped the bag when I left the kitchen, and someone wanted to frame me. I."

"Framing you?" Xian Wu looked at the bloodshot flesh and touched his chin thoughtfully.

He turned to look at Huyan Lanruo and asked in a cold voice: "What's going on with the deer whip soup? Is it your fault?"

"Yes!" Huyan Lanruo nodded, and then said: "I exchanged Ah Huang's whip for the deer whip."

"Ah Huang?" Hearing Huyan Lanruo's words, Xian Wu was taken aback. Ah Huang is her favorite dog, and she actually... "Why?" Xian Wu asked the reason.

Huyan Lanruo replied: "I don't like Ouyang Tiantian, she is a scheming bitch."

"Uh..." Xian Wu was speechless for a moment, "You secretly substituted other people's ingredients and called them scheming bitches. How could you be so open-minded? And you also gave away Ah Huang's treasure. You were too cruel. Bar."

Hu Yanlanruo disagreed and said coldly: "My tenderness is only open to you. The life and death of other people and animals have nothing to do with me."

"Oh?" After hearing what Huyan Lanruo said, although Xian Wu didn't agree with her approach, he was still a little happy in his heart, "Huyan Lanruo, do you like me so much? Do you love me? Tell me, what do you like about me?"

Huyan Lanruo stretched out her hand and said expressionlessly: "I like your place. The first time I saw it, I fell hopelessly in love with you. It only belongs to me, and I don't want to share it with anyone else." Women share, it’s my baby.”

"Yandere?" Xian Wu discovered Huyan Lanruo's new attributes.

"Why did you cook deer whip soup for me? What's your purpose?" of.

Ouyang puffed out his proud chest every day and said: "That bitch Huyan Lanruo beat me in the name of sparring. I am not convinced and want to retaliate against her, so I cooked soup for you to consume you in advance. I want to She doesn’t have sex at night.”

"You are really evil-minded." Xian Wu poked Ouyang Tiantian's cheek with the handle of his whip.

Xian Wu turned to Huyan Lanruo and asked, "When you and Ouyang were sparring every day, did you hit her intentionally or accidentally?"

"It was accidental...and also intentional." Huyan Lanruo's answer was ambiguous.

Xian Wu was confused: "Whatever is intentional is intentional, and what is careless is accidental. What is careless intentional? Huyan Lanruo, explain it clearly to me."

At this point, the truth of the matter is revealed. Neither woman is a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Pa!" Xian Wu snapped his fingers, releasing the two of them from the charmed state.

After being charmed, they will briefly lose control of their bodies.

After the charm is lifted, they will regain control of their bodies, but not immediately. There will be a buffering period.Therefore, after the charm was lifted, the two women all collapsed on the ground.

Huyan Lanruo and Ouyang Tiantian fell together, and they pushed each other away in disgust.

"Now, hold the bowl and get out of here!"

"It's clear..." The two women lowered their heads and said in unison.

When Xian Wu walked to the door, Xian Wu stopped Huyan Lanruo and ordered her to apologize to Ah Huang and return the half-cooked roots to her.

(End of this chapter)

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