The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 165 Shen Hong Arrives

Chapter 165 Shen Hong Arrives
Under the setting sun, in the martial arts arena, Xian Wu concentrated on practicing the Leopard Fist, trying to make his heart sound.

The roar of the liver only appears when he is poisoned. Under what circumstances will the sound of the heart appear?

Xian Wu couldn't think of it even if he thought about it. His knowledge was so lacking that he could only practice it over and over again.

Read the book a hundred times and its meaning will be self-evident; punch it a hundred times and its meaning will be self-evident.

after awhile……

"Husband~" Ouyang Tiantian walked from the front yard with his head lowered and called out timidly, his face a little pale.

Seeing the cute bun and sexy cheongsam, Xian Wu stopped his movements and let out a breath of "hee--".

"What's the matter?" Xian Wu took out a clean towel from the space ring and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Seeing the haggard look of the third lady, Xian Wu couldn't help but feel a little distressed. He only took a small sip before he vomited to death. She drank half of the bowl, but she still vomited half of her life.It hurts, but they both deserve it!

Ouyang Tiantian slowly raised his head and reported hesitantly: "Husband, Shen Hong, the head of the Holy Family, is here, and there is a woman with him, who is waiting in the living room." She is now the public relations member of the Haozhen Family and is responsible for receiving guests.

Although she looked weak and weak in front of Xian Wu, she behaved neither humble nor arrogant, dignified and majestic in front of Shen Hong.

"Shen Hong?" Xian Wu was startled when he heard Ouyang Tiantian's words.

According to the agreement between him and Shen Ming, if Shen Hong comes to visit, it will prove that his engagement with Shen Xiu is in trouble.

The woman traveling with Shen Hong may be Shen Xiu, Shen Hong's wife, or Shen Hong's mother.

After activating the ability of the devil's left hand to break down the dirty towel, Xian Wu hooked his fingers towards Ouyang Tiantian and said, "Follow me!"

"What are you going to do, husband?" Ouyang followed Xian Wu's firm and round butt obediently every day, puzzled.


In the steaming bathtub, Ouyang Tiantian took a bath towel and rubbed Xian Wu's back vigorously. His silky black hair was tied behind his head, and his long ponytail floated on the slightly blue water.

The juice of purple orchid grass is added to the bathtub, which can whiten the skin, nourish the soul and make people feel refreshed.

"Try harder, you didn't eat at noon!" Xian Wu complained as he lay on the edge of the tub.

Ouyang increased his strength every day, complaining secretly in his heart, and vomited out all the food he had eaten at lunch.

She swore that she would never mess with Huyan Lanruo secretly again.

After rubbing his back, Xian Wu turned over and ordered Ouyang to rub his front every day.

"Tian Tian, ​​what did you eat every day when you were at your mother's house? It's too big here, even bigger than Yang Xin's." Xian Wu pinched his itchy nose with one hand, and rubbed it with the other...

Ouyang Tiantian's face turned red and he replied: "It's just mediocre food and nothing special, but I have a thousand-year-old fruit tree at home with a large bunch of green, oval-shaped fruits that taste good. "

"Green fruit? Oval-shaped? It can't be papaya, right? No wonder..." Xian Wu blinked, "By the way, have you drank the half bowl of deer penis soup? Why can't you smell anything strange from your mouth?" Where’s the taste?”

"I drank...vomited again, and drank a lot of sesame oil to wash my stomach." Ouyang Tiantian suddenly threw himself into Xian Wu's arms, hugging Xian Wu and acting coquettishly: "Husband, I was wrong, I shouldn't have been angry with Sister Lan Ruo, please forgive me Am I okay~"

"Forgive you?" Xian Wu asked, "It depends on your performance."...

living room.

Shen Hong, the head of the Holy Family, frowned and looked unhappy. He had been waiting for almost two quarters of an hour, and the tea had gone cold five or six times. Why didn't that little beast Xian Wu come to pay his respects and deliberately left them alone?

Damn it, when the dragon evil spirit is rescued and the demon master comes out of seclusion, I will definitely skin and bones the little beast, and hang his dog head on the city gate tower for seven days and seven nights.

Shen Xiu crossed her legs, holding a delicate pastry in one hand and a tea bowl in the other, her little mouth chattering non-stop.

She thought to herself: "The food in the Haozhen family is not bad, and that little brat Xian Wu is quite good at enjoying it~"

Shen Xiu was still very nervous when she thought that she was about to marry Xian Wu.

It was quite ironic that the lowly poor boy whom he once looked down upon would become his husband-in-law.

Shen Xiu was very disgusted with Shen Hong treating her as a pawn. If he had to use a honey trap, why not give up his new concubine?
But what is that little bastard Xian Wu doing?That little slut from the Red Moon Family must have passed the message, why is he still nowhere to be seen?If a beautiful woman like herself wants to marry him, he should run over immediately.

Another time after burning incense, Xian Wu finally came. He took a very comfortable bath and changed into a very comfortable robe. It was customized from Wang Mazi Tailor Shop. It can be used as a coat or a coat. cloak.

Ouyang Tiantian has a pretty face, and her little tail is trailing behind Xian Wu's butt. If you look carefully, you can see that her walking posture is a bit awkward, with a limp.

When Shen Xiu saw Ouyang Tiantian, who was wearing a red cheongsam with high slits, her expression suddenly turned ugly.

She knew that Ouyang Tiantian was Xian Wu's newly married concubine and that her future family status would be higher than hers.

"Hmph, a little brat from a noble family has a higher status than me." Shen Xiu angrily threw the half-eaten cake onto the plate, took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and then wiped his hands with the back.

"Master Shen Hong, why did you come here today?" Xian Wu sat in the top position and asked knowingly.

"I came here today because of the marriage between my sister-in-law and the head of the Xianwu family." Shen Hong's face was expressionless, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"Marriage?" Xian Wu raised his eyebrows, looked at Shen Xiu, who had her legs crossed and exposed a large area of ​​snow-white skin, and asked with a smile: "Has the head of the Shen Hong family agreed to our marriage?"

Shen Hong nodded expressionlessly: "I agree, but there is one condition."

"What conditions?" Xian Wu asked with a smile, wanting to know what was wrong with Shen Hong, an old fox.

"I heard that the Haozhen family has thirteen pagodas that can help people practice. Our Holy family wants to borrow some of them. I wonder what the Xianwu family wants to do?" Shen Hong's face was neither sad nor happy, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "They are all members of my own family, so I'll let you know if I borrow them. Since the Holy Family is proficient in the Holy Fire Inscriptions, I will give you the Tower of Fire."

Hearing Xian Wu mention the sacred fire inscription pattern, an undetectable cold light flashed in Shen Hong's eyes.

"Thank you, brother-in-law Xian Wu." Shen Hong gritted his teeth and cupped his hands.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Xian Wu changed the subject, "The Haoxun family has the rules of the Haoxun family, and the Sacred family has the rules of the Sacred family. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, people in my uncle's family should be able to abide by them. Is it the rules of the Haozhen family?"

"That's natural." Shen Hong replied.

(End of this chapter)

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