Chapter 166
"By the way, in three days our Holy Family will take the lead in organizing a genius battle at the martial arts arena in the west of the city. I wonder if my brother-in-law would be interested in watching?"

After hearing Shen Hong's words, Xian Wu looked at Ouyang Tiantian who was standing on his right. Seeing Ouyang Tiantian nodding, Xian Wu did not refuse.

"Three days later? Chengxi Martial Arts Arena? No problem, I will definitely be there by then." Xian Wu promised, "Brother, I'm curious, which aristocratic families will participate in the Genius Battle?"

Although he is a genius, he doesn't bother to participate in the genius battle. As the head of the Haozhen family, it would be too shameful to fight in person.

"Including the other seven wealthy families and some aristocratic families, if my brother-in-law is interested, I will send a car to pick you up on the day of the competition." Shen Hongpi smiled, wanting to lower Xian Wu's vigilance as much as possible, so that Shen Xiu would be more convenient in the future. Espionage activities in the Haozhen family.

"In that case, it couldn't be better." Xian Wu laughed while stroking his hands, then took out an old wine gourd from the space ring and introduced: "Brother, these are two hundred soul-condensing pills, a dowry for the Holy Family. , please accept it."

After saying that, Xian Wu threw away his hand.

Shen Hong caught the wine gourd easily. His skill was a hundred times higher than that of Shen Ming, so he would not be hit on the head.

"Thank you, brother-in-law." Shen Hong put the Soul Condensing Pill into the space ring, stood up and said, "It's getting late. There are still many things to do in the family, so I won't disturb you."

"Sister." Shen Hong looked at Shen Xiu with her legs crossed, winked and said, "You stay here to keep in touch with your future husband. Anyway, you will be a member of the Haozhen family in a few days."

Shen Xiuliu frowned slightly. Although she was unhappy in her heart, she still nodded and agreed.

"Uncle, don't worry. I will definitely take Xiu'er to visit the Haozhen family, inside and outside, front and back, left, right, back, up and down. I will make sure she enjoys it." Xian Wu patted her. Chest promise, happy hour is about to begin.

"Tiantian, send my uncle away." Xian Wu ordered.


Ouyang Tiantian took Shen Hong away, leaving Xian Wu and Shen Xiu alone in the living room.

Xian Wu stood up and took Shen Hong's position, next to Shen Xiu. He stared at her greedily and said, "Teacher Shen Xiu, oh no, Madam Xiu'er, I really didn't expect that we would meet again in this capacity. Ah, tsk tsk tsk..."

I have to admit that Shen Xiu's figure is really top-notch, her appearance is average, and she can still smell the fragrance when she is close.

"You...what do you want to do, give me... show me some respect." Shen Xiu put away her legs and hid to the side.

At such a close distance, she could clearly feel Xian Wu's rapid breathing, and could even hear his heart beating like a drum.Could it be that her power has increased and she can actually hear other people's heartbeats?

Xian Wu stood up, pinched his waist, winked and said, "What if I say no?"

He couldn't wait to eat Shen Xiu, even though he had just finished with Ouyang Tiantian.

"I haven't passed the door yet, you can't..." Shen Xiu tightly protected her chest, her heart beating like a deer.

Looking up at Xian Wu who was getting closer and closer to her, Shen Xiu panicked. Is she about to lose her virginity to this little bastard now?

"Husband! So you are here!"

There was a shout from outside the door, Shen Xiuru was granted amnesty, and she quickly ran away while Xian Wu was distracted.

"What are you here for?" Xian Wu frowned when he saw Huyan Lanruo. If you don't come early, you won't come later, but you come at the critical moment.The cooked duck flew away, and he was a little horny.

"What are you doing? I'm going to fuck you." Huyan Lanruo winked, closed the door of the living room with her backhand, and bolted the door.


It's night in the blink of an eye.

The four of them sat around the dining table. Huyan Lanruo and Ouyang Tiantian were as well-behaved as two quails. Listening to Xian Wu telling Yang Xin what happened during the day, and hearing that Xian Wu didn't mention the "deer whip soup", the two women immediately relaxed. Take a breath.

"Isn't it a little too hasty to give the Tower of Fire to the Holy Family?" Yang Xin questioned.

Du Ze is currently cultivating in the Tower of Fire. Will driving him away affect the brotherhood between Xian Wu and Du Ze?

And giving such a precious training tower to the Holy Family for free is not too cheap for them.

Xian Wu disagreed: "Is it rash? I don't think it is rash. It was just my strategy to temporarily stabilize Shen Hong and let him happily marry Shen Xiu."

"If Shen Xiu reports back that I want to play with her, Shen Hong will definitely think that I am a lustful person who is fascinated by beauty. In that case, Shen Hong will definitely make me relax my vigilance and show my fox tail."

"Aren't you a lustful person who is fascinated by beauty?" Yang Xin asked back. In less than a month, he had married three women, including himself. In addition to Shen Xiu, he also provoked Wo Diaochang's sister. , is simply a big carrot.

Xian Wu coughed dryly and blushed. Ever since he gave it to Yang Xin for the first time, he couldn't control it. Whenever he met a good-looking woman, he wanted to sleep with her.Xian Wu also hates his current lustful appearance, but he just can't control it.

Food, sex, and sex. As a time traveler, it makes sense for him to be an emperor and have three wives and four concubines, right?
After working all night in Huyan Lanruo's room, Xian Wu got up early to practice Qigong refreshed.

"Huyan Lanruo said that I am very big and my heart beats loudly. Is it because I practiced Leopard Boxing?" With doubts, Xian Wu began to practice boxing in the martial arts field.

"Golden egg! Golden egg!" The fluffy golden egg ran over and started practicing together, imitating Xian Wu.

Not to mention, there are still similar ones, different in form, but similar in spirit.

Xian Wu's Dragon Hush Fist has reached the level of mastery, and the second stage of success is also the dragon's roar appearing in the liver at this stage.

Leopard He Fist has also reached the level where you can first see the basics. If you continue to practice it, you will be able to master it. By then, you will be able to hear the sound of your heart. It should not only be louder than the heartbeat, but also something else.

"Bang!" Hu Yanba kicked away the obstructing golden egg and greeted with a smile: "My dear son-in-law, you got up very early."

He admired this young man Xian Wu very much. He could not only insist on pulling out carrots every day, but also insist on practicing martial arts every day. He was in great health.

When he was young, if he had such a good body, he wouldn't have only given birth to three sons and four daughters.

"Good morning." Xian Wu stood up and nodded with a smile.

Hu Yanba carried the wine gourd and said with his hands behind his back: "How are you doing with your "Six-Zi Five-Shaped Fist"? Give it a try and show it to grandpa. To be honest, practicing that thing hard is of no use, although it is It can strengthen the five internal organs, but the five internal organs of a black gold-level warrior are already very powerful. There is no need to practice anymore. It is a waste of time. It is better to practice drunken fist. How about, I teach you drunken fist?"

(End of this chapter)

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