Chapter 167 Mad State

Xian Wu declined Hu Yanba's kindness. He had not yet mastered the six-character five-shaped boxing, and he did not want to touch more advanced martial arts.

He always remembered an article in the primary school text about Confucius learning the piano. He would not practice other martial arts until he had practiced the six-character five-shaped boxing to the highest level.

Moreover, even if you practice more advanced martial arts, the increase in combat effectiveness is minimal. In the current battle, the Chaos Soul Devouring Art and Demon Spirit Combat Techniques are always the most effective.Unless you are desperate, martial arts and the devil's left hand will not appear.

Although he did not agree to learn Drunken Fist, Xian Wu did not let Huyanba sit idle either. Huyanba has rich fighting experience and is the best teacher.Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and silly practice routines will not make much progress.

"I'm not used to your Lao Shizi six-character five-shaped fist, so I'm still used to drunken fist." Hu Yanba picked up the gourd, raised his head and took a sip of soju. Before Xian Wu could say anything, he suddenly launched an attack.

Drunk arhat, with wide eyes and furious eyes trying to subdue the dragon!
Xian Wu didn't expect that Hu Yanba would not follow martial ethics, so he was hit in the chin by a punch, which hurt so much that his brain almost boiled.

"Old man, you are shameless, you attacked me secretly!" Xian Wu covered his chin and cursed loudly.

Hu Yanba raised his face, opened his mouth, poured the wine into his mouth, then wiped his mouth and said disapprovingly: "You want face? Face is important? When facing the enemy, the most important thing you should do is to try your best. , use all your strength to kill the other party. If you die, no matter how shameless the other party is, no one will know. History is written by the victors, do you understand, kid?"

One general's achievements lead to thousands of bones being withered. I really thought that being the city leader was so easy. If you want to be a leader, you must be sharp-eyed, ruthless, and cruel.

"But, we are obviously competing. You told me before that we should compete in martial arts and spare no effort..." Before Xian Wu could finish speaking, Hu Yanba's hook came again. Xian Wu, who was on guard, leaned back. He dodged, but was kicked in the stomach by Hu Yanba.

Xian Wu sat down on the ground. His black-gold warrior physique protected his tail bone from damage, but his stomach was in severe pain.

Hu Yanba said while drinking: "Yes, I told you to keep your strength but not your hands, but now I want to tell you, don't trust anyone, even the people closest to you. It's difficult to paint a tiger with painted skin. Gu, you know people, faces, but not hearts, boy."

Xian Wu is the future city lord and the future king of the Glory City. The sooner he knows some things, the better.

To be honest, he was very dissatisfied with Xian Wu for having women at home every three days.In his opinion, as the future city lord, what Xian Wu should do most is to stay with Ye Zong and learn how to deal with others, instead of being bored at home all day.

"Old man, have you finished your nagging? It's my turn to fight back." Xian Wu stood up like a carp.

He used the Dragon Hush Fist, which he had the highest proficiency with. His mastery of it was at the fifth level among the ten levels of cultivation, and it was very powerful.

Huyanba rolled his eyes. In his opinion, Xian Wu's self-created fist is just a crop style, which is not good-looking or useful. "Drunk arhat, open your eyebrows and look fiercely to subdue the dragon." Huyanba's language was vague, But Drunken Fist's strength is very domineering.

Drunken Arhat specializes in restraining dragon-type monsters and various boxing and martial arts techniques derived from dragon-type monsters.

With two doors in his hands, Hu Yanba easily broke through Xian Wu's two doors and punched Xian Wu on the chest.

Xian Wu was knocked backwards and his throat felt sweet.

Hu Yanba's punch seemed to trigger some kind of switch in Xian Wu's body. He turned his neck, opened his mouth, and let out an "ouch".

After a back roll and standing up, Xian Wu's eyes were blood red, the beating speed of his heart doubled, and the speed of blood circulation throughout his body also doubled. His exposed skin glowed red, as if he had fallen into the madness of a horned sheep. state.

Xian Wu let out a big "heh", and swung his fist towards Huyanba, the speed of punching suddenly became twice as fast as before.

In the world of martial arts, nothing is invincible, only fast is invincible.

Under Xian Wu's fist attack like a rainstorm, Hu Yanba was suppressed unilaterally, and even the Drunken Crane that restrained the Leopard Fist was useless.Originally Hu Yanba was faster than Xian Wu, but after Xian Wu went crazy, Hu Yanba was much slower than Xian Wu.

The drunken tortoise roared proudly with its iron hooves shaking the universe!
Although Hu Yanba activated a defensive stance, his arm was still painful from Xian Wu's Leopard Fist.

Leopard Fist is famous for its explosive power and destructive power. The faster the speed, the greater the destructive power.

The power of Xian Wu's Leopard Fist after becoming crazy is comparable to the legendary level, and naturally cannot be resisted by the black gold level Hu Yanba.

However, after receiving a beating, Hu Yanba also discovered Xian Wu's weakness.

Madness seems to have affected Xian Wu's sanity, causing him to only attack but not defend.

Moreover, the duration of the mad state is not long, almost a quarter of an hour, and Xian Wu will fall into weakness as soon as the time passes.

"No more fighting, let's take a rest." Feeling soreness and fatigue came over him. Xian Wu felt something was wrong and hurriedly stopped attacking.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Hu Yanba was not happy. He could make a comeback soon. If he stopped now, wouldn't the beating he just received be in vain?Hu Yanba sternly refused: "No, keep fighting."

"I'm informing you, not discussing with you." Xian Wu snorted and released Absolute Zero.

Huyanba couldn't avoid it and was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Although both are black gold peak level demon spiritual masters, Xian Wu's soul power is much higher, only 1 point of soul power is needed to reach the legendary level. Hu Yanba's soul power is still far away from reaching the legendary level. .

Absolute Zero is a demon spirit combat skill that Xian Wu acquired after devouring the first demon spirit, the Snow Demon Emperor. It can emit extremely cold air and freeze all creatures whose soul power is 1 point lower than his own, eliminating the soul power in their bodies. , and freeze them into ice sculptures.

There is a delay in the release of Absolute Zero, so close-range attacks work well, and long-range attacks don't work so well.

Leaving the ice sculpture in the martial arts arena, Xian Wu wiped his sweat with a towel and walked to his room.

"You stinky old man is planning a sneak attack, so I won't tell you about martial arts ethics." Xian Wu muttered and left the martial arts arena.

Not long after Xian Wu left, Jin Dan, who had been kicked away by Hu Yanba, ran back.

At first it didn't recognize the ice sculpture as Huyanba, but when it saw the familiar wine gourd, it remembered it.

The Golden Egg Thief looked around with rat-like eyes and saw no one around. It flapped its small wings and swooped up, landing on Huyanba's bandaged head.Jin Dan frowned and stared, angry at his Dantian, and pooped on the top of Hu Yanba's head.

After rubbing her butt on Huyanba's face, Jindan left in a leisurely manner.

It wasn't until Huyan Lanruo got up late from bed that Huyanba was released.

Seeing the small mosquito-repellent incense on her grandfather's head, Huyan Lanruo secretly snickered. The little guy from Jin Dan finally got his revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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