Chapter 171 Cousin Nie Yu
"What are you talking about~" After hearing Xian Wu's words, Huyan Lanruo let out a sweet scream and pinched the soft flesh on Xian Wu's waist.

The little girl from the Tianhen family does look very similar to her, but she dares to guarantee that her father has never done anything sorry to her mother. Before her mother passed away, her father swore to the law of heaven that he would never live forever. Touch other women again.

"It's okay, why are you pinching me?" Even though Xian Wu was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, he was pinched by Hu Yan Lanruo so much that he grinned.

Huyan Lanruo has never been so angry as she is now. It seems that she is very taboo about others talking nonsense about her family affairs.

"Nie Li, who is that girl to you?" Ye Ziyun asked curiously, is she really okay at such a young age?

Her opponent was a full head taller than her, and with such a huge size difference, the little girl would probably suffer.

Hearing the question from his favorite Ziyun, Nie Li quickly greeted him with a smile and introduced: "Her name is Nie Yu, she is my uncle's child, that is, my sister, um, little cousin. How about, she is a fan Isn’t the jade carving very cute?”

It was obvious that Ziyun liked the little girl Nie Yu very much. When the competition was over, she called her over to let them get to know each other.

Seeing Nie Li's careless look, Ye Ziyun snorted. Doesn't he care about his sister's comfort at all?
Lu Piao, who was sitting in the back row, looked solemn. He crossed his arms and stared at the ring, very worried about Nie Li's sister.

His second brother was very rigid-minded and would never show mercy during martial arts competitions. He would be beaten black and blue every time.

Nie Li's little sister will definitely be severely punished by his second brother, and the foundation of cultivation may be destroyed.

He wanted Nie Li to persuade the Tianhen Family to abstain, but as soon as he spoke, the gong that signaled the start of the game had already sounded.

Du Ze, who was sitting next to Lu Piao, had a strange look in his eyes. He found that Nie Yu's steps were solid, his breathing was natural, his sleeves were automatic without wind, and his aura was stronger than him. His condition was a bit like someone who had just broken through to the gold level. Xiao Ning'er.

Du Ze was shocked, couldn't he, that child was still so young, and he actually broke through to the gold level?How terrible!
Du Ze looked at Nie Li, his heart filled with deep awe.

Nie Li could transform them and naturally train his sister to be extraordinary.

Wei Nan, Zhang Ming and Zhu Junxiang sat obediently behind Lu Piao and Du Ze. Zhu Junxiang's expression was particularly nervous, as if he was his own sister participating in the competition. Although Wei Nan and Zhang Ming were also a little worried, they Not as exaggerated as Zhu Junxiang.

What they don't know is that Zhu Junxiang has a special hobby, which is exactly the opposite of Zhang Ming's geriatric fetish.

"They're moving!" Ouyang Tiantian suddenly screamed, and she shouted with great worry: "Little darling, run away quickly!"

On the ring, Lu Liang, who heard the sound of the gong, started to move. He showed no mercy and rushed to Nie Yu. He whipped out a high whip with great force, carrying the sound of wind and thunder. If he was kicked, , Nie Yu’s little head must be kicked open.

The audience at the venue were so scared that they covered their eyes, fearing that they would see yellow and white things flying everywhere.

What they didn't expect was that Nie Yu came from behind and nimbly dodged Lu Liangfa's high whip leg, and hit Lu Liangfa's crotch with a pink fist. "Crack", and everyone seemed to hear it. There was the sound of eggs breaking.

"Ah!!!" Lu Erfa screamed while clutching his crotch. The severe pain made him kneel on the ground, foaming at the mouth and rolling his eyes.

The referee rushed to the ring, checked Lu's two serves, and declared Nie Yu the winner.

The arena was in an uproar and everyone was stunned. In just one round, Nie Yu defeated Lu Liangfa. Is this a coincidence?Xian Wu felt a chill in his crotch, swallowed his saliva and said, "Nie Li, your sister is too cruel. Who will dare to marry her in the future?"

One punch directly destroys someone's lifeblood, which is too similar to Huyan Lanruo, who killed Ah Huang at the slightest disagreement...

"It doesn't matter if you are cruel, at least her future husband-in-law will not have three wives and four concubines, but will only be devoted to her." Nie Li squinted at Xian Wu.

He didn't want his sister to cry all day long in the future. As long as she was strong enough, her man would not dare to let her down.

The reason Xian Wu was able to have three wives and four concubines was because he was strong enough to control his women.

If Huyan Lanruo was of a higher level and more powerful than Xian Wu, Nie Li didn't believe that she would agree to Xian Wu taking a concubine.

Xian Wu held Huyan Lanruo's waist with his left hand and Ouyang Tiantian's waist with his right hand. He looked at Nie Li and said disapprovingly: "Even if I have three wives and four concubines, I will love every woman fairly and will not let them down. Well, I love them every night.”

A high school classmate whom he disliked once said that love is one in and one out.

He didn't agree with the classmate's statement before, but now he has changed his mind, but he wants to add that love is not just about going in and out, but also about supporting each other, holding hands, growing old together with your children, and never abandoning them.

Of course, in reality, it is mostly the case that "husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes."

However, he has the ability to protect his women. Even if he encounters a situation where he is not capable enough in the future, he will risk his life to protect his women.As long as he is alive and breathing, he will never allow others to bully them.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Ye Ziyun's face turned red and she wanted to leave the table on the spot. If she didn't want to watch Ji You's game, she would definitely leave. "Nie Li, let's change seats. You sit over here." Ye Ziyun stood up.

"Okay, Ziyun~" Nie Li giggled, his face full of tenderness and doting, as if he had become Ye Ziyun's boyfriend.

Although Ye Ziyun is just an ordinary friend with him now, Nie Li believes that she will definitely fall in love with him in the future.

Nie Li sat on the still warm cushion, squinting his eyes, his face filled with happiness.

Seeing Nie Li's crazy look on his face, Xian Wu was speechless. To be honest, Nie Li was a bit of a loser.

Seeing that his second brother had lost, Lu Piao was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground. He was too careless to worry about it.

"Nie Li, don't be complacent. My second brother was just careless and didn't dodge. My eldest brother can't do that. He is a four-star silver demon spiritual master, and with his character, he will go all out when he appears, fighting the lion against the rabbit. Lu Piao thought to himself.

Nie Li spent most of his time training with them, and he didn't know when he had trained his sister to be so strong.

However, the victory must belong to their Lu family.

Lu Piao is very grateful to Nie Li for helping him cultivate, helping him become a Silver Demon Spiritualist, one yard for one yard, and in his heart he still hopes that his family can win.

(End of this chapter)

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