The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 172 Fragrant Spirit Powder

Chapter 172 Ten Fragrance Spirit Powder

The competition in the preliminary round of the Genius War was very fierce, and the talented elites from all the major families tried their best to compete with each other.

The surrounding stands were filled with deafening cheers, cheers, and noisy sounds that spread throughout the glorious city.

The gambling in the preliminary round made the Holy Family a lot of money, and several battles were upset.

The most surprising thing was the competition between the Tianhen family and the Lu family. I thought that the Tianhen family would be completely defeated, but I didn't expect that the Lu family was overthrown by a little girl of about ten years old from the Tianhen family.

The entire audience at the West Martial Arts Arena in the city was talking about the little girl from the Tianhen family, and some families even wanted to arrange a baby marriage.

Lu Piao's expression was ugly, as if he had eaten a dead fly. He didn't expect that the Lu family would lose, and they lost so ugly.

His eldest brother Lu summoned the demon spirit with every move and unleashed his special move. However, he still lost to Nie Li's sister Nie Yu. It was outrageous.

It's not that one family doesn't stay in the same house, it's that everyone in Nie Li's family is a monster.

Lu Piao no longer dared to be hostile to Nie Li. He believed that Brother Nie would have eternal life. As long as he hugged Nie Li's thigh, he could become a monster genius like Nie Yu. "Brother Li, are you thirsty? I'll buy you some fruit to eat." Lu Piao said flatteringly.

"Go ahead, take this with you, exchange the money, and buy more blue bananas. Ziyun likes to eat that." Nie Li handed the note given by Xian Wu to Lu Piao, and then waved his hand. There was a quarrel between the brothers. Don't take it to heart.

He is not angry with Lu Piao. Lu Piao is still a child. It is understandable that he is young and enthusiastic. If he is not angry, can he still be called a young man?
"Brother Wu, sisters-in-law, I'll buy whatever you like to eat." Lu Piao turned to ask Xian Wu's family of three.

"Buy ten pounds of the same thing and bring it back for everyone to choose from." Xian Wu handed Lu Piao an empty space ring.

"Okay." Lu Piao walked away in a hurry.

Du Ze shook his head speechlessly. Lu Piao was so heartless. His own family members were beaten like that, yet he still had the mood to sell fruit. "Lu Piao, if you can, bring back some candied haws of sugar!" Du Ze stood up and shouted.

Xian Wu tilted his head slightly and smiled. Du Ze and Lu Piao had been hanging out for a long time, and their personalities had become much more cheerful.

In the past, Du Ze was always bitter and resentful, lifeless, like an old man of several decades.

The preliminaries ended and the semi-finals began, with the seven wealthy families and the Holy Family participating in the battle.

Xian Wu was more concerned about the Winged Dragon Family, which was Xiao Ning'er's family. He hadn't seen Xiao Ning'er for a long time and to be honest, he missed her a little.

Huyan Lanruo cares more about her natal family, the Huyan family, while Ouyang Tiantian cares more about her natal family, the Hongyue family.

There are twelve aristocratic families participating in the semi-finals, seven wealthy families, and one peak family, for a total of twenty families.

The Winged Dragon Family faced off against an aristocratic family in the rematch, and the Winged Dragon Family won without Xiao Ning'er's appearance.

Shen Ning of the sacred family is a silver five-star demon spirit master, and he can match three geniuses from the opponent's noble family by himself.

The Huyan Family faced off against the Hongyue Family, and the two sides fought from the bottom of the stage to the stage. If Xian Wu hadn't charmed the two of them, Huyan Lanruo and Ouyang Tiantian would probably still be pulling each other's hair.In the end, the Huyan family won with a slight advantage.

The Yang family, the eldest daughter of Yang Xin, was eliminated in the first rematch. The Yang family were all muscular men who practiced martial arts and would suffer a lot against demon spiritual masters. Moreover, the Yang family's opponent was the Tianhen family where Nie Li belonged.

Nie Yu, the little devil girl, specializes in attacking the vital points of those muscular men, making them run in circles around the ring.

The Holy Family, the Winged Dragon Family, the Huyan Family, the Tianhen Family and the other six families advanced to the tenth finals.Unfortunately, the Winged Dragon Family faced off against the Tianhen Family.

Xiao Yunfeng looked at Xiao Ning'er who was sitting cross-legged in the stands of the Winged Dragon Family, and asked worriedly, "Ning'er, how is your recovery?"

In the morning, the maid discovered that Xiao Ning'er had knocked over the teapot and fainted on the ground.

After being diagnosed by the family doctor, Xiao Ning'er was hit by Shixiang Spirit Transformation Powder. Her soul power was completely transformed and she fainted.

Such a big event happened before departure, and Xiao Yunfeng was so anxious that he almost got angry.

"Kankan has recovered to one star of silver..." Xiao Ning'er smiled bitterly. The refining speed of the Soul Condensing Pill was too slow.

At the current speed, it would take at least a week or so for her to regain all her soul power.

Xiao Yunfeng's brows knitted into a knot, and he cursed angrily: "You damn thief, I, Xiao Yunfeng, provoked you, and you want to harm my daughter! Ning'er, don't be afraid, even if we lose the battle between geniuses, dad will not Let you marry someone you don’t like.”

Xiao Yunfeng held Xiao Ning'er's shoulders with a firm expression.

He guessed that the bastards from the Holy Family must have given the drug to his precious daughter. They were afraid that the Pterodactyl Family would win and then break off the engagement with them.Is a loser like Shen Fei worthy of marrying his precious daughter?Go ahead and daydream about your holy family.

If the Holy Family forced him to do so, he would betroth Xiao Ning'er to Xian Wu, and it would be a life-or-death affair.

Xian Wu is the future city lord of Glorious City appointed by Lord Ye Mo. He is hundreds of times more powerful than the useless Shen Fei.

Moreover, his little cotton-padded jacket seems to have that kind of meaning for Xian Wu. Otherwise, how could she get so drunk alone at Xian Wu's wedding banquet? You know, she never drank alcohol before.

Although marrying into the Haozhen family is to be a concubine, as long as Ning'er is willing, he, the father, will not stop her.

"Father..." Xiao Ning'er felt warm after hearing Xiao Yunfeng's words. This was the first time she felt her father's concern for her. She had only received indifference and harsh criticism since she was a child.

Xiao Ning'er stood up, straightened her appearance, and then faced Xiao Yunfeng and said: "Father, don't worry, I will definitely let our pterosaur family win the genius battle championship. You wait for me, I will come as soon as I go, and I will definitely recover." Soul power!"

After saying that, Xiao Ning'er left the seat of the Winged Dragon Family, took lotus steps, and disappeared into the crowd.

"Master, where is Ning'er's niece?" Xiao Yi came back from going to the toilet and found that Xiao Ning'er was missing, and immediately asked anxiously.

Xiao Yunfeng frowned and said with a livid face: "Don't worry, Ning'er is going to find a way to restore her soul power."

"Where have you gone?" Xiao Yi asked.

Xiao Yunfeng shook his head and pointed towards the stands: "I don't know. You can ask her when she comes back. Now it's time for you to return to the ring. Our Pterodactyl Family's game is about to begin."

On the ring, Nie Yu pinched her waist and stood proudly independent. Although her face was tender, no one dared to underestimate her strength.

Xiao Zhan, who appeared in the Winged Dragon Family, was seriously injured in the previous battle. Before the battle started, he had already lost his fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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