The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 173 Ning'er kisses

Chapter 173 Ning'er kisses
In the morning, the sun was scorching and the venomous sunshine shone on the earth. Although the spectators were sweating profusely from the sun, their enthusiasm for watching the game did not diminish at all.Vendors carried cold water, melons and fruits on their backs and began to sell them, and white awnings were set up on the viewing seats of major aristocratic families.

At the seats of the Haozhen family, everyone was holding a bunch of iced wild pineapples, gnawing with gusto, making the nearby audience swallow their saliva.Xian Wu was not stingy and gave one to each of the children.

There was a copper basin next to him. The basin was filled with square pieces of ice, and the wild pineapples Lu Piao bought were soaked in it.

Wisps of white cool air rose up from the basin. Just by looking at it, most of Ye Ziyun and the others' summer heat had dissipated.

"Husband, you are awesome~" Hu Yan Lanruo's eyes were as charming as silk, she put her arms around Xian Wu's neck and kissed him, making his face sticky.

Xian Wu didn't feel dissatisfied and stretched out his left hand to remove the stains on his face.

He used to always make Huyan Lanruo dirty, and now it was Huyan Lanruo's turn to make him dirty. It was really reincarnation, no one would be spared.

"Husband..." Ouyang Tiantian followed suit, and Xian Wu quickly raised his hand to cover her mouth.

Everyone in the public should pay attention to their own image, okay?
Ye Ziyun poked her head out curiously and asked, "Xian Wu, how did you create ice cubes out of thin air?"

Even if she practiced the "Nine Revolutions of Ice Phoenix Art" and merged with the Ice Queen's demon spirit, she could only condense a piece of ice the size of a thumb.

And Xian Wu waved his hand, and the ice cubes fell into the basin with clatter like hail. Could it be the difference in soul power?
"Zi Yun, Xian Wu used the demon spirit combat skills of Snow Wind Demon Emperor." Before Xian Wu could speak, Nie Li explained for him first.

Soul power itself cannot freeze water, but it can freeze water through the intermediate medium of demon spirit combat skills.

Hearing Nie Li's explanation, Ye Ziyun was thoughtful. She bit her lip and asked, "Does the Ice Queen have the same combat skills?"

At present, she has only developed the Snow Queen's "Snowstorm" combat skill, which uses herself as the center to form a blizzard tornado. The effect in battle is okay, but it is of little use in daily life. She can only build snowmen and have snowball fights.

I haven’t had a snowball fight in a long time. After Xiao Ning’er left her, no one had a snowball fight with her anymore.

Before Nie Li could answer Ye Ziyun's question, a graceful figure ran over in a hurry.

After seeing clearly who was coming, Du Ze took out a chilled wild pineapple from the copper basin, stood up, and wanted to hand it over.

However, before he could take action, Lu Piao snatched the wild pineapple and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You bastard..." Du Ze grabbed Lu Piao's collar angrily.

Seeing the panting person, Xian Wu was a little surprised and asked doubtfully: "Ning'er, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Ning'er hugged Xian Wu's face and kissed her lips with a very awkward kiss.

Xian Wu's wild pineapple fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. For a moment, everyone around him was stunned.

Du Ze let go of Lu Piao and sat down on the steps dejectedly. He was being sentimental again.

Ye Ziyun's little cherry mouth opened wide, as if she could fit a whole wild pineapple in.Ning'er, you actually gave Xian Wu the first kiss that was supposed to be mine. It makes me so sad, woo woo...

"What are you doing? Stop talking!" Hu Yan Lanruo was the first to come to his senses and pushed Xiao Ning'er away, "You woman has no respect for herself and you dare to tease my husband in broad daylight. Watch for a beating!" Huyan Lanruo stood up and raised her palm.

Xiao Ning'er knew she was ignoring him and shrank her neck in fear. "Stop!" Xian Wu grabbed Huyan Lanruo's wrist, stopped her subsequent actions, and pulled her to sit on the steps.

Xian Wu licked his sore lips, asked Xiao Ning'er to sit next to him, and asked patiently: "Ning'er, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you? Tell me and I will avenge you!"

It was impossible for Xiao Ning'er to kiss her for no reason. Based on her understanding of this girl, she was not a loose and frivolous person.

She must have had no choice but to do it for some reason.

Xiao Ning'er didn't speak, just covered her face and sobbed.

"Miss Ning'er, don't cry. If you have anything to say, your husband and we will help you." Ouyang Tiantian handed over a clean handkerchief to wipe Xiao Ning'er's tears.The scene just now really scared her.

Even though she was welcomed and sent to the Red Moon Auction House, met by countless people, and her face was honed, she still couldn't do anything like kissing a married man in public. It was too frivolous and wanton.

What Ouyang Tiantian was thinking was also what other people around him were thinking. They were talking about it and buzzing like flies.

After being promoted to the black gold level, Xian Wu's hearing was extremely sharp. When he heard all kinds of unpleasant words, Xian Wu became angry.

"That's enough!" Xian Wu stood up and said, with a roar that shocked the whole audience, "Xiao Ning'er is my fiancée, what's wrong with kissing me? Is it your turn to make irresponsible remarks? Shut up all of you." Bad mouth."

After saying that, Xian Wu raised his hand and used "absolute zero" to freeze a chattering middle-aged man into an ice sculpture.

"Whoever dares to talk too much will end up like him!"

Seeing the wretched man who was frozen into an ice sculpture, the people around him were silent for a moment. It was no joke to anger a black gold demon spiritual master, and Xian Wu was also the godson of the city lord Ye Zong, so he couldn't afford to offend him if he was rich and powerful.

After getting rid of the annoying flies, Xian Wu sat back on the steps. Under the murderous eyes of Hu Yan Lanruo and Shen Fei, he held Xiao Ning'er in his arms and comforted her in a soft voice: "Don't cry Ning'er, what's the matter with Wu?" Brother said, Brother Wu will definitely make the decision for you."

"Brother Wu, 嘤嘤嘤..." After hearing Xian Wu's words, Xiao Ning'er crawled into Xian Wu's arms and cried even more sadly.

Next door to the viewing seats of the Haozhen family, Shen Fei's forehead was green. Looking at Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er hugging each other, he gritted his teeth with hatred: "Xiao Ning'er, you bitch, how dare you do it in front of me? Face and that dog Xian Wu..."

Before Shen Fei could finish his swear words, a burst of white air hit him instantly, freezing him into an ice sculpture.

Looking at the cold Shen Fei, Shen Ming's eyes twitched, and she felt secretly bitter in her heart: "Xian Wu actually hooked up with Xiao Ning'er, so this genius battle was not arranged in vain, and Miss Shen Xiu didn't lose her virginity in vain. ?"

In the final battle of geniuses, Xian Wu would definitely let Xiao Ning'er win on purpose and help Xiao Ning'er break off their engagement.

How to do how to do!If the Holy Family loses the game, he will definitely be severely punished by the head of the family, Shen Hong.

Damn it, why didn't he expect that Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er were having an affair!

On the ring, Nie Yu came to his senses from the roar just now, grabbed Xiao Zhan by the collar, and threw him off the ring like a sack.

Nie Yu clapped his little hands, looked at the stands in confusion, and exclaimed in his heart: "The roar just now was so domineering, I really want to have a good fight with him."

(End of this chapter)

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