The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 180 The God of Thunder Comes to the World

Chapter 180 The God of Thunder Comes to the World
In search of wealth and wealth, in order to obtain the black gold demon spirit, to become a black gold demon spiritual master, and to change his destiny, Shen Xiao made a desperate move.

After swallowing two demon spirit strengthening pills, Shen Xiao's whole body emitted powerful fluctuations of soul power, like an angry wave breaking a dike.

"Dragon Flame Holy Pillar!!!" Shen Xiao looked up to the sky and roared, and the black flames seemed to have life, spreading in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, black flames covered three-quarters of the arena, and the tornado was instantly burned by the black flames.

After taking two demon spirit strengthening pills, Shen Xiao's combat effectiveness suddenly increased to the golden four-star level.

Although Xiao Ning'er is already a black gold demon spiritual master, her soul power has been consumed a lot after many battles.Especially the tornado she summoned consumes her soul power every moment, so that her current soul power is comparable to Shen Xiao's.

In the face of Shen Xiao's fierce attack, Xiao Ning'er did not choose to face it head-on, but stepped on two small whirlwinds and flew high into the sky.

"Shen Xiao's enhanced state won't last long, and he will soon run out of energy." Xiao Ning'er thought to herself.

She is the daughter of a wealthy family. She is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable, so she naturally knows the pros and cons of the demon spirit strengthening pill.

As long as she could avoid Shen Xiao's fierce attack, she would definitely win.

"Don't even think about running away!" Shen Xiao roared hysterically, and black flames all over the arena rose into the sky, forming square prisms.

Although the contestants are allowed to fly in the Genius Battle, they are not allowed to fly outside the ring. If they leave, they will automatically lose.

Therefore, facing Shen Xiao's large-scale attack, Xiao Ning'er could only speed up her flight speed and escape quickly.

The black square prisms were like maggots attached to bones, like a huge black curtain, instantly wrapping Xiao Ning'er.

Although Xiao Ning'er immediately used the wind mask to protect her body, the intense high temperature still made her groan.

The Thunder Demon Wind Weasel is a monster with high attack but low imitation. The power of the instant soul flame can only be severely damaged by gold-level Ren Jiu.

Shen Xiao risked his life and used all his firepower. The power of the Dragon Flame Holy Pillar was four to five times more powerful than before. The raging flames burned the sky and destroyed the earth.

"Poof!" Xiao Ning'er spat out a mouthful of blood, and her wind film protective clothing was distorted and deformed by the burning flames.

The air inside the wind membrane was boiling and expanding due to the high temperature. If she hadn't used her soul power to suppress it, the wind membrane would have burst.

"Admit defeat, Xiao Ning'er. You can be proud of yourself for being able to push me to this point." Shen Xiao lacked stamina and began to persuade him to surrender.

The Dragon Flame Holy Pillar's attack range is extremely wide and its attack power is extremely powerful, but it also consumes a huge amount of soul power.

Xiao Ning'er clenched her silver teeth and snorted angrily: "I, Xiao Ning'er, will never surrender even if I die, and I will never marry Shen Fei even if I die!"

There is no other way, I originally wanted to save the trick until the end, but now I have to use it in this situation.

Shen Fei, the only member of the Holy Family who did not play, was in the worst state and could knock him down with just one hand.

Upon thinking of this, Xiao Ning'er no longer hesitated and directly released her ultimate move.

"The God of Thunder is coming!!!" Xiao Ning'er shouted, and countless blue-purple thunder lights scattered from her delicate body.

At the same time, the thunder and lightning rubbed and collided with each other, making noisy bird calls, as if millions of birds were gathering together.

The thunder ball fell with a crash and hit Shen Xiao directly.

Sensing the breath of death coming from the thunder ball, Shen Xiao didn't dare to catch it, scattered the Dragon Flame Sacred Pillar, and fled resolutely.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ning'er's Thunder God's Incarnation attack range is extremely wide, four times that of the Dragon Flame Sacred Pillar.

Even if Shen Xiao jumped off the ring, he could not escape the fate of being struck by lightning.

"Boom!!!" The God of Thunder came to the world, and countless barrel-thick thunder lights scattered in all directions, like ferocious blue pythons.The side effects of the Demon Spirit Strengthening Pill took effect, Longyan Owl Eagle was directly reimbursed, and Shen Xiao was at the end of his strength.

"Ah!!!" Shen Xiao was hit in the back by thunder, and his whole body was electrocuted so much that his skeleton was exposed.

Xiao Ning'er simply has a kind heart. Although she hates the Holy Family, she doesn't like killing people.

If Xiao Ning'er hadn't stopped immediately, Shen Xiao would have been electrocuted into a ball of black coke and dispersed in the wind.

Although Shen Xiao escaped death, his condition was not optimistic. His hair and clothes were turned to ashes by the electricity, and his skin was also burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

What was even worse was that the arena where the two fought was first burned by Shen Xiao's Dragon Flame Holy Pillar, and then was electrocuted by Xiao Ning'er's Thunder God Coming to the World.

Today's arena is devastated, scarred and cracked like a spider web, and it looks like it is no longer usable.

After the referee checked Shen Xiao's condition, he declared Xiao Ning'er the winner.

Soon, Shen Xiao was carried off on a stretcher by the Holy Family. Compared with his injuries, Shen Ning's injuries in the last game were considered minor.

After a cup of tea, the final game of the talent battle begins.

Shen Ming walked up to Xian Wu with a sad face and begged in a low voice: "Uncle, I'm sorry to trouble you for the last game."

The relationship between Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er is unusual. If you think about it with your toes, you will know that Xian Wu will deliberately let Xiao Ning'er win.

He had brought the genius war to this point, and after returning to the Holy Family, he would definitely not be able to escape the fate of being punished.

What's even worse is that he has crippled the two geniuses of the Holy Family, and Shen Hong will definitely execute him.

"Leave it to me." Xian Wu said calmly.

Since Shen Xiu agreed to participate in the genius battle, he would naturally not break his promise and would go all out.

However, he did not plan to use force with Xiao Ning'er, as that would be too bullying. He planned to use a competition method that had the best of both worlds.

Shen Ming reminded: "Uncle, you are recognized as the number one genius in the entire Glory City. If you lose to Xiao Ning'er, she will step on you on the first day. I'm afraid this will have an impact on your future succession as city lord. You should think twice before you act.”

Shen Ming didn't know if his sowing discord had any effect, but the headquarters did nothing and waited for Qiang to die.

"That's a question! How about Deacon Shen Ming come in person?" Xian Wu frowned after hearing Shen Ming's words.

This Shen Ming has no abilities, but does a lot of shit.

If Shen Xiu hadn't been very cooperative last night and did whatever she was asked to do, she wouldn't have agreed to participate in some bullshit genius competition.

Shen Ming choked up at Xian Wu's words and quickly closed her mouth without saying anything.

Soon, the rest time ended, and the players from both sides entered the field.

In the new arena, Xiao Ning'er and Xian Wu met.

Xiao Ning'er looked at Xian Wu across from him in disbelief. She was greatly shocked in her heart. She murmured and asked, "Brother Wu, you...why did you come up here? Where are the people from the Holy Family?"

The audience was all in disbelief. Just now Xian Wu punished them to protect Xiao Ning'er, why are the two fighting now?

"I'm sorry Ning'er. Due to some special reasons, I am participating in the war on behalf of the Holy Family." Xian Wu smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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